Building Modern Web Applications With Angularjs And Spring Boot

Saumya - Aug 27 - - Dev Community

Combining AngularJS with Spring Boot is a powerful way to create full-stack web applications. AngularJS, a popular JavaScript framework, handles the frontend, while Spring Boot, a Java-based framework, manages the backend. This combination allows you to build dynamic, responsive user interfaces and robust, scalable server-side logic. Here’s a high-level overview of how these two technologies work together:

1. Setting Up the Spring Boot Backend

Create a Spring Boot Project:

Use Spring Initializr ( to create a new Spring Boot project. Include dependencies like Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, and your preferred database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL).

Define Models and Repositories:
Create Java classes to represent your database entities (models). Use JPA annotations to map these classes to database tables.
Create repository interfaces extending JpaRepository for CRUD operations.

Implement RESTful APIs:

Create controller classes to expose RESTful endpoints using @RestController. These endpoints will handle HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and interact with your services to perform business logic.

Configure Database Access:

Set up your database connection in the or application.yml file with properties like spring.datasource.url, spring.datasource.username, and spring.datasource.password.

Handle CORS:

Configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow your AngularJS frontend to communicate with the Spring Boot backend. You can do this globally in Spring Boot by overriding the addCorsMappings method in a WebMvcConfigurer implementation.

2. Setting Up the AngularJS Frontend

Create an AngularJS Project:

Set up your AngularJS project structure with directories for modules, controllers, services, and views.
Service to Call Spring Boot APIs:
Create AngularJS services to handle HTTP requests using $http or $resource. These services will communicate with the RESTful APIs provided by your Spring Boot backend.

app.factory('UserService', function($http) { return { getUsers: function() { return $http.get('/api/users'); }, createUser: function(user) { return $'/api/users', user); }, // other CRUD methods }; });

Controllers and Views:

Use AngularJS controllers to manage data and logic for your views (HTML templates). Controllers will interact with services to fetch data from the backend and update the UI accordingly.


Use ngRoute or ui-router to manage client-side routing in your AngularJS application. Define routes to different views and controllers, enabling smooth navigation within the single-page application (SPA).

3. Integrating AngularJS with Spring Boot

Serving the AngularJS App:

You can serve the AngularJS application through Spring Boot by placing the built frontend files (HTML, JS, CSS) in the src/main/resources/static directory. Spring Boot will automatically serve these files when users access your application.

Handling Authentication:

Implement authentication using Spring Security on the backend. You can secure your REST APIs and integrate with AngularJS using token-based authentication (like JWT). AngularJS will send the token with each request in the headers.

Error Handling:

Implement error handling in both AngularJS and Spring Boot. Use AngularJS interceptors to handle HTTP errors globally, and implement exception handling in Spring Boot using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler.

4. Building and Deploying

Build the AngularJS App:

Use a build tool like Gulp or Grunt to compile and minify your AngularJS files for production.
Build the Spring Boot App:
Package your Spring Boot application as a JAR or WAR file using Maven or Gradle.


Deploy your Spring Boot application to a server (e.g., Tomcat, AWS, Heroku). The AngularJS frontend will be served alongside the Spring Boot APIs.
By leveraging the strengths of AngularJS and Spring Boot together, you can develop a full-stack application that is both dynamic and scalable, offering a seamless user experience backed by a robust backend.

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