JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode

WHAT TO KNOW - Aug 18 - - Dev Community

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JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode: Demystifying React's Building Blocks

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JSX.Element vs ReactElement vs ReactNode: Demystifying React's Building Blocks

React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, heavily relies on a set of concepts that underpin its powerful capabilities. Among these are JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode. While these terms might seem confusing at first, understanding their distinctions is crucial for developing robust and efficient React applications.

This comprehensive guide aims to clarify the differences between these concepts, explore their use cases, and provide practical examples to solidify your understanding.



JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like structures directly within your JavaScript code. JSX provides a more intuitive and readable way to define the structure of your React components. While it looks like HTML, it is actually a JavaScript expression that gets compiled into JavaScript objects during the build process. Let's see an example:

const greeting =

Hello, World!


This code defines a JSX expression that represents an


element with the text "Hello, World!". It's important to understand that this is not actual HTML; it's a JSX expression that React interprets and renders into HTML elements.


A ReactElement is a lightweight JavaScript object that describes a UI element. It encapsulates the information needed to render a specific element on the screen. ReactElements are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once created. Think of them as blueprints for UI components.

Here's an example of a ReactElement:

type: 'h1',
props: {
children: 'Hello, World!'

This object represents an


element with the text "Hello, World!" contained within its


property. React uses this information to render the actual HTML element.


A ReactNode is a broad term that encompasses anything that can be rendered by React. It can be a ReactElement, a primitive value (like a string or number), or even an array of ReactNodes.

Here are some examples of ReactNodes:

// ReactElement
const heading =

Hello, World!


// Primitive value
const text = 'This is some text.';

// Array of ReactNodes
const listItems = [

  • Item 1
  • ,
  • Item 2
  • ,
  • Item 3

  • ];

    // Fragment
    const fragment =

    This is a fragment.


    Key Differences

    | Concept | Description |
    | JSX.Element | A syntax extension to JavaScript that allows writing HTML-like structures. It's a representation of ReactElements in a more readable format. |
    | ReactElement | An immutable JavaScript object that represents a specific UI element. It holds the information needed to render the element on the screen. |
    | ReactNode | A broader term that encompasses any value that can be rendered by React, including ReactElements, primitives, and arrays of ReactNodes. |

    Use Cases and Examples


    JSX.Element is the primary way you write UI elements in React. It offers a concise and familiar syntax that simplifies component creation.

    function Welcome(props) {

    Hello, {props.name}



    This code defines a


    component that renders an


    element with a greeting message. The


    prop is used to personalize the greeting.


    While you rarely work directly with ReactElements, they form the foundation of React's rendering process. You encounter them implicitly when using JSX.

    Here's an example of creating a ReactElement without JSX:

    const heading = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello, World!');

    This code uses the


    method to create a ReactElement representing an


    element with the text "Hello, World!". Although this is less common, it demonstrates the underlying structure of ReactElements.


    ReactNode is a versatile concept that allows you to represent various types of content that React can render. You encounter ReactNodes in various situations:

    • Rendering Primitive Values:
      function Counter({ count }) {

      Count: {count}

      ; }


    This component renders the


    prop, which is a primitive number, as part of the rendered text.

    • Rendering Arrays of Elements:
      function ShoppingList() {
      const items = ['Milk', 'Eggs', 'Bread'];
      return (
        {items.map((item) => (
      • {item}
      • ))}
      ); }


    This code maps over an array of items to dynamically create a list of


    elements, demonstrating the use of ReactNodes within an array.

    • Fragments:
      function Parent() {
      return (


      This is a child element.

      ); }


    Fragments allow you to group multiple elements without introducing unnecessary wrapper elements. They are essentially empty containers that provide structure without affecting the rendered output.

    Understanding the Role in React Components

    JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode play fundamental roles in how React builds and renders your user interfaces. Here's a breakdown of their interconnectedness:

    1. JSX to ReactElement: When you write JSX, React transforms it into a corresponding ReactElement during the compilation process.
      1. ReactElement to Render Output: React utilizes these ReactElements to determine what HTML elements to render on the screen.
      2. ReactNode as Content: ReactNodes represent the content that React renders. This content can include ReactElements, primitive values, and even arrays of ReactNodes.

        The key takeaway is that JSX acts as a convenient syntax for defining ReactElements, which are then used to generate the actual rendered output. ReactNodes provide a broader framework for describing the content that React renders, encompassing various types of data.


        Understanding the distinctions between JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode is essential for developing a solid understanding of React's internal workings. By grasping these concepts, you can write more effective, efficient, and maintainable React code.

        Here's a summary of when to use each concept:

    2. JSX.Element: Use it for writing UI elements in a concise and intuitive manner.
      • ReactElement: You rarely work with ReactElements directly. They are generated implicitly when using JSX and are fundamental to React's rendering process.
      • ReactNode: This concept is flexible, allowing you to represent various types of content (elements, primitives, arrays) that React can render.

        By mastering these building blocks, you'll be equipped to create sophisticated and dynamic user interfaces with React. Happy coding!

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