Docker personal notes

pawan deore - Jan 5 '23 - - Dev Community


dependency don't work well together
also you don't know which version is compatible with which one

things works on 1 machine but doesn't work on others machine

starting development easier and fast instead of spending time on configuring project


docker (containerization of things)

Container - you can share this thing, it works on host OS
VM - have their own guest OS

Images: a template used to build a container

Containers: run-time instance of docker image

Docker file: contains the commands required to assemble an image

Docker Hub: place to host your images and share (Public)

Daemon: a process docker'd listens to events and managers, images, containers, networks, volumes

Registry: Stateless highly scalable server side app that stores and let s you distribute docker images (Private)

Docker compose - start and stop service on one machine
Swarm - start and stop services across multiple (like a Kubernetes)

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