Can Postgres replace Redis as a cache?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

Can Postgres Replace Redis as a Cache?


In the ever-evolving landscape of application development, optimizing performance is paramount. Caching, a powerful technique that stores frequently accessed data in memory for quick retrieval, plays a vital role in achieving this goal. Redis, a highly efficient in-memory data store, has long been the go-to choice for caching. However, with the rise of powerful relational databases like PostgreSQL, a compelling question arises: can Postgres replace Redis as a cache?

This article delves into the intricacies of utilizing PostgreSQL for caching, exploring its strengths, limitations, and comparing it with Redis. We will provide practical examples and insights to help you determine whether PostgreSQL can effectively serve as your caching solution.

Understanding the Need for Caching

Before diving into Postgres and Redis, let's understand why caching is so crucial. Imagine a website with a large user base accessing frequently updated content. Without caching, every request would require a trip to the database, leading to significant latency and potentially impacting user experience.

Caching addresses this by storing frequently accessed data in memory, enabling faster retrieval. This can dramatically improve response times and handle increased traffic with ease.

Redis: The Traditional Cache King

Redis has earned its reputation as the caching champion due to its numerous advantages:

  • High performance: Redis is designed for speed and operates entirely in memory, providing lightning-fast read and write operations.
  • Data structures: Redis supports various data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets, making it versatile for different caching scenarios.
  • Data persistence: Redis allows you to persist data to disk, ensuring data availability even after a server restart.
  • Wide community support: Redis boasts a vibrant community and extensive documentation, making it easy to learn and use.

Postgres: Stepping into the Caching Arena

While Redis excels in caching, PostgreSQL, often perceived as a relational database, offers surprising capabilities for caching. It is not a direct replacement for Redis, but it can be used for specific use cases. Here's why:

  • Data consistency and transactions: Postgres guarantees ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), crucial for maintaining data integrity, especially in scenarios where data consistency is paramount.
  • Powerful query language: PostgreSQL's SQL language offers sophisticated query capabilities that can be utilized for data retrieval and manipulation, facilitating complex caching logic.
  • Advanced features: Postgres provides features like materialized views, triggers, and functions, allowing for efficient data caching and maintenance.

Comparing Postgres and Redis for Caching

Let's compare the two technologies on key aspects:

Feature Redis PostgreSQL
Performance Extremely fast, in-memory data store Slower compared to Redis, disk-based storage
Data Structures Diverse data structures (strings, hashes, lists, etc.) Primarily relational tables
Data Consistency No ACID guarantees ACID compliance, strong data integrity
Query Language Simple key-value operations Powerful SQL language for complex queries
Scalability Highly scalable, can be clustered for horizontal scaling Scales well vertically, clustering possible
Use Cases High-frequency caching, session management, real-time analytics Data consistency and complex query-based caching

When to Use Postgres for Caching

While Redis is generally the go-to option for caching, Postgres can be a suitable choice for certain scenarios:

  • Data consistency: When data integrity is paramount and ACID compliance is required.
  • Complex data relationships: If your cache needs to store and manage data with intricate relationships and perform complex queries.
  • Existing Postgres infrastructure: If you already have a robust PostgreSQL setup, leveraging it for caching can reduce operational overhead.

Practical Examples

Let's illustrate how to use Postgres for caching:

1. Materialized Views

Materialized views store precomputed data from underlying tables, acting as a cached representation.


CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW product_prices_cache AS
SELECT product_id, price
FROM products
WHERE is_active = true;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This materialized view caches the prices of active products.

2. Triggers

Triggers can be used to update cached data automatically whenever changes occur in the source table.


CREATE TRIGGER product_price_update
EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_product_prices_cache();
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This trigger updates the product_prices_cache materialized view whenever a product's price changes.

3. Functions

Functions can encapsulate complex caching logic and provide a convenient interface for accessing cached data.


CREATE FUNCTION get_cached_product_price(product_id INTEGER)
AS $$
    SELECT price
    FROM product_prices_cache
    WHERE product_id = $1
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This function retrieves the cached price for a given product ID.

Considerations and Challenges

While Postgres can be used for caching, it's crucial to acknowledge certain limitations:

  • Performance: Postgres's disk-based nature makes it inherently slower than Redis for read and write operations.
  • Complexity: Implementing caching with Postgres can be more complex than using Redis, especially for sophisticated caching scenarios.
  • Resource consumption: Postgres requires significant resources for disk storage and processing, potentially impacting performance if not managed efficiently.


Postgres, while not a direct replacement for Redis, offers a viable option for caching in certain situations. Its strengths lie in data consistency, complex query capabilities, and integration with existing PostgreSQL infrastructure.

When deciding between Redis and Postgres for caching, carefully consider your application's specific requirements. If performance is paramount and data consistency is not a major concern, Redis is generally the better choice. However, if data integrity and complex query capabilities are essential, Postgres can serve as an effective caching solution.

Ultimately, the best approach is to analyze your application's needs and choose the technology that best aligns with your goals and constraints. By understanding the capabilities of both Redis and Postgres, you can make informed decisions to optimize your application's performance and ensure a seamless user experience.

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