WebSockets vs Long Polling

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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WebSockets vs Long Polling: A Comprehensive Guide

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WebSockets vs Long Polling: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of real-time web applications, efficient communication between clients and servers is paramount. Two popular techniques that facilitate this communication are WebSockets and Long Polling. While both serve the purpose of enabling bi-directional data exchange, they operate under different mechanisms and exhibit distinct strengths and weaknesses. This article delves into the intricacies of WebSockets and Long Polling, providing a comprehensive comparison to guide you in choosing the optimal approach for your specific project.

Introduction to WebSockets and Long Polling


WebSockets, introduced as a standard in HTML5, provide a persistent, full-duplex communication channel between a client and a server. This means that data can flow in both directions simultaneously, without the need for frequent requests from the client. WebSockets establish a single, persistent connection that remains open until explicitly closed, allowing for continuous data exchange.

WebSocket Protocol Diagram

Here's how WebSockets work:

  1. The client initiates a WebSocket connection request to the server.
  2. The server accepts or rejects the connection request.
  3. Upon successful connection establishment, a persistent communication channel opens, enabling bi-directional data transfer.
  4. Both the client and server can send messages to each other at any time.
  5. The connection remains active until closed by either party.

Long Polling

Long Polling, on the other hand, utilizes the familiar HTTP protocol but employs a clever workaround to achieve real-time communication. It involves the client making a standard HTTP request to the server, which holds the connection open for an extended period. The server waits for new data and sends a response when available. Once the response is received, the client immediately makes another request to keep the connection open, effectively simulating a continuous stream of data.

Long Polling Concept

Let's break down the process:

  1. The client initiates an HTTP request to the server, specifically designed for long polling.
  2. The server holds the connection open, waiting for new data to become available.
  3. When new data arrives, the server sends a response to the client.
  4. The client receives the response and immediately makes another request to keep the connection alive.
  5. This cycle repeats, creating a pseudo real-time communication channel.

Key Differences between WebSockets and Long Polling

The fundamental distinction between WebSockets and Long Polling lies in their underlying communication mechanisms:



Long Polling

Communication Protocol

WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455)

HTTP Protocol

Connection Type

Persistent, full-duplex

Persistent, but simulated using multiple HTTP requests

Data Transfer

Simultaneous bi-directional data flow

Client sends requests, server responds when data is available

Connection Establishment

Single handshake to establish persistent connection

Multiple HTTP requests to maintain the connection

Server Load

Lower server load due to persistent connection

Higher server load due to frequent requests

Performance Comparison

Performance is a crucial factor when choosing between WebSockets and Long Polling. WebSockets generally outperform Long Polling in terms of latency and resource utilization.


WebSockets exhibit lower latency as they maintain a persistent connection, eliminating the overhead associated with establishing new connections for each request. Long Polling, on the other hand, incurs latency due to the repeated HTTP requests and the time required for the server to process and send responses.

Resource Utilization

WebSockets are more resource-efficient than Long Polling. Since WebSockets maintain a single connection, they consume fewer resources on both the client and server sides. Long Polling, with its frequent requests, can place a heavier load on the server and consume more client-side resources.


WebSockets are generally more scalable than Long Polling. WebSockets can handle a larger number of concurrent connections efficiently due to their persistent nature, while Long Polling can become resource-intensive with a high number of concurrent users.

Use Cases and Scenarios

The choice between WebSockets and Long Polling depends on the specific use case and requirements of your application.


WebSockets are ideally suited for applications that demand real-time updates, low latency, and high data throughput. Here are some suitable use cases:

  • Real-time chat applications

    : Enable instant message delivery and seamless conversation flow.

  • Live stock tickers and financial data streaming

    : Provide rapid updates on market movements and price fluctuations.

  • Collaborative editing tools

    : Facilitate synchronized editing and real-time updates among users.

  • Gaming applications

    : Enable smooth gameplay with low latency and continuous data exchange.

  • IoT (Internet of Things) platforms

    : Facilitate communication between devices and a central server for real-time data monitoring and control.

Long Polling

Long Polling is a viable option for applications that require real-time updates but do not need the full-duplex capabilities or extremely low latency of WebSockets. Here are some scenarios where Long Polling might be preferred:

  • Notification systems

    : Push notifications to users when new events occur, such as new emails or messages.

  • Live updates on dashboards

    : Provide periodic updates on data points without requiring constant communication.

  • Simple real-time monitoring

    : Track changes in data points with moderate latency requirements.

  • Applications with limited resources

    : Use Long Polling as a more resource-friendly approach when dealing with resource constraints.

Pros and Cons



  • Low latency

    : Offers real-time communication with minimal delay.

  • Bi-directional communication

    : Supports simultaneous data flow from both client and server.

  • Efficient resource utilization

    : Maintains a single persistent connection, reducing server load and client-side overhead.

  • Scalable

    : Can handle a large number of concurrent connections effectively.


  • Compatibility issues

    : Not all browsers support WebSockets, and older browsers might require polyfills.

  • Security concerns

    : Requires proper security measures to prevent malicious attacks through the persistent connection.

  • Increased complexity

    : Implementing WebSockets requires more technical expertise compared to Long Polling.

Long Polling


  • Wide browser compatibility

    : Works with all major browsers without requiring polyfills.

  • Simpler implementation

    : Easier to implement compared to WebSockets, especially for developers familiar with HTTP requests.

  • Lower development cost

    : Might require less development time and resources compared to WebSockets.


  • Higher latency

    : Introduces latency due to repeated HTTP requests and server processing.

  • Resource-intensive

    : Can put a heavier load on the server and consume more client-side resources.

  • Limited scalability

    : Can become inefficient with a large number of concurrent users due to frequent requests.


The choice between WebSockets and Long Polling boils down to the specific requirements of your application. If real-time communication with low latency and high data throughput is critical, WebSockets are the superior choice. However, if you need real-time updates but can tolerate some latency and are working with resource constraints, Long Polling might be a more suitable option.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a careful assessment of your project's needs and the trade-offs involved. Consider factors such as:

  • Latency requirements

    : How much delay can your application tolerate?

  • Data volume

    : How much data needs to be exchanged?

  • Number of concurrent users

    : How many users will be accessing the application simultaneously?

  • Server resources

    : Can your server handle the load?

  • Development expertise

    : Do you have the necessary skills to implement WebSockets or Long Polling?

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the most effective approach to ensure seamless real-time communication in your web applications.

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