React's Concurrent Mode and its Benefits

Sidra Maqbool - Oct 5 '23 - - Dev Community

Concurrent Mode is an advanced set of features in React that allows you to interrupt the rendering process, thus enabling multiple tasks to be processed nearly at the same time. This doesn’t mean React suddenly became multi-threaded or parallel; it means React can now better juggle tasks on a single thread, providing an enhanced user experience.

Why do we need Concurrent Mode?

Traditional React, or what’s now referred to as "Synchronous Mode," processes one task at a time, then moves on to the next. While this works, it can lead to poor user experience in certain scenarios. Imagine an app fetching data, processing a heavy computation, and also trying to respond to a user input all at once. Without the ability to prioritize tasks, the app could become unresponsive or slow.

Concurrent Mode addresses this by allowing React to work on multiple tasks at once and prioritize them based on their importance.

Benefits of