Rust for typescript devs part 3 - Strings

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Rust for TypeScript Devs: Part 3 - Strings

This article is part of a series dedicated to helping TypeScript developers understand and utilize Rust. In this installment, we'll delve into the world of string manipulation in Rust, exploring its quirks and comparing it to the familiar world of TypeScript strings.

Introduction: Why Strings Matter

Strings, representing sequences of characters, are fundamental building blocks of almost any software project. We use them for user input, storing data, displaying information, and much more. Understanding how a language handles strings is crucial for writing efficient and robust code.

While TypeScript boasts a rich string API, Rust's approach takes a different path, prioritizing memory safety and performance. This difference can initially feel unfamiliar, but mastering Rust's string model opens up exciting possibilities for building efficient and powerful applications.

Rust Strings: Ownership and Immutability

One of the first distinctions between TypeScript and Rust strings lies in ownership and immutability. In TypeScript, strings are mutable by default. You can change individual characters within a string or concatenate multiple strings without creating new copies. This flexibility comes at the cost of potential memory leaks and unexpected behavior if multiple parts of your code are modifying the same string simultaneously.

Rust, on the other hand, embraces the concept of ownership and immutability. Strings in Rust are immutable by default, meaning you cannot directly modify their contents. This seemingly restrictive approach has a crucial advantage: it prevents data races and guarantees that your string data remains consistent.

Consider the following TypeScript code:

let greeting = "Hello";
greeting += " World!";
console.log(greeting); // Output: "Hello World!"
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Here, we're modifying the greeting variable directly. In Rust, this approach is not possible. Let's see the Rust equivalent:

let greeting = "Hello";
let greeting_with_world = greeting.to_string() + " World!";
println!("{}", greeting_with_world); // Output: "Hello World!"
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In Rust, we create a new string greeting_with_world by concatenating the original string with " World!". The original greeting string remains untouched.

String Literals

Rust offers two primary ways to create string literals:

  • String Literals: These are enclosed in double quotes and represent immutable strings.
  let name = "Alice";
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  • Raw String Literals: These are enclosed in triple double quotes (""") and allow you to include special characters and escape sequences without the need for escaping.
  let path = r"C:\Users\Alice\Documents";
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String Slices

While Rust strings are immutable, we can still work with parts of them using string slices. A string slice refers to a portion of a string without creating a separate copy.

let sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
let first_word = &sentence[0..4]; 
println!("{}", first_word); // Output: "The "
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In this example, first_word is a string slice containing the first four characters of the sentence string. This approach is efficient as it avoids unnecessary memory allocation.

The String Type

While string literals are immutable, Rust provides the String type for mutable string manipulation. String is a dynamically allocated string, allowing you to modify its contents. You can create a String using the to_string method on string literals or by directly using the String::new constructor.

let mut message = "Hello".to_string();
message.push_str(", world!");
println!("{}", message); // Output: "Hello, world!"
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Here, we first convert the string literal "Hello" to a mutable String. Then, we use the push_str method to append the string ", world!" to the end of message.

Common String Operations

Rust provides a wide range of methods for working with strings. Here are a few commonly used ones:

  • .len(): Returns the length of the string.
  • .contains(): Checks if a string contains a given substring.
  • .trim(): Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
  • .split(): Splits a string into an iterator based on a delimiter.
  • .join(): Combines a collection of strings into a single string using a separator.

Example: Parsing a CSV File

Let's put these string operations to work in a practical example. Imagine you have a CSV file containing information about books:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,Douglas Adams,1979
Ender's Game,Orson Scott Card,1985
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Here's how you can parse this CSV file and store the data in a Vec

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};

struct Book {
    title: String,
    author: String,
    year: u16,

fn main() {
    let file = File::open("books.csv").unwrap();
    let reader = BufReader::new(file);

    let mut books: Vec
  = Vec::new();

    for line in reader.lines() {
        let line = line.unwrap();
        if line.is_empty() {
        let mut parts = line.split(',');
        let title =;
        let author =;
        let year =

        let book = Book { title, author, year };

    println!("{:#?}", books);
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This code utilizes various string methods to:

  • Split lines based on the newline character.
  • Split each line into parts based on commas.
  • Trim whitespace from the parts.
  • Parse the year into a u16 value.

String Comparison

Rust provides various ways to compare strings. For case-insensitive comparison, use the .eq_ignore_ascii_case() method. For case-sensitive comparison, use the == operator or the .eq() method.

let name1 = "Alice";
let name2 = "alice";

println!("{}", name1.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&amp;name2)); // Output: true
println!("{}", name1 == name2); // Output: false
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Rust's approach to strings prioritizes memory safety, efficiency, and immutability, leading to a slightly different development experience compared to TypeScript. While the initial learning curve might feel steep, understanding its concepts is crucial for building reliable and performant applications. By embracing Rust's string model, you gain access to powerful tools for managing and manipulating text data with confidence.

Remember to use string literals for immutable strings, the String type for mutable ones, and string slices for efficient access to portions of strings. This combination allows you to work with strings effectively in Rust, seamlessly integrating them into your application logic.

This article provides a solid foundation for working with strings in Rust. As you continue your journey, explore advanced string manipulation techniques, libraries like regex for pattern matching, and the String type's rich API to unlock the full potential of Rust's string handling capabilities.

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