LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need To Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in The Front-End

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need to Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in the Front-End

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LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need to Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in the Front-End

In the realm of web development, authentication is a crucial aspect of securing user data and applications. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have emerged as a popular and efficient way to manage authentication and authorization in modern web applications. But how should you store these JWTs in the front-end? This article explores the two primary contenders: LocalStorage and Cookies, delving into their pros, cons, and security considerations.

What are JWTs?

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as JSON objects. They are commonly used for authentication and authorization. Here's how they work:

  1. User Authentication:
    When a user logs in, the server verifies their credentials and generates a JWT.

  2. JWT Structure:
    A JWT consists of three parts separated by dots (.), each encoded with a different algorithm:

    • Header:
      Contains information about the token, such as the algorithm used.

    • Payload:
      Contains the actual claims (information about the user, permissions, etc.).

    • Signature:
      Guarantees the token's integrity and authenticity, preventing tampering.

  3. Token Verification:
    The client sends the JWT with each subsequent request to the server, and the server can verify the token's validity and extract information from the payload.

JWT Structure

LocalStorage and Cookies: The Basics

Let's briefly introduce the two storage mechanisms we'll be comparing:


LocalStorage is a web API that allows you to store key-value pairs in the user's browser. This data persists even after the browser is closed and re-opened.


Cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored in the user's browser. They are typically used for session management and personalization.

Key Differences Between LocalStorage and Cookies

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between LocalStorage and Cookies, focusing on their relevance to JWT storage:




Storage Size

Larger (typically 5-10 MB)

Smaller (usually around 4KB)


Accessible only by the website that set it

Accessible by all websites on the same domain

HTTP Requests

Not sent with every request

Sent with every request to the server


No built-in expiration

Can expire automatically or be manually set


Vulnerable to XSS attacks if not used properly

More susceptible to CSRF attacks and can be intercepted by malicious parties

Security Considerations for Storing JWTs

Storing JWTs in the front-end raises security concerns that must be addressed:

  1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

XSS attacks involve injecting malicious scripts into a website. If a JWT is stored in LocalStorage and an XSS attack is successful, the attacker could potentially steal the JWT from the user's browser.

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks

    CSRF attacks exploit the user's authentication state to perform unauthorized actions. Cookies are more susceptible to CSRF attacks because they are sent with every request. If a malicious website tricks the user into clicking a link or submitting a form, the attacker might be able to send unauthorized requests using the user's authentication credentials.

  • Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks

    MITM attacks occur when an attacker intercepts communication between the client and server. This can be a significant risk if JWTs are transmitted over unencrypted channels.

    LocalStorage vs Cookies: Pros and Cons



    • Larger storage capacity: Can store larger amounts of data than cookies.
    • Not sent with every request: Reduces bandwidth consumption compared to cookies.
    • Easy to access and manage: Simple JavaScript APIs provide access to LocalStorage data.


    • Vulnerable to XSS attacks: Malicious scripts can potentially steal JWTs stored in LocalStorage.
    • No built-in expiration: You need to manually manage the expiration of JWTs stored in LocalStorage.
    • Accessibility concerns: Can be accessed by any script running on the same domain, which might pose security risks.



    • Built-in security mechanisms: Cookies can be secured using the HttpOnly and SameSite attributes to mitigate XSS and CSRF risks.
    • Automatic transmission: Cookies are automatically sent with every request to the server, simplifying authentication handling.
    • Server-side control: The server can set cookie expiration dates and other parameters.


    • Limited storage capacity: Cookies have a smaller storage limit compared to LocalStorage.
    • Increased bandwidth consumption: Sent with every request, which can impact performance.
    • Susceptible to CSRF attacks: Can be manipulated by malicious websites using the user's authentication state.

    Best Practices for Secure JWT Storage in the Front-End

    Here are some best practices for securely storing JWTs in the front-end:

  • Secure Transmission
    • Use HTTPS: Always communicate with the server over HTTPS to protect your JWTs from MITM attacks.
    • Consider JWT encryption: Encrypt the JWT payload before storing it in the front-end to further protect against eavesdropping.

  • LocalStorage Security
    • Use a secure storage method: Store the JWT in a secure storage method like LocalStorage, but make sure it is only accessible by your application.
    • Use a secure key: Use a strong and unpredictable key to encrypt your JWT payload if you're storing it in LocalStorage.
    • Implement XSS protection: Thoroughly sanitize user input to prevent malicious scripts from injecting into the website.
    • Use a secure storage key: Ensure the key used to encrypt the JWT is secure and not easily guessable.
    • Regularly update your JWTs: Use a short expiration time for your JWTs and refresh them regularly to minimize the impact of a compromised JWT.
    • Don't store sensitive information in the JWT: The JWT should only contain essential information for authentication and authorization. Avoid storing sensitive data like passwords or user IDs directly in the token.
    • Use secure APIs: Use secure and authenticated APIs for communicating with the backend server.
  • Cookie Security
    • Use the HttpOnly flag: Prevent client-side JavaScript from accessing the cookie, making it more resistant to XSS attacks.
    • Use the SameSite flag: Restrict the cookie's accessibility to the same website and prevent it from being sent in cross-site requests, mitigating CSRF risks.
    • Use a secure cookie domain: Ensure that cookies are only accessible by your application's domain, preventing malicious websites from intercepting them.

  • Refresh Tokens

    Refresh tokens are used to extend the lifespan of a user's session without requiring them to re-authenticate. When the JWT expires, the client can use a refresh token to request a new JWT from the server. Refresh tokens should be stored securely on the server-side and ideally use a separate storage mechanism from the JWT.

    Conclusion: Which is Better for JWT Storage?

    The best approach for storing JWTs depends on your specific needs and security requirements.

    For most applications, using cookies with the HttpOnly and SameSite flags is generally the most secure option. Cookies offer built-in security mechanisms and are relatively straightforward to configure.

    LocalStorage can be considered if you need a larger storage capacity or prefer a more client-side approach. However, remember that LocalStorage requires more careful security considerations due to its vulnerability to XSS attacks.

    Ultimately, the best approach involves a combination of secure storage practices, secure communication channels, and robust authentication and authorization mechanisms. Carefully assess your application's security needs and choose the storage method that provides the best balance between security and usability.

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