How Should Enterprises Perform Cross-Browser Testing?

Ronika Kashyap - Sep 25 - - Dev Community

Post covid 19, the internet was the only way to stay connected with the outside world prompting organizations to establish their online presence via an application or website to avoid becoming lost in the market due to heavy competition.

Before a website or app is ready for release, enterprises need to be sure of its functionality, accessibility, smooth user experience, design, responsiveness, etc., on various browsers and why so

Suppose a user lands on your website. The components of the website like buttons, images, signup form, and menu bar are all scattered over his screen. He might get discomforted by the view. At first, he might think that something is wrong with his network connection or system, but later, he will be sure of the problem with your website.

Because of poor user experience, your potential customer now will hop on to your competitor’s website providing similar kinds of services and benefits.

Hence, Enterprises should perform cross-browser testing to ensure that the application or website is available for users without any unpleasant experience on various browsers. It aids in maintaining their online presence and reputation.

Following are some prerequisites for testing the browser compatibility of your website or app.

  1. Different browsers
  2. Operating systems
  3. Devices
  4. Tester
  5. Platforms

There are various aspects to be considered while performing cross-browser testing for an enterprise.

With the means of this article, let’s discuss how an enterprise should perform cross-browser testing.

Methods for Cross-Browser Testing for Enterprises

Enterprises must have a strategic procedure before testing websites on different platforms. The method should include selecting the right tools, reporting mechanisms, device labs, etc.

Listed below is an efficient method for cross-browser testing.

1. Develop a Method for Cross-Browser Testing
There are two ways to perform cross-browser testing – Manually or Automated.

Manual testing is time-consuming and very impractical. Testing a website or web app on all possible browsers, OS, and device combinations is ridiculous.

In this ever-growing world, no way an enterprise executing manual tests will be able to compete with others in the market.

However, automating cross-browser testing with an automation testing tool is comparatively cost-effective and beneficial.

It just does not optimize the entire testing process but also aids in the rapid deployment of changes on the website or web app.

So as per our recommendation, the best method for an enterprise is automated cross-browser testing.

Different kinds of automation testing tools are available in the market. The best-suited tool that will meet all your requirements is TestGrid which supports both – manual and automated.

2. Select a Cloud-Based Service for Automated Testing
Having an automated testing tool is not enough, enterprises further need to decide on an in-house device lab or a cloud-based service.

Setting up an on-premise solution is a possible solution but not a practical one.

Because the cost will increase exponentially due to the reasons –

  • > Hardware setup
  • > Purchase of licensed OS
  • > Tech team to operate the established system
  • > Recovery cost in case of a failure
  • > Maintenance and power supply
  • > Security

In addition, some machines will often be idle.

The benefit of a cloud-based service is, that you will have all the advantages of an in-house device setup but on a remote system. All you need is a stable internet connection to connect with the tool.

Cloud-based services work on the PAYG model, i.e., Pay as you go, which means you pay only for what you are utilizing. It is an on-demand service that can be customized based on your requirement.

Enterprises should consider a cloud-based automation testing tool over hardware setup. A cloud-based service reduces all previously mentioned costs.

3. Choose an Online Cloud-Based Platform
A platform plays a vital role in cross-browser testing. It can be virtual, like emulators/simulators or a device lab.

Emulators and simulators are virtual mobile environments to run your tests. Apart from the advantage of cost-effectiveness and readily obtainable, emulators and simulators are not a suitable platform to test on.

Because in a virtual mobile device, the performance validation results are highly unreliable and cannot replicate different hardware configurations.

On the other hand, the On-premise device lab produces reliable results and is scalable, but the setup is costly.

As of now, due to frequent updates of browsers and other dependable technology, a cloud-based automation testing tool can be considered a practical choice.

An ideal cross-browser testing platform for Enterprises should have the following features:

  1. Scalable – number of browsers and OS combinations can easily be incremented or decremented.

  2. Flexible enough to customize for customers’ future requirements.

  3. Highly secure

  4. Support various combinations of browsers, OS, and devices resolution and configurations.

  5. Allow parallel test executions

  6. Integrate with CI/CD pipelines

  7. Support united frameworks

  8. Easy to use, less or no code required.

  9. Generate testing reports

Deciding on a suitable cloud-based platform is an important step for any enterprise.

Read also: Automate for Continuous Delivery with Cross Browser Testing

4. A Cross-Browser Tool with Maximum Integrations
During the development of an app or website, teams use various tools for different purposes.

If a cross-browser testing tool can integrate with other tools, it will help in reducing teams’ efforts and time.

On finding a bug, the tester will use more or less the following tools depending on the scope of the project.

  1. Jira – To log and track a defect.
  2. Selenium – To create automated test scripts
  3. IDEs – To execute test scripts
  4. Slack or Microsoft teams – To integrate reports

A Cross-browser testing platform that provides integrations with all these software and other third-party tools like TestComplete, SauceLabs, etc., is required to smooth out the testing and cut time.

Hence, at the time of choosing, the integration capability of a platform should be kept in mind.

5. Reporting Analysis
Analyzing reports is a crucial step for developers and testers. It should be an easy task.

The advantage of a quality report is directly visible in testing and development teams. It aids in a better understanding of the application and improves the development process.

