How Can You Prevent a Component from Re-rendering?

Sidra Maqbool - Sep 15 '23 - - Dev Community

Preventing unnecessary re-renders in components can help in optimizing your application's performance. Depending on the context and the library/framework you are using, the approaches can vary. Here are some strategies to prevent unnecessary re-renders in the context of React, a popular JavaScript library:

Use PureComponent:
If your component’s renderfunction renders the same result given the same props and state, you can use PureComponentinstead of Component. It does a shallow comparison of state and props, so if nothing changes, it avoids re-rendering.

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends PureComponent {
    render() {
        return <div>{}</div>;
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For class components, you can use the shouldComponentUpdatelifecycle method to determine if the component should re-render. It receives the next props and state as its arguments.

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    return !==;
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For functional components, wrap your component with React.memo. It's a higher order component that memoizes the rendered output of the passed component preventing unnecessary renders if the props haven't changed.

const MyComponent = React.memo(props => {
    return <div>{}</div>;
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Use callback hooks:
When passing callbacks, use the **useCallback **hook to ensure the same reference is maintained across renders unless specific dependencies change.

const myCallback = useCallback(() => {
    // do something
}, [dependency]);
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Use memoization hooks:

Use the useMemohook to prevent expensive calculations unless certain dependencies have changed.

const expensiveValue = useMemo(() => {
    return expensiveCalculation(data);
}, [data]);

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Keep object and array references consistent:

Instead of creating new objects or arrays every time a component renders, ensure you only create a new object or array if the underlying data has changed.
State Immutability:

When working with state, especially with complex structures like arrays and objects, make sure you're treating them immutably. Libraries like immercan help in maintaining immutability without making the code too complex.
Use libraries for deep comparisons:

If shallow comparisons (default in PureComponentand React.memo) are not sufficient, and you require deep comparisons, consider using utilities or libraries specifically made for this purpose. However, note that deep comparisons are expensive and might offset the benefits of preventing the re-render.
Profiler and DevTools:

Use React DevTools and the built-in Profiler to check which components are re-rendering and why. This can help you identify and fix performance bottlenecks.
Context Providers:

If you're using React Context, be mindful of re-renders caused by context value changes. Avoid frequent updates to the context value or consider splitting contexts to limit the re-renders.
Remember, while preventing unnecessary renders can optimize performance, over-optimization can lead to complex code that's hard to maintain. Always measure and validate if optimizations are having a tangible benefit on your application's performance. Happy Coding!

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