React 18 vs React 19 (RC): Key Differences and Migration Tips with Examples

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React 18 vs React 19 (RC): Key Differences and Migration Tips

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React 18 vs React 19 (RC): Key Differences and Migration Tips

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's constantly evolving, and with each new version, we get exciting new features and improvements. This article explores the key differences between React 18 and its upcoming successor, React 19 (Release Candidate). We'll dive into new features, potential breaking changes, and provide guidance for migrating your existing React applications.

What's New in React 18?

React 18 introduced some major changes, most notably the introduction of a new concurrent rendering model. This model allows React to prioritize tasks and render parts of the application in a more efficient way. Other key features of React 18 include:

Concurrent Rendering

Concurrent rendering is a game-changer in React. It allows for better user experience and responsiveness by enabling React to:

  • Interrupt long-running tasks:
    React can now interrupt tasks like complex computations or large DOM updates if a higher-priority task, like a user interaction, needs to be processed. This ensures responsiveness and prevents the user interface from becoming unresponsive.

  • Render updates in the background:
    React can now render updates in the background without blocking the main thread, ensuring a smooth user experience even during intensive updates.

  • Start rendering before the previous one is finished:
    This allows for a more fluid transition between states and prevents the UI from "flickering" during updates.

Concurrent Rendering in React

Concurrent rendering is a powerful feature that can significantly improve the performance and user experience of your React applications.

Automatic Batching

In React 17 and earlier, state updates triggered within the same event handler were batched together and rendered in a single update. In React 18, this behavior is now automatic.

This simplification eliminates the need to manually call


in many scenarios, reducing the complexity of your code and making it easier to write and maintain.

Server Components

React 18 introduced server components, a new type of React component that is executed on the server. These components can optimize rendering performance by:

  • Reducing the amount of JavaScript sent to the client:
    Server components can handle data fetching and logic on the server, minimizing the amount of code that needs to be loaded in the browser.

  • Improving initial page load time:
    By rendering content on the server, the browser can display the page more quickly.

However, it's important to note that server components require a server-side framework like Next.js or Remix to function.


Suspense is a mechanism for handling loading states in React applications. With Suspense, you can specify a fallback component that will be displayed until the data for a component is loaded. This helps create a smoother and more intuitive user experience.

New APIs

React 18 introduced several new APIs, including:

  • useDeferredValue
    : Defer the rendering of values that don't need to be immediately updated, further enhancing performance.

  • useTransition
    : Create a smooth transition between different states by making updates happen asynchronously. This is useful for updating large amounts of data or for complex computations that might otherwise block the UI.

  • useId
    : Generate unique identifiers for DOM elements, simplifying accessibility and styling.

React 19 (RC) - What's New

React 19 is still in Release Candidate phase and is expected to bring several improvements and refinements over React 18. Here are some of the key changes:

Improvements to Suspense

React 19 introduces further improvements to Suspense, making it even more powerful and reliable for managing loading states:

  • Improved error handling:
    Suspense now provides better error handling for scenarios where data fetching fails or encounters unexpected issues.

  • Better performance:
    React 19 optimizes Suspense for better performance, particularly in scenarios where multiple components are waiting for data.

Improved Concurrent Mode

React 19 builds upon the concurrency features introduced in React 18, providing finer-grained control over concurrency and further improving performance and responsiveness. This includes:

  • New APIs for fine-grained control:
    React 19 provides new APIs for developers to fine-tune concurrency behavior in their applications, tailoring it to specific needs and use cases.

  • Improved error handling:
    React 19 also introduces improved error handling mechanisms for concurrent rendering, making it more robust and reliable.

Other Enhancements

React 19 also includes a variety of other enhancements, such as:

  • Improved performance optimizations:
    React 19 introduces further performance optimizations, improving the overall speed and responsiveness of applications.

  • Bug fixes:
    React 19 fixes several bugs discovered in React 18, making the library more stable and reliable.

  • New developer tools:
    React 19 provides new developer tools for easier debugging and performance analysis.

Migrating from React 17 or Earlier to React 18

Migrating from React 17 or earlier to React 18 requires some attention, as there are a few breaking changes. Here are some key steps:

  1. Update Dependencies

The first step is to update your package.json file to use the latest React 18 version. For example:

  "dependencies": {
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0"

You can then install the new versions using:

npm install

  • Handling Breaking Changes

    React 18 includes a few breaking changes, which you need to be aware of:

    • Strict Mode is now enabled by default: React 18 enables Strict Mode by default. Strict Mode helps identify potential issues in your code, but it can also cause warnings or errors. You can either disable Strict Mode or fix the warnings and errors it throws.
    • Removed Legacy Context API: The old, legacy createContext API is no longer supported. You need to use the new createContext API available in React 16.3 and later.
    • Removed Unstable Features: Some unstable features previously available in React 17 have been removed in React 18. Make sure to use the new, stable APIs for these functionalities.

  • Use New APIs

    Take advantage of the new APIs and features available in React 18. This will improve the performance and user experience of your applications.

    For example, you can start using the useDeferredValue hook to improve the performance of updates by deferring the rendering of non-essential values.

    function MyComponent() {
      const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
      const deferredValue = useDeferredValue(inputValue);
      return (
           setInputValue(} />

    Deferred Value: {deferredValue}

    ); }

    Here, the input value is updated immediately, but the deferred value is only updated after a short delay, ensuring that the application remains responsive during the update.

    Migrating from React 18 to React 19 (RC)

    Migrating from React 18 to React 19 (RC) is generally a smooth process. Most of the changes in React 19 are incremental improvements and refinements, not breaking changes. However, it's always a good idea to be aware of potential issues and follow these steps:

  • Update Dependencies

    Update your package.json file to use the latest React 19 (RC) version. For example:

      "dependencies": {
        "react": "^19.0.0-rc.0",
        "react-dom": "^19.0.0-rc.0"

    You can then install the new versions using:

    npm install

  • Review Changes

    Refer to the React 19 (RC) documentation for detailed information on the changes. Look for any breaking changes or API updates. The documentation will provide clear explanations and guidance on any necessary code adjustments.

  • Test Thoroughly

    After updating your dependencies and making any necessary code changes, thoroughly test your application to ensure that everything works as expected. Pay particular attention to areas that might be affected by the new features or improvements in React 19.


    React 18 and 19 (RC) bring significant improvements to the React ecosystem, focusing on concurrency, performance, and developer experience. By understanding the key differences, migrating your application, and taking advantage of the new features, you can build even more powerful, responsive, and user-friendly React applications.

    Remember to refer to the official documentation for the latest information and for detailed guides on migrating your applications. As React continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest changes and advancements will ensure you are building your applications with the most efficient and performant tools available.

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