WebSockets vs Long Polling

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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WebSockets vs Long Polling: A Comprehensive Guide

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WebSockets vs Long Polling: A Comprehensive Guide


In the world of web development, real-time communication has become increasingly crucial for providing dynamic and engaging user experiences. Two popular techniques for achieving real-time functionality are WebSockets and Long Polling. This article delves into the intricacies of each approach, exploring their fundamental differences, performance characteristics, use cases, and ultimately, helping you determine which one best suits your project requirements.

Real-time communication in web development


WebSockets establish a persistent, two-way communication channel between a client (browser) and a server. This channel remains open for the duration of the connection, allowing for efficient and bi-directional data exchange. In essence, it's like a phone call, constantly open for communication, unlike traditional HTTP requests, which are akin to sending letters, requiring a round-trip for every message.

Key Features of WebSockets:

  • Full-duplex communication
    : Both client and server can send data simultaneously.

  • Persistent connection
    : The connection remains open, eliminating the need for repeated requests.

  • Low overhead
    : Fewer HTTP requests, resulting in improved performance.

  • Real-time data transfer
    : Messages are delivered as soon as they are available.

Example of WebSocket Implementation:

Here's a simplified example of using WebSockets with JavaScript:

// Create a WebSocket connection
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://example.com');

// Listen for connection open event
socket.onopen = () => {
console.log('WebSocket connection opened');

// Send a message to the server
socket.send('Hello from client!');

// Listen for messages from the server
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
console.log('Received message from server:', event.data);

// Listen for connection close event
socket.onclose = () => {
console.log('WebSocket connection closed');

Long Polling

Long Polling, in contrast to WebSockets, utilizes traditional HTTP requests to achieve a semblance of real-time communication. It works by the client sending a request to the server and keeping the connection open until the server has data to send or a timeout occurs. Once the server has data, it sends a response, and the client immediately sends another request, repeating the process. While not truly real-time, it provides a reasonable approximation of real-time updates by minimizing the latency between data transmissions.

Key Features of Long Polling:

  • HTTP-based
    : Uses existing HTTP infrastructure, making it readily available.

  • Simulates real-time communication
    : Provides updates without constant polling.

  • Simple implementation
    : Relatively easy to implement with existing HTTP libraries.

Example of Long Polling Implementation:

Here's a simplified example of using Long Polling with JavaScript:

function longPoll() {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', '/get-updates');
xhr.onload = () => {
// Process the server response
console.log('Received update:', xhr.responseText);
longPoll(); // Make another request
xhr.onerror = () => {
console.error('Error during long polling request');
longPoll(); // Retry after a delay

longPoll(); // Start the initial request

Key Differences Between WebSockets and Long Polling



Long Polling

Connection Type

Persistent, full-duplex

HTTP requests, simulated real-time


Bi-directional, simultaneous

Client sends requests, server responds


Low latency

Higher latency, depends on timeout


Low overhead

Higher overhead due to multiple HTTP requests

Server Resources

More resource-intensive

Less resource-intensive

Browser Support

Widely supported by modern browsers

Widely supported by modern browsers

Performance Comparison


  • Low latency
    : Messages are delivered quickly, making it ideal for real-time applications.

  • High throughput
    : Can handle a large volume of data efficiently.

  • Scalable
    : Can handle multiple concurrent connections with minimal performance degradation.

Long Polling

  • Higher latency
    : Relies on timeouts and frequent HTTP requests, leading to potential delays.

  • Lower throughput
    : Less efficient for high-volume data transfers.

  • Scalability limitations
    : Can become resource-intensive with many simultaneous connections.

Use Cases and Scenarios


  • Real-time chat applications
    : Seamless communication between users.

  • Collaborative editing tools
    : Simultaneous editing of documents or code.

  • Live streaming and gaming
    : Low-latency data transmission for real-time interactions.

  • Stock market data feeds
    : Instantaneous updates for financial applications.

  • IoT device communication
    : Bi-directional data exchange for connected devices.

Long Polling

  • Live updates on news feeds
    : Refreshing content without constant page reloads.

  • Notifications for social media updates
    : Real-time alerts for new messages or posts.

  • Live dashboards with changing data
    : Updating metrics and statistics in real time.

  • Simple chat applications with low volume
    : Basic communication without the complexity of WebSockets.

Pros and Cons



  • Low latency and high throughput for real-time applications.
  • Bi-directional communication for interactive experiences.
  • Efficient use of server resources compared to frequent HTTP requests.


  • More complex to implement than Long Polling.

  • Requires browser support for WebSocket API.

  • May be more resource-intensive on the server side.

  • Long Polling


    • Simple and easy to implement using existing HTTP infrastructure.
    • Widely supported by all modern browsers.
    • Less resource-intensive on the server side.


    • Higher latency compared to WebSockets.
    • Less efficient for handling high volumes of data.
    • Can be less scalable than WebSockets.


    The choice between WebSockets and Long Polling ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project. WebSockets are the preferred approach for applications demanding true real-time communication, low latency, and high throughput. On the other hand, Long Polling provides a viable alternative for applications that can tolerate slightly higher latency and prioritize simplicity.

        Here's a simple guide to help you decide:

    • If you need true real-time communication and low latency, choose WebSockets.

    • If you need simple updates with slightly higher latency and prioritize ease of implementation, choose Long Polling.

    • Consider factors like server resources, data volume, and browser support when making your decision.

    By carefully analyzing the characteristics of each approach and considering the specific needs of your project, you can make an informed decision that ensures a successful and efficient implementation of real-time functionality in your web applications.

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