A well-generated report is essential to understand the pain points of an application or website. These pain points can result in major issues if not identified and resolved timely.

A testing report should include test cases, execution, testing mechanism, and coverage details. It should lay out the defect count and the total number of executed, passed, failed, and skipped test cases.

The report can present the analysis in the form of charts, graphs, screenshots, and log files. Recorded videos while executing tests is a feature that many cross-browser testing tools provide.

Hence, an enterprise should choose a platform that provides a better reporting mechanism.

Important Features for Enterprise Cross-Browser Testing

Now that you have a basic understanding of the method for cross-browser testing from the previous section. You must have observed that a platform is very crucial for each step.

Enterprises should look for a variety of important features in a cross-browser testing tool.

Let’s discuss those individually here in this section.

A cross-browser testing tool should be flexible to change as per customers’ dynamic requirements. Customers should be able to either update themselves or ask for the removal or addition of browsers whenever there is a need. It helps in cost optimization.

For example, as an enterprise, if you want to test your application on 5 browsers rather than 10, you should have that option available. You can pay as per usage.

The tool should be compatible with the defined browser matrix in combination with different OS and devices. In addition, it should be able to make room for new updates of browsers.

Real Device and Browser Cloud:

A Cross-browser testing tool for enterprises, supported by real physical devices and browsers built on cloud infrastructure is highly reliable. It can scale as your testing requirement increases.

Think of it as your own in-house device lab at a remote location managed by experts.

As an enterprise, you can execute a huge number of tests on a scale. These tools are of great use for meeting early deadlines of releases.

If a tool supports a scalable real device and browser cloud, it can stand out in the market.

A tool that provides a cloud service for physical devices and a browser matrix should consider minimal latency and response time as its priority to have a competitive advantage.

Parallel Test Execution:
An enterprise-level cross-browser testing tool should facilitate parallel test execution. Because running tests one at a time is quite time-consuming and demands a lot of effort from the QA team.

On the other hand, parallel cross-browser testing allows executing multiple test cases at a point in time across different combinations of browsers, devices, OS, etc.

For example, if you have to run regression tests on the application or website from scratch on each browser and OS combination sequentially, how much time will it take?

However, consider how much easier your life will be if you can run the same tests under similar circumstances and at the same time.

Testing parallelly also provides better monitoring of the testing results of the application across browsers.

24×7 support:
A strong technical support team to resolve all client’s queries always helps in customer retention. Also, this is a great way to get feedback from your customer and improve.

Following are some ways in which organizations provide customer support-

  • AI-enabled Chatbot
  • Over a phone call
  • Via mail
  • Dedicated In-app support.

Enterprise-Grade Security:
With increased cybercrimes, security is a prime concern of any enterprise.

As per Cisco/Cybersecurity venture 2022 Cybersecurity Almanac, the cost of cybercrime expects to hit $10.4 trillion by 2025.

A single attack may put a company’s operations on hold for one year. Dealing with cybercrime is so expensive that it can swiftly put any thriving enterprise out of business.

Hence, a cross-browser testing tool should enable enterprise-grade security to avoid security issues. Your data should be preserved and secured at any cost. It is impossible to overestimate the relevance of cloud security in a testing tool.

Single Sign-On
In a cloud-based tool, enterprises should look for a Single Sign-On feature to test the compatibility of web apps or websites on various browsers and adhere to security. Single Sign-On is a feature that enables employees of an enterprise to login into all their applications with just one set of credentials.

For instance, when you have already logged in to outlook with company-provided credentials and open any of your enterprise applications, it will not ask for sign-in.

A cross-browser testing tool should provide the facility of Single Sign-On. So that enterprises onboard all testers and developers or users of the tool with just a few clicks. It enhances the security standards by avoiding un-authenticated sign-ins, as discussed earlier.

Proof of Concept
How can you be confident in its credibility when you have thoroughly researched the available tools in the market?

As a business, you must stick to a budget for tool purchases, but if you subscribe to a tool and later discover it does not meet your requirements, it will be a major waste of money.

As a result, enterprises should demand proof of concept before investing in a tool.

A proof of concept is a demonstration or presentation given by the tool’s company to ensure that the tool is suitable for their testing requirements. It ensures a high return on investment and greater success for both parties.

On-Premise Hosting
As mentioned in the preceding section, cloud solutions are preferable to on-premise testing. Because of the following benefits, businesses may still prefer on-premise hosting to cloud hosting:

  • # Testers can test local apps: Organizations have applications that they don’t share publicly, like logging employees’ time. Testing such apps becomes easy.
  • # Data security: No data is exchanged with any third-party provider because all testing happens on local devices.
  • # Easy to use: On-premise solutions are easier for internal IT operations.
  • # Fixed cost: Cloud-based tools are subscribed monthly for testing. However, on-premise is a one-time set-up cost.


Enterprises must conduct cross-browser testing to ensure their web app or website works flawlessly on all possible browsers and operating system combinations. The development and quality assurance teams must devise a testing strategy that involves various steps to minimize cost and speed up releases. Enterprises should consider a platform that facilitates manual or automated cloud-based testing, enterprise-grade security, parallel test execution, and maximum integration with third-party tools. TestGrid is one platform that caters to all of a customer’s cross-browser testing requirements.

Source: This article was originally published at

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