Tekton - A Kubernetes-native CI/CD : Day 46 of 50 days DevOps Tools Series

Shivam Agnihotri - Sep 22 - - Dev Community

Welcome to Day 46 of our '50 DevOps Tools in 50 Days' series! Today, we dive deep into Tekton, an open-source framework that revolutionizes how we build Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) systems. Tekton has quickly become one of the most reliable solutions for creating cloud-native pipelines, particularly for Kubernetes environments.

In this post, we will explore Tekton in exhaustive detail, from its architecture to practical applications, and even compare it to other tools in the CI/CD ecosystem to understand its unique place in the DevOps toolchain.

What is Tekton?

Tekton is a Kubernetes-native CI/CD system that provides reusable building blocks to define and run pipelines as Kubernetes resources. Unlike monolithic CI/CD systems such as Jenkins or GitLab CI, Tekton is designed with cloud-native, microservice-based architectures in mind. Its strength lies in its modularity and deep integration with Kubernetes, enabling developers to build flexible, scalable, and reliable pipelines for automating software delivery.

Key Features of Tekton

Tekton brings a fresh perspective to CI/CD with a collection of innovative features, designed for the cloud-native landscape:

Kubernetes-Native: Tekton is built directly on top of Kubernetes and uses Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define its components. This ensures seamless integration with Kubernetes environments and allows for better scalability, resilience, and control.

Modular Architecture: Tekton breaks down the pipeline structure into multiple, reusable components like Tasks, Pipelines, PipelineResources, and Workspaces. Each of these components can be independently defined, managed, and reused across different pipelines.

Scalability: As Tekton leverages Kubernetes for task execution, it can automatically scale pipelines across a cluster. This ensures that even complex workflows involving many parallel tasks can be handled efficiently.

Decoupled Design: Tekton's pipelines and tasks are highly decoupled, allowing developers to mix and match tasks from different sources, create pipelines that are modular and reusable, and define steps in a way that can be versioned and shared.

Security: Tekton leverages Kubernetes’ built-in security features, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Namespaces, and Secrets, making it easy to secure pipelines, restrict access, and manage credentials.

Event-Driven Pipelines: Tekton can trigger pipelines based on a wide range of events, such as Git commits, pull requests, or Docker image pushes, making it ideal for GitOps workflows.

Components of Tekton

Let’s break down the core building blocks of Tekton:

Tekton components

Tasks: The most fundamental unit in Tekton, a Task defines a series of steps to be executed in sequence. Each step is a containerized action, allowing the task to be language-agnostic and highly reusable. Tasks can range from building a Docker image to running unit tests or deploying applications.

Pipelines: A Tekton pipeline consists of a series of tasks linked together to define a complete workflow. Pipelines can run tasks sequentially or in parallel, depending on dependencies, and each task runs in a separate Kubernetes pod. This ensures isolation and scalability.

PipelineResources: These represent the inputs and outputs of pipelines. For example, a PipelineResource could be a Git repository, a Docker image, or any external resource that the pipeline interacts with.

Workspaces: Workspaces enable the sharing of data between tasks in a pipeline. This is essential when you need tasks to communicate or pass artifacts like code, build files, or configuration.

PipelineRuns: A PipelineRun represents an instance of a pipeline execution. This resource tracks the state of the pipeline as it executes, ensuring that tasks are completed successfully and resources are handled properly.

Triggers: Tekton Triggers enable event-driven automation. They allow pipelines to be triggered by specific events like Git commits, pull requests, or Docker image updates, providing a seamless integration between version control systems and CI/CD workflows.

The Tekton Workflow in Action

A typical workflow in Tekton starts by defining reusable Tasks. Each task is designed to perform a specific job, such as building a container image, running tests, or deploying an application. These tasks are then combined into a Pipeline, which can execute them either in parallel or in sequence, depending on the dependencies defined.

Once a pipeline is triggered (either manually or automatically via a trigger event), each task runs in its own Kubernetes pod, utilizing Kubernetes' scaling, security, and networking capabilities. The modular nature of Tekton allows for easy reuse of tasks and pipeline definitions across different projects or teams.

Example Use Case: A Simple CI/CD Pipeline

Let’s walk through a simple example where Tekton automates the CI/CD process for a containerized application:

Git Push: A developer pushes new code to a Git repository.
Pipeline Trigger: Tekton’s Triggers detect the Git event and initiate a pipeline run.

Build Task: The first task in the pipeline builds a Docker image of the application.

Test Task: The second task runs unit tests on the new code.
Deploy Task: Once the tests pass, the final task deploys the new container image to a Kubernetes cluster.

