WebSockets vs Long Polling

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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WebSockets vs Long Polling: A Comprehensive Guide

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WebSockets vs Long Polling: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of real-time web applications, seamless communication between the client and server is paramount. Two prominent techniques that facilitate this communication are WebSockets and Long Polling. This article provides a comprehensive comparison of these technologies, highlighting their key differences, use cases, performance considerations, and implementation examples.



WebSockets is a full-duplex communication protocol that enables persistent, bi-directional communication between a client and a server over a single TCP connection. It allows real-time data exchange without the need for constant polling, resulting in a highly responsive and efficient experience.

WebSocket connection diagram

Long Polling

Long Polling, on the other hand, is a technique that leverages HTTP to simulate real-time communication. It involves the client making a persistent HTTP request to the server, which holds the connection open for a prolonged period until new data is available. The server then sends the data back to the client, closing the connection, and the client immediately establishes a new long-polling request.

Long Polling diagram

Key Differences

| Feature | WebSockets | Long Polling |
| Connection Type | Persistent, bi-directional TCP connection | Series of HTTP requests |
| Data Transfer | Real-time, bi-directional | One-way, server to client |
| Overhead | Low | High, due to multiple HTTP requests |
| Latency | Minimal | Higher, due to waiting for data |
| Browser Support | Widely supported | Widely supported |
| Security | Secure, uses TLS encryption | Inherits security from HTTP |
| Scalability | Scalable, handles high volumes of data | Less scalable than WebSockets |
| Complexity | Requires a dedicated WebSocket server | Easier to implement, but can be inefficient |

Use Cases and Scenarios


  • Real-time chat applications: Enable instant messaging and group chat functionality.
    • Live dashboards: Display dynamic data updates in real-time, such as stock prices or website traffic.
    • Collaborative editing: Allow multiple users to edit documents or files simultaneously.
    • Online gaming: Provide smooth and responsive gameplay with real-time updates.
    • IoT applications: Facilitate data exchange between devices and servers.

      Long Polling

  • Notifications: Send alerts or updates to users without constant polling.
    • Simple real-time applications: Suitable for scenarios with infrequent data updates.
    • Legacy systems: Can be used as a workaround for applications that lack WebSocket support.
    • Real-time updates with low data volume: When the amount of data being exchanged is small.

      Performance Comparison

  • Latency: WebSockets exhibit significantly lower latency compared to Long Polling, as they establish a persistent connection.
    • Resource Consumption: Long Polling can consume more server resources, particularly when dealing with a large number of concurrent connections.
    • Scalability: WebSockets generally handle high volumes of data and concurrent users more efficiently than Long Polling.

      Implementation Examples

      WebSockets with JavaScript

// Client-side JavaScript
const socket = new WebSocket("ws://example.com/ws");

socket.onopen = () =&gt; {
  console.log("WebSocket connection opened.");

socket.onmessage = (event) =&gt; {
  console.log("Received message:", event.data);

socket.onclose = () =&gt; {
  console.log("WebSocket connection closed.");

// Send a message to the server
socket.send("Hello from the client!");
// Server-side Java (using Spring WebSockets)
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {

  public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
    registry.addHandler(new MyWebSocketHandler(), "/ws")

public class MyWebSocketHandler implements WebSocketHandler {

  public void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session,
                               TextMessage message) throws Exception {
    String messagePayload = message.getPayload();
    // Process the message and send a response back
    session.sendMessage(new TextMessage("Server received: " + messagePayload));

Long Polling with JavaScript

// Client-side JavaScript
function longPoll() {
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.open("GET", "/longpoll", true);
  xhr.onload = () =&gt; {
    if (xhr.status &gt;= 200 &amp;&amp; xhr.status &lt; 300) {
      // Process the received data
      console.log("Received data:", xhr.responseText);
    longPoll(); // Initiate another request

longPoll(); // Start the initial request
// Server-side Java (using Spring MVC)
public ResponseEntity
   longPoll(@RequestParam("lastEventId") Long lastEventId) {
  // Simulate data retrieval from a database or other source
  String data = getData(lastEventId);

  if (data != null) {
    // Return the data with a new event ID
    return ResponseEntity.ok(data);
  } else {
    // Return a 204 No Content response to keep the connection open
    return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();

// Example method to retrieve data based on lastEventId
private String getData(Long lastEventId) {
  // ...
  return null; // Or return data if available


Choosing between WebSockets and Long Polling depends on the specific requirements of your application. If real-time communication, low latency, and high scalability are critical, WebSockets is the preferred choice. However, if you need a simpler solution for less demanding scenarios with infrequent data updates, Long Polling can be sufficient.

Ultimately, consider the following factors:

  • Real-time Requirements: Do you need instant data updates or can occasional polling suffice?
  • Data Volume: Is the amount of data being exchanged large or small?
  • Latency Sensitivity: How important is low latency for your application?
  • Scalability: Will your application need to handle a large number of concurrent users or connections?

By carefully analyzing these aspects, you can make an informed decision regarding the most suitable communication method for your project.

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