Exploring The Power Of Groovy’s `Findall` Method In List Manipulation

Saumya - Jun 6 - - Dev Community

In Groovy, the findAll method is a powerful and versatile tool used to filter collections based on specified criteria. It enables developers to write concise and readable code for extracting elements that match certain conditions, thereby enhancing the efficiency and clarity of collection processing.

Key Features of findAll in Groovy

Collection Filtering:

The findAll method iterates over each element in a collection, applying a closure (a block of code) that returns a boolean value. Elements for which the closure returns true are included in the resulting collection.
Closure-Based Criteria:

Filtering criteria are defined using closures, allowing for flexible and expressive conditions. Closures can contain any logic needed to determine whether an element should be included.

Support for Multiple Data Structures:

findAll can be used with various data structures, including lists, maps, sets, and other iterable collections, providing a consistent way to filter different types of data.

Examples of Using findAll
Example 1: Filtering a List

Here is an example demonstrating how to use findAll to filter a list of numbers to find all even numbers:

def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
println(evenNumbers) // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Example 2: Filtering a List of Objects

You can use findAll to filter a list of objects based on a property:

class Person {
String name
int age

def people = [
new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 30),
new Person(name: 'Bob', age: 25),
new Person(name: 'Charlie', age: 35)

def adults = people.findAll { it.age >= 30 }
println(adults*.name) // Output: [Alice, Charlie]
Example 3: Filtering a Map

findAll can also be used to filter entries in a map:

def map = [apple: 1, banana: 2, cherry: 3, date: 4]
def filteredMap = map.findAll { key, value -> value % 2 == 0 }
println(filteredMap) // Output: [banana:2, date:4]
Benefits of Using findAll
Readability: The use of closures makes the filtering logic clear and concise, enhancing code readability.

Expressiveness: Groovy's syntax allows for expressive and flexible filtering criteria.

Efficiency: findAll efficiently processes collections without the need for explicit loops, reducing boilerplate code.


The Groovy findAll method is a versatile and powerful tool for filtering collections based on specific criteria. By leveraging closures, findAll enables developers to write clean, readable, and efficient code for extracting elements that meet certain conditions. Whether working with lists, maps, or other data structures, findAll provides a consistent and expressive way to handle collection filtering in Groovy.

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