Notification Task: A final task sends a notification to the team, letting them know the deployment was successful.
Each of these tasks runs independently in its own pod, ensuring isolation and scalability. If the pipeline needs to handle more builds concurrently, Kubernetes will automatically scale the resources, making Tekton a robust solution for handling multiple CI/CD workloads at once.

Why Tekton? Key Advantages for DevOps Teams

1. Flexibility and Modularity

Tekton’s decoupled architecture means you can pick and choose the components that fit your workflow, making it extremely adaptable. If you only need to run a few tasks in sequence, you can use Tasks alone, without the need for full Pipelines. Similarly, if you want to trigger pipelines based on external events, you can integrate Triggers.

2. Deep Kubernetes Integration

Tekton is purpose-built for Kubernetes environments, unlike other CI/CD tools that may require extensive configuration to work with Kubernetes. Tekton pipelines run as native Kubernetes resources, which allows them to take full advantage of Kubernetes features like namespaces, role-based access control, and scaling.

3. Language-Agnostic Design

Tekton pipelines are language-agnostic, meaning they work with any programming language or technology stack. Whether you’re developing Java, Go, Python, or Node.js applications, Tekton’s containerized tasks make it easy to run code across different environments consistently.

4. Scalability and High Availability

By leveraging Kubernetes, Tekton can automatically scale its tasks and pipelines, ensuring that large, complex workflows can run efficiently. Whether you need to build and deploy one service or 100 services concurrently, Tekton’s use of Kubernetes resources ensures that your pipelines are both scalable and resilient.

5. Open Source and Community-Driven

Tekton is part of the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), an open-source community focused on continuous integration and delivery. This ensures that Tekton is constantly evolving, receiving regular updates, and benefiting from contributions by the community.

Comparison with Other CI/CD Tools

Tekton is not the only tool in the CI/CD ecosystem, but it stands out due to its Kubernetes-native approach and modular design. Here’s how it compares with other popular CI/CD tools we’ve discussed in this series:

Tekton vs. Jenkins

Kubernetes-Native: Tekton is built natively for Kubernetes, while Jenkins, although popular, requires additional plugins and configurations to work well in containerized environments.
Modularity: Tekton’s pipeline components are much more modular than Jenkins. Jenkins pipelines are often monolithic and harder to reuse across different projects.

Scalability: Tekton benefits from Kubernetes’ scaling capabilities, making it easier to manage large-scale, distributed workloads compared to Jenkins' agent-based model.

Serverless Execution: Tekton doesn’t require a central server like Jenkins does. Jenkins needs to manage jobs centrally, while Tekton distributes tasks across the cluster.

Tekton vs. GitLab CI/CD

Flexibility: Tekton offers more flexibility in defining custom pipelines compared to GitLab CI, which is more rigid but simpler to set up.

Kubernetes Integration: Tekton’s Kubernetes-native design offers deeper integration with containerized environments compared to GitLab CI, which only recently introduced Kubernetes support.

Modular Approach: Tekton's modular, task-based pipelines are easier to reuse and extend compared to GitLab CI's more rigid pipeline structure.

Triggers and Events: Tekton has robust event-based triggering with its Triggers component, providing more control over how and when pipelines are triggered compared to GitLab CI’s built-in event handling.

Tekton vs. ArgoCD (GitOps)

Pipeline vs. GitOps: Tekton focuses on CI/CD pipelines, while ArgoCD is primarily a GitOps tool for continuous delivery through declarative Kubernetes configurations.

Flexibility: Tekton is more flexible when it comes to CI/CD pipelines. ArgoCD is specialized for GitOps workflows and Kubernetes deployments.

Use Cases: Tekton is more suited for complex build-test-deploy pipelines, while ArgoCD excels at automating Kubernetes deployments via Git.


Tekton is rapidly becoming one of the most popular choices for CI/CD automation in Kubernetes environments. Its modular, decoupled architecture allows teams to create reusable, scalable pipelines that integrate seamlessly with Kubernetes. Whether you're a small startup

or a large enterprise, Tekton offers the flexibility and scalability needed to build robust CI/CD pipelines.

By comparing it to other tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and ArgoCD, we see how Tekton’s Kubernetes-native design, modularity, and scalability make it an ideal choice for DevOps teams looking to modernize their CI/CD processes.

Stay tuned for Day 47, where we will dive into another exciting DevOps tool!

Note: We are going to cover up a complete CI CD project setup on our youtube Channel so please subscribe it to get notified: Subscribe Now

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