Top 50 Linux commands for DevOps

Le Vuong - Feb 9 - - Dev Community

Here are 50 commonly used Linux commands in DevOps:

  • ls - List directory contents
  • cd - Change directory
  • pwd - Print working directory
  • mkdir - Make directory
  • rm - Remove files or directories
  • cp - Copy files or directories
  • mv - Move or rename files or directories
  • touch - Create an empty file or update timestamps
  • cat - Concatenate and display file contents
  • grep - Search for patterns in files
  • find - Search for files and directories
  • chmod - Change file permissions
  • chown - Change file ownership
  • ps - Display information about running processes
  • top - Display system processes in real-time
  • kill - Terminate processes by PID or name
  • df - Display disk space usage
  • du - Display file and directory disk usage
  • tar - Create or extract compressed archives
  • gzip - Compress or decompress files
  • wget - Download files from the internet
  • curl - Transfer data to or from a server
  • ssh - Secure Shell for remote access
  • scp - Securely copy files between hosts
  • rsync - Synchronize files and directories between hosts
  • systemctl - Control system services (systemd)
  • journalctl - Query and display system logs
  • ifconfig - Display network interface information
  • netstat - Display network connections, routing tables, and more
  • traceroute - Trace the route packets take to a destination
  • ping - Send ICMP echo requests to test network connectivity
  • hostname - Display or set the system's hostname
  • uname - Display system information
  • date - Display or set the system date and time
  • who - Display information about logged-in users
  • whoami - Display the current username
  • id - Display user and group information
  • sudo - Execute commands with superuser privileges
  • su - Switch to another user account
  • history - Display command history
  • tail - Display the end of files
  • head - Display the beginning of files
  • less - View file contents interactively
  • vi or vim - Text editor for editing files
  • nano - Simple text editor
  • echo - Display text or variables
  • awk - Text processing tool for pattern scanning and processing
  • sed - Stream editor for text manipulation
  • cut - Extract sections from lines of files
  • sort - Sort lines of text files

These commands are essential for managing and troubleshooting Linux systems in a DevOps environment.

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