LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need To Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in The Front-End

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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LocalStorage vs Cookies: Secure JWT Token Storage in the Front-End

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LocalStorage vs Cookies: All You Need To Know About Storing JWT Tokens Securely in The Front-End

In today's web development landscape, securing user data is paramount. Authentication, the process of verifying a user's identity, is a crucial aspect of this security. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) have emerged as a popular standard for authentication, providing a compact and standardized way to transmit information between parties. However, the question of how to store these JWTs securely on the client-side remains a critical consideration.

What are JWTs?

JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) are a standard method for representing claims securely between two parties. Essentially, a JWT is a compact, self-contained way to transmit information between parties as a JSON object. This information is digitally signed using a secret key, making it tamper-proof and verifiable. JWTs are typically used for:

  • Authentication:

    Verifying user identity and granting access to resources.

  • Authorization:

    Defining the permissions and roles of a user.

  • Data sharing:

    Securely transferring user-specific information between servers.

A typical JWT structure consists of three parts, separated by dots (.), encoded using Base64:

  • Header:

    Contains the type of token (JWT) and the algorithm used for signing.

  • Payload:

    Contains the claims about the user or the application, such as username, user ID, roles, and expiration time.

  • Signature:

    Ensures the integrity and authenticity of the token by using a secret key or a public-private key pair.

JWTs are highly versatile and offer significant advantages over traditional session-based authentication methods. However, their security depends on how they are stored and handled on the client-side. This is where LocalStorage and Cookies come into play.

LocalStorage and Cookies: Two Storage Options

Both LocalStorage and Cookies are mechanisms for storing data on the user's browser. They offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, making choosing the right option crucial for secure JWT storage.


LocalStorage is a web API that allows websites to store data in the user's browser. This data is persistent and accessible only to the website that created it. It is a relatively simple and straightforward way to store data, with minimal overhead. However, LocalStorage has its limitations:

  • Limited Storage:

    LocalStorage has a storage limit, typically around 5MB, depending on the browser.

  • Accessibility:

    LocalStorage is accessible by any script running on the same origin (domain). This can be a security concern if not implemented properly.

  • No Expiration:

    Data stored in LocalStorage persists until explicitly deleted by the user or the website. This can be a security risk if the user forgets to delete the data or the website is compromised.

LocalStorage Diagram


Cookies are small text files that websites store on a user's computer. They are sent with every request made to the server, allowing websites to maintain state information across multiple requests. Cookies offer flexibility in terms of their properties, such as expiration time, domain, and path.

  • HTTP-only:

    Cookies can be set as HTTP-only, preventing client-side JavaScript from accessing their content. This enhances security by making it harder for attackers to steal cookies.

  • Secure flag:

    Cookies can be set with the secure flag, ensuring they are only transmitted over HTTPS connections, protecting them from interception on insecure networks.

  • SameSite:

    Cookies can be set with SameSite attributes, controlling how the browser sends cookies along with cross-site requests, mitigating CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.

Cookies Diagram

LocalStorage vs. Cookies: Key Differences

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between LocalStorage and Cookies:




Storage Limit

Limited (typically around 5MB)

Limited (can vary between browsers)


Accessible by JavaScript on the same origin

Sent with every request to the server


No default expiration, persists until deleted

Can be set to expire after a specific time or on session closure


Not applicable

Can be set as HTTP-only

Secure Flag

Not applicable

Can be set to transmit only over HTTPS


Not applicable

Can be set to control cross-site request behavior


Generally faster

Can be slower due to being sent with every request

Browser Support

Widely supported by modern browsers

Widely supported by modern browsers

Security Considerations for Storing JWTs

Storing JWTs securely in the front-end is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. Here are some key considerations:

  • Never store the secret key on the client-side:

    The secret key used to sign and verify the JWT must never be revealed to the client. This key should be kept securely on the server-side.

  • Secure transmission:

    Ensure that the JWT is always transmitted over HTTPS, preventing eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • HTTP-only cookies:

    If using cookies, set the HTTP-only flag to prevent client-side JavaScript from accessing the cookie content.

  • Secure flag:

    If using cookies, set the secure flag to ensure that the cookie is only transmitted over HTTPS connections.

  • SameSite:

    If using cookies, consider setting SameSite attributes to mitigate CSRF attacks.

  • Expiration time:

    Set a short expiration time for the JWT to minimize the impact of stolen or compromised tokens. A refresh token mechanism can be used to extend the user's session without compromising security.

  • CSRF protection:

    Implement CSRF protection mechanisms on the server-side to prevent attackers from forging requests on behalf of the user.

  • Secure storage:

    Choose a storage method that provides appropriate security measures, such as HTTP-only cookies or secure LocalStorage access controls.

Pros and Cons of LocalStorage vs. Cookies

Here's a comparison of the pros and cons of using LocalStorage and Cookies for storing JWTs:



  • Simplicity:

    Easy to use and implement.

  • Performance:

    Generally faster than Cookies due to no server interaction.

  • Less Overhead:

    Doesn't involve sending data with every request.


  • Security Concerns:

    Client-side JavaScript can access and manipulate LocalStorage data.

  • No HTTP-only:

    Not inherently protected against XSS attacks.

  • No Secure Flag:

    Can be transmitted over insecure connections.

  • Storage Limit:

    Limited storage space can be a problem for larger JWTs.



  • HTTP-only:

    Can be set as HTTP-only, preventing client-side access.

  • Secure Flag:

    Can be set to ensure secure transmission.

  • SameSite:

    Can be used to mitigate CSRF attacks.


  • Performance:

    Can be slower due to being sent with every request.

  • Overhead:

    Adds extra data to every request.

  • Security Concerns:

    Cookies can be stolen or intercepted if not properly protected.

Best Practices for Securely Storing JWT Tokens

Here are some best practices for securely storing JWT tokens in the front-end:

  • Use HTTP-only cookies for sensitive data:

    If you need to store sensitive information, such as the JWT, use HTTP-only cookies. This prevents client-side JavaScript from accessing the cookie content.

  • Set the secure flag for HTTPS connections:

    Ensure that the JWT is only transmitted over secure HTTPS connections by setting the secure flag on the cookie.

  • Use a short expiration time:

    Set a short expiration time for the JWT to minimize the impact of stolen or compromised tokens. A refresh token mechanism can be used to extend the user's session without compromising security.

  • Implement CSRF protection:

    Protect against CSRF attacks by using a CSRF token on the server-side. This token should be unique and unpredictable, making it difficult for attackers to forge requests.

  • Consider using a JWT library:

    Using a JWT library can help you manage the complexities of JWT handling and ensure secure implementation. Popular libraries include jsonwebtoken (Node.js) and jwt-decode (JavaScript).

  • Regularly audit and update security practices:

    Keep your security practices up to date by regularly reviewing your code and implementing the latest security recommendations.


Choosing between LocalStorage and Cookies for storing JWTs depends on the specific requirements and security needs of your application. While LocalStorage offers simplicity and performance benefits, Cookies provide stronger security measures with HTTP-only and secure flags. Ultimately, the best approach is to use the storage mechanism that best balances security and functionality for your use case. Always prioritize security by implementing robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, securing the JWTs properly, and staying up to date with security best practices.

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