Practical Usage of Shell Scripting in Devops/Cloud Engineer Role

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

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Practical Usage of Shell Scripting in DevOps/Cloud Engineer Role

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Practical Usage of Shell Scripting in DevOps/Cloud Engineer Role

In the ever-evolving world of DevOps and cloud engineering, automation is key. And at the heart of this automation lies shell scripting, a powerful tool that allows engineers to streamline tasks, improve efficiency, and ensure consistency across their infrastructure. This article delves into the practical usage of shell scripting in the DevOps/Cloud Engineer role, covering essential concepts, techniques, and real-world examples.

Why Shell Scripting Matters for DevOps/Cloud Engineers

Shell scripting offers numerous benefits for DevOps and cloud engineers, making it an indispensable skill:

  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more complex problems.
  • Efficiency: Execute tasks in a faster and more efficient manner.
  • Consistency: Ensure consistent execution of tasks across different environments.
  • Scalability: Easily scale scripts to handle larger workloads.
  • Integration: Integrate scripts with other tools and technologies for seamless workflow.
  • Infrastructure Management: Manage and configure cloud resources effortlessly.

Essential Concepts and Techniques

  1. Shell Basics

Understanding the fundamentals of shell scripting is crucial. This includes concepts like:

  • Shell: A command-line interpreter that executes commands. Common shells include Bash, Zsh, and PowerShell.
  • Variables: Store data for use in scripts.
  • Control Flow: Direct the execution of script logic using constructs like if-else statements, loops, and functions.
  • File I/O: Read and write data from/to files.
  • Command Substitution: Execute commands within a script and capture their output.

  • Common Commands

    Shell scripting relies heavily on various commands. Some essential commands include:

    • echo: Display text on the console.
    • read: Read input from the user.
    • ls: List directory contents.
    • mkdir: Create a new directory.
    • rm: Remove files or directories.
    • cp: Copy files.
    • mv: Move or rename files and directories.
    • grep: Search for patterns within files.
    • sed: Stream editor for manipulating text.
    • awk: Text processing utility for extracting data from files.
    • curl/wget: Download files from the internet.

  • Scripting Techniques

    Here are some common scripting techniques employed in DevOps/Cloud scenarios:

    • Looping: Iterate over a set of instructions repeatedly, like automating tasks on multiple servers.
    • Conditional Statements: Execute specific code based on conditions, like handling error scenarios.
    • Functions: Define reusable blocks of code to streamline complex processes.
    • Regular Expressions: Pattern matching for advanced text processing, useful for filtering and manipulating logs.
    • Pipe and Redirection: Combine commands and direct their output for efficient data processing.

    Real-World Examples

  • Deploying a Web Application
  • Set variables


    Stop existing service

    systemctl stop $APP_NAME

    Download latest code

    tar -xf v$APP_VERSION.tar.gz

    Move to deployment directory


    Start the service

    systemctl start $APP_NAME

    echo "Application deployed successfully!"

    This script automates the deployment of a web application by stopping the existing service, downloading the latest code, moving it to the deployment directory, and restarting the service.

    1. Monitoring Server Resources


    Monitor CPU utilization

    cpu_usage=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2 + $4}')

    Monitor memory usage

    mem_usage=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $3/$2 * 100}')

    Send email notification if thresholds are exceeded

    if [[ $cpu_usage -gt 80 ]]; then
    echo "CPU utilization is high: $cpu_usage%" | mail -s "High CPU Usage"

    if [[ $mem_usage -gt 90 ]]; then
    echo "Memory usage is high: $mem_usage%" | mail -s "High Memory Usage"

    This script monitors CPU and memory usage on a server and sends email alerts if the usage exceeds defined thresholds, ensuring proactive resource management.

    1. Managing Cloud Resources


    Create a new EC2 instance using AWS CLI

    aws ec2 run-instances \
    --image-id ami-08e104630039748b7 \
    --instance-type t2.micro \
    --key-name my-key-pair \
    --security-groups launch-wizard-1

    Get the instance ID

    instance_id=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=my-instance \
    --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId' \
    --output text)

    Install Nginx on the instance

    aws ssm send-command \
    --instance-ids $instance_id \
    --document-name AWS-RunShellScript \
    --parameters 'commands=["sudo apt update", "sudo apt install nginx"]'

    echo "EC2 instance launched and Nginx installed!"

    This script uses the AWS CLI to launch an EC2 instance, install Nginx, and automate the entire provisioning process for a web server.

    Best Practices

    • Use Comments: Clearly document your code for better readability and understanding.
    • Modularize Scripts: Break down large scripts into smaller, reusable functions.
    • Error Handling: Implement error checks and handle potential exceptions gracefully.
    • Test Thoroughly: Test your scripts thoroughly in different environments to ensure they function as expected.
    • Version Control: Store your scripts in a version control system (like Git) for easier tracking and collaboration.
    • Security Awareness: Be mindful of security implications when using shell scripting, especially when dealing with sensitive data.


    Shell scripting is an essential tool in the DevOps/Cloud Engineer toolkit. By leveraging its power, engineers can automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and ensure consistent infrastructure management. From deploying applications to monitoring resources and managing cloud infrastructure, shell scripting plays a vital role in streamlining operations and maximizing efficiency in today's dynamic technological landscape. Mastering shell scripting is a valuable investment for any aspiring or experienced DevOps/Cloud engineer, empowering them to work more effectively and deliver impactful results.

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