JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode: Demystifying React's Building Blocks

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JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode: Demystifying React's Building Blocks

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, relies on a system of components and elements to create dynamic and interactive web applications. Understanding the differences between JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode is crucial for writing efficient and maintainable React code.


Let's start by defining each term and their significance within the React ecosystem:


JSX.Element is the core building block of React's rendering mechanism. It represents a virtual representation of a DOM (Document Object Model) node. JSX.Element is a JavaScript object that holds information about the element type (e.g., "div", "span", "button"), its properties (e.g., "className", "id", "onClick"), and its children.


ReactElement is a specific type of JSX.Element that is directly used by React for rendering. It's essentially a plain JavaScript object, typically created using the JSX syntax, that encapsulates the information needed to render a component or an HTML element.


ReactNode represents a broader concept than both JSX.Element and ReactElement. It encompasses anything that can be rendered by React, including:

  • JSX.Elements (including ReactElements)
  • Primitives like strings and numbers
  • Arrays of ReactNodes
  • Fragments (React.Fragment)
  • Portals
  • null

Key Differences

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode:






Virtual representation of a DOM node

Specific type of JSX.Element used by React for rendering

Anything that can be rendered by React


JavaScript object

JavaScript object

Various types (objects, primitives, arrays, etc.)


General concept

Specific to React rendering

Broader concept encompassing all renderable content


<div classname="container">
Hello World

<div classname="container">
Hello World

<div classname="container">
Hello World
, "Hello", 10, [

Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Use Cases and Scenarios

Let's explore how each of these concepts are used in real-world React development:


JSX.Element is the foundation of React's rendering process. When you write JSX code, you are essentially creating JSX.Element objects that represent the UI structure you intend to render. React then uses these JSX.Element objects to build the actual DOM tree.


const myElement = Hello World;

In this example,


represents a JSX.Element object. It holds information about the element type (


), its className (


), and its content ("Hello World").


ReactElement is the specific type of JSX.Element that is directly used by React's reconciliation algorithm. It's the representation of a component or HTML element that React uses to determine changes and update the DOM efficiently.


function Greeting(props) {
return Hello, {props.name}!;
const greetingElement = <greeting name="World"></greeting>;

In this example,


is a ReactElement representing the


component. It contains the component type (


) and its props (

name: "World"



ReactNode is a more flexible concept that allows for various types of content to be rendered by React. Here are some examples of how ReactNode is used:

  1. Rendering Primitives

function MyComponent() {
    return (

This is a paragraph.

{10} {/* Rendering a number /} {true} {/ Rendering a boolean */} ); }

  • Rendering Arrays of ReactNodes
    function ListItems(props) {
        return (
      {props.items.map(item => (
    • {item.name}
    • ))}
    ); }

  • Using Fragments (React.Fragment)
    function MyComponent() {
        return (



    ); }

    Fragments allow you to group elements without adding unnecessary DOM nodes to the UI. They are represented by React.Fragment or the shorthand <> .

    Best Practices

    Following these best practices will help you work effectively with JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode:

  • Use JSX Syntax for Creating JSX.Element Objects

    Use the JSX syntax for creating JSX.Element objects to make your code more readable and intuitive.

  • Understand ReactElement Creation

    Remember that ReactElements are created when you use JSX syntax or when you call the React.createElement function. React uses these ReactElements to render the UI.

  • Leverage ReactNode Flexibility

    Utilize the flexibility of ReactNode to render various types of content, including primitives, arrays, fragments, and portals. This allows for dynamic and expressive UI creation.

  • Pay Attention to Key Props

    When working with lists of ReactNodes, ensure that each element has a unique key prop. This helps React efficiently update the DOM when data changes.

  • Use React.Fragment for Grouping Elements

    Use React.Fragment to group elements without adding extra DOM nodes. This improves performance and code readability.


    JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode are fundamental concepts in React's rendering system. Understanding their differences and their respective roles is essential for building efficient and maintainable React applications.

    In summary, here's a breakdown of when to use each:

    • JSX.Element: The building block for all UI elements, representing the virtual representation of a DOM node.
    • ReactElement: The specific JSX.Element type used by React for rendering, encapsulating component and element information.
    • ReactNode: The broader concept encompassing anything renderable by React, providing flexibility for various types of UI content.

    By grasping these concepts, you'll be well-equipped to confidently create complex and interactive React applications.

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