Using AI with Structured Prompts: A Guide to Enhanced Productivity

oussama errafif - Jun 26 - - Dev Community

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the way we interact with AI systems is becoming increasingly sophisticated. To maximize the potential of AI tools, it’s crucial to use well-structured prompts. Structured prompts not only help in obtaining precise and actionable outputs but also streamline the communication process with AI systems. Here, we explore eight effective prompt structures that can enhance your interaction with AI: TREF, SCET, PECRA, GRADE, ROSES, STAR, SOAR, and SMART.

TREF (Task, Requirement, Expectation, Format)

TREF helps in clearly defining the task, setting requirements, outlining expectations, and specifying the format for AI outputs.


  • Task: Write a report
  • Requirement: Minimum 2000 words
  • Expectation: Cover the latest market trends in renewable energy
  • Format: Use APA style for citations and include a table of contents

Usage with AI:
When using TREF, clearly define the task you want the AI to perform. Specify any requirements, such as word count or specific details to include. Outline your expectations for the output, and finally, mention the format in which you need the information. This structured approach ensures the AI generates a detailed and properly formatted report.

SCET (Situation, Complication, Expectation, Task)

SCET is ideal for problem-solving scenarios by providing context and focusing on delivering targeted solutions.


  • Situation: The sales team is facing a decline in customer engagement
  • Complication: Recent changes in market dynamics and increased competition
  • Expectation: Identify key issues and propose solutions
  • Task: Prepare a detailed analysis report

Usage with AI:
SCET prompts are ideal for problem-solving scenarios. By describing the current situation and any complications, you provide context for the AI. Setting clear expectations and tasks helps the AI focus on delivering targeted solutions and analyses.

PECRA (Purpose, Expectation, Context, Request, Action)

PECRA is effective for making specific requests by outlining the purpose, expectations, context, and specific actions required.


  • Purpose: Improve team collaboration
  • Expectation: Increase project efficiency and reduce miscommunication
  • Context: Current collaboration tools are outdated
  • Request: Recommend new collaboration software
  • Action: Evaluate top 3 tools and provide a comparative analysis

Usage with AI:
PECRA is effective for making specific requests. By outlining the purpose, expectations, context, and specific requests, you guide the AI to perform thorough research and provide actionable insights or recommendations.

GRADE (Goal, Request, Action, Detail, Examples)

GRADE prompts are useful for setting clear goals and providing detailed instructions to ensure comprehensive responses.


  • Goal: Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Request: Implement a new feedback system
  • Action: Research and select suitable software
  • Detail: Ensure it integrates with our CRM
  • Examples: Look into SurveyMonkey, Typeform, and Google Forms

Usage with AI:
GRADE prompts are useful for setting clear goals and providing detailed instructions. By specifying the goal, making a request, detailing the required actions, and giving examples, you ensure the AI’s response is comprehensive and aligned with your objectives.

ROSES (Role, Objective, Scenario, Expected Solution, Steps)

ROSES is beneficial for project management and planning by defining roles, objectives, scenarios, and detailing expected solutions and steps.


  • Role: Project Manager
  • Objective: Launch new product successfully
  • Scenario: Tight deadline with limited resources
  • Expected Solution: Efficient resource allocation and time management
  • Steps: Outline tasks, assign responsibilities, set milestones

Usage with AI:
ROSES is beneficial for project management and planning. By defining roles, objectives, and scenarios, and detailing expected solutions and steps, you enable the AI to generate a structured plan that aligns with project requirements.

STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result)

STAR prompts are excellent for performance reviews and storytelling by outlining situations, tasks, actions taken, and results achieved.


  • Situation: Declining website traffic
  • Task: Improve SEO
  • Action: Conduct keyword research and optimize content
  • Result: Increased traffic by 30% over three months

Usage with AI:
STAR prompts are excellent for performance reviews and storytelling. By outlining the situation, task, actions taken, and results achieved, you help the AI provide detailed and relevant insights or summaries.

SOAR (Situation, Objective, Action, Result)

SOAR focuses more on objectives, making it effective for strategic planning and evaluations.


  • Situation: High employee turnover
  • Objective: Increase retention rate
  • Action: Implement employee engagement programs
  • Result: Reduced turnover by 20% in six months

Usage with AI:
SOAR is similar to STAR but focuses more on objectives. This structure is effective for strategic planning and evaluations, guiding the AI to deliver focused results based on clear objectives.

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

SMART is a well-known framework for setting clear and achievable goals by defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives.


  • Specific: Increase email newsletter subscribers
  • Measurable: Add 500 new subscribers
  • Achievable: Through targeted marketing campaigns
  • Relevant: Aligns with overall marketing strategy
  • Time-bound: Within the next three months

Usage with AI:
SMART is a well-known framework for setting clear and achievable goals. By defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives, you ensure the AI provides practical and goal-oriented responses.


Using structured prompts like TREF, SCET, PECRA, GRADE, ROSES, STAR, SOAR, and SMART can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your interactions with AI. These frameworks provide clear guidelines and expectations, ensuring that the AI delivers precise and actionable outputs. Whether you’re managing a project, conducting research, or setting strategic goals, leveraging these prompt structures will help you harness the full potential of AI technology.

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