1595. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 1 - - Dev Community

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  1. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points
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  • Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points


    The "1595. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points" problem is a classic example of a graph theory problem that involves finding the minimum cost to connect two sets of points. It is a variation of the well-known "minimum spanning tree" problem, but with the additional constraint of connecting points across two separate groups. This problem has various applications in different domains, including:

    • Network Design: Determining the most cost-effective way to connect different parts of a network, such as communication networks or transportation networks.
    • Facility Location: Optimizing the placement of facilities, such as warehouses or distribution centers, to minimize transportation costs.
    • Image Segmentation: Grouping pixels in an image into different regions based on their similarity, which can be represented as points in a graph.

    The problem statement can be summarized as follows:

    Given two groups of points, group1 and group2, and a cost matrix cost where cost[i][j] represents the cost of connecting the i-th point in group1 to the j-th point in group2, find the minimum cost to connect all points in group1 to points in group2 such that each point in group1 is connected to exactly one point in group2.

    Understanding the Problem

    To visualize the problem, consider the following scenario:

    Example of two groups of points

    In this example, we have two groups of points, group1 and group2. The cost of connecting a point from group1 to a point from group2 is represented by the numbers in the matrix. The goal is to find the minimum cost to connect all points in group1 to points in group2, such that each point in group1 is connected to exactly one point in group2.

    Solution Approach: Hungarian Algorithm

    One of the most efficient algorithms to solve this problem is the Hungarian Algorithm, also known as the Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm. This algorithm is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem, which aims to find the optimal assignment of workers to tasks, given the cost of assigning each worker to each task. The problem of connecting two groups of points can be transformed into an assignment problem by considering each point in group1 as a worker and each point in group2 as a task.

    Steps Involved in Hungarian Algorithm:

    1. Cost Matrix: Create a cost matrix where the rows represent points in group1 and the columns represent points in group2. The entry at row i and column j represents the cost of connecting the i-th point in group1 to the j-th point in group2.
    2. Reduction: Reduce the cost matrix by subtracting the minimum value from each row and each column. This step ensures that at least one zero is present in each row and column.
    3. Covering Zeros: Cover all the zeros in the matrix with the minimum number of lines (horizontal or vertical) without any uncovered zero. If the number of lines is equal to the number of rows (or columns), then an optimal assignment is found. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
    4. Find the Minimum Uncovered Value: Find the minimum value among all uncovered elements in the cost matrix. Subtract this minimum value from all uncovered elements and add it to the elements that lie at the intersection of the lines used for covering the zeros.
    5. Repeat: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until an optimal assignment is found.
    6. Assignment: After an optimal assignment is found, each zero in the cost matrix that is not covered by a line represents a connection between a point in group1 and a point in group2. The cost of this assignment is the sum of the costs of all these connections.


    Let's illustrate the Hungarian algorithm with an example:

    Example cost matrix

    Step 1: Cost Matrix

    The cost matrix is already given.

    Step 2: Reduction

    Subtract the minimum value from each row and each column:

    Cost matrix after row and column reduction

    Step 3: Covering Zeros

    We can cover all the zeros in the matrix with 3 lines:

    Cost matrix with zeros covered

    Step 4: Find the Minimum Uncovered Value

    The minimum uncovered value is 1. Subtract 1 from all uncovered elements and add 1 to the elements at the intersection of lines:

    Cost matrix after adjusting values

    Step 5: Repeat

    Now, we can cover all the zeros in the matrix with 3 lines:

    Cost matrix with zeros covered

    Since the number of lines equals the number of rows, we have found an optimal assignment.

    Step 6: Assignment

    The optimal assignment is as follows:

    • Point 1 in group1 is connected to point 2 in group2.
    • Point 2 in group1 is connected to point 1 in group2.
    • Point 3 in group1 is connected to point 3 in group2.

    The minimum cost of this assignment is 0 + 1 + 2 = 3.

    Implementation in Python

  • import numpy as np
    def minCostToConnectPoints(group1, group2, cost):
      Finds the minimum cost to connect two groups of points.
        group1: List of points in group 1.
        group2: List of points in group 2.
        cost: Cost matrix representing the cost of connecting points in group 1 to points in group 2.
        The minimum cost to connect all points in group 1 to points in group 2.
      n = len(group1)
      m = len(group2)
      # Initialize the cost matrix
      cost_matrix = np.zeros((n, m))
      for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
          cost_matrix[i][j] = cost[i][j]
      # Reduce the cost matrix
      for i in range(n):
        min_val = np.min(cost_matrix[i])
        cost_matrix[i] -= min_val
      for j in range(m):
        min_val = np.min(cost_matrix[:, j])
        cost_matrix[:, j] -= min_val
      # Use Hungarian Algorithm to find the optimal assignment
      assignment = np.zeros((n, m))
      while True:
        # Cover all zeros with minimum lines
        lines = coverZeros(cost_matrix)
        if len(lines) == n:
        # Find minimum uncovered value
        min_uncovered_val = np.min(cost_matrix[np.invert(np.any(lines, axis=0))][:, np.invert(np.any(lines, axis=1))])
        # Adjust cost matrix
        cost_matrix[np.invert(np.any(lines, axis=0))] -= min_uncovered_val
        cost_matrix[:, np.invert(np.any(lines, axis=1))] += min_uncovered_val
        # Update assignment
        for i in range(n):
          for j in range(m):
            if cost_matrix[i][j] == 0 and not any(lines[i]) and not any(lines[:, j]):
              assignment[i][j] = 1
              cost_matrix[i] = np.inf
              cost_matrix[:, j] = np.inf
      # Calculate total cost
      total_cost = np.sum(cost_matrix * assignment)
      return total_cost
    def coverZeros(cost_matrix):
      Covers all zeros in the cost matrix with the minimum number of lines.
        cost_matrix: The cost matrix.
        A boolean matrix representing the lines used to cover the zeros.
      n = len(cost_matrix)
      m = len(cost_matrix[0])
      lines = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=bool)
      # Mark zeros
      for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
          if cost_matrix[i][j] == 0:
            lines[i][j] = True
      # Cover zeros using minimum lines
      while True:
        # Find a zero that is not covered
        zero_found = False
        for i in range(n):
          for j in range(m):
            if cost_matrix[i][j] == 0 and not any(lines[i]) and not any(lines[:, j]):
              zero_found = True
              lines[i] = True
              lines[:, j] = True
          if zero_found:
        # Check if all zeros are covered
        if np.all(np.any(lines, axis=0)) or np.all(np.any(lines, axis=1)):
      return lines
    # Example usage
    group1 = [1, 2, 3]
    group2 = [4, 5, 6]
    cost = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 5], [6, 7, 2]]
    min_cost = minCostToConnectPoints(group1, group2, cost)
    print(f"Minimum cost to connect points: {min_cost}")


    The "1595. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points" problem is a classic assignment problem that can be efficiently solved using the Hungarian Algorithm. The Hungarian Algorithm works by iteratively reducing the cost matrix and finding an optimal assignment of points from one group to points in another group, minimizing the overall connection cost. This problem has diverse applications in various domains, making it a valuable concept to understand in the field of graph theory and combinatorial optimization.

    By understanding the concepts and steps involved in the Hungarian Algorithm, one can effectively solve this problem and apply it to real-world scenarios. The implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm in Python provided in this article can serve as a practical guide for solving similar problems and implementing efficient solutions for cost optimization in different contexts.

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