Cleaning up Obsolete Cloudflare Page Deployments

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Cleaning Up Obsolete Cloudflare Pages Deployments

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Cleaning Up Obsolete Cloudflare Pages Deployments


Cloudflare Pages is a powerful platform for deploying static websites and web applications. It provides a seamless and efficient way to build and deploy modern websites, taking advantage of Cloudflare's global network for speed and reliability. However, as your project evolves, you may find yourself with a collection of older, unused, or obsolete deployments. These deployments can contribute to clutter in your Cloudflare dashboard and potentially increase your costs.

Cleaning up obsolete Cloudflare Pages deployments is essential for maintaining a streamlined and cost-effective development workflow. This article will guide you through the process of identifying, understanding, and deleting outdated deployments, ensuring that your Cloudflare Pages account remains organized and efficient.

Understanding Cloudflare Pages Deployments

Before diving into the cleanup process, it's crucial to understand how Cloudflare Pages handles deployments:

  • Deployment History:
    Each time you push code to your Pages project, a new deployment is created. These deployments are stored in a chronological order, allowing you to roll back to previous versions if necessary.

  • Production Deployments:
    The latest deployment is considered the 'live' or 'production' deployment, meaning it's the one served to visitors.

  • Previews:
    Cloudflare Pages offers a feature to preview changes before they go live. Each preview is also a distinct deployment, helping you test and iterate without affecting the production site.

Cloudflare Pages Deployment History

Identifying Obsolete Deployments

The first step in cleaning up is identifying which deployments are no longer needed. This can be done through several methods:

  1. Cloudflare Pages Dashboard

The Cloudflare Pages dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your deployments. Navigate to the 'Deployments' section for your project, and you'll see a list of all deployments, along with their creation time and status:

Cloudflare Pages Deployment List

From this list, you can easily spot deployments that are:

  • Old: Deployments created long ago that are no longer relevant to your current development process.
  • Unnecessary: Previews or drafts that were created for testing but are no longer needed.
  • Broken: Deployments that failed or produced errors during the build process.

  • Cloudflare API

    For more programmatic access, you can use the Cloudflare API to query and manage your deployments. This approach is particularly beneficial for automating the cleanup process.

    Here's an example of a curl command to retrieve a list of deployments using the Cloudflare API:

  • curl -X GET \
      "{account_id}/pages/projects/{project_id}/deployments" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {api_token}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    Replace {account_id}, {project_id}, and {api_token} with your actual values. The response will be a JSON payload containing information about your deployments, including their ID, creation time, and status.

    Deleting Obsolete Deployments

    Once you've identified the deployments you want to remove, you can delete them through the following methods:

    1. Cloudflare Pages Dashboard

    Within the Cloudflare Pages dashboard, you can directly delete individual deployments. Simply navigate to the 'Deployments' section and click the trash icon next to the specific deployment you wish to remove:

    Cloudflare Pages Deployment Delete

    Confirm the deletion to remove the selected deployment.

  • Cloudflare API

    The Cloudflare API provides a powerful way to delete deployments programmatically. Here's an example of a curl command to delete a deployment:

  • curl -X DELETE \
      "{account_id}/pages/projects/{project_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {api_token}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    Replace {account_id}, {project_id}, and {deployment_id} with the respective values. The API will return a response confirming the deletion.

    Best Practices for Cloudflare Pages Cleanup

    To ensure efficient and organized development, follow these best practices:

    • Regularly Review:

      Schedule regular cleanup sessions to identify and remove obsolete deployments. A monthly or bi-weekly review can help prevent unnecessary clutter.

    • Automate Cleanup:

      Use the Cloudflare API to automate the deletion process, especially for large-scale cleanup operations. Scripting allows you to set up regular cleanup jobs based on specific criteria like deployment age.

    • Keep Production Stable:

      Avoid deleting the latest (production) deployment unless you are confident in your current code and have a rollback plan in place.

    • Utilize Branches:

      When working on significant changes or feature branches, create separate branches in your Git repository. This allows you to isolate development work and avoid unnecessary deployments to your main branch.

    • Consider Deployment Limits:

      Cloudflare Pages has deployment limits. Review the limits and ensure that you're not exceeding them, especially when working on large projects or performing frequent updates.


    Cleaning up obsolete Cloudflare Pages deployments is a crucial step towards maintaining a clean, efficient, and cost-effective development workflow. By identifying and deleting outdated deployments, you ensure that your Cloudflare Pages account is organized and focused on your current projects. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can streamline your workflow and enhance your overall development experience.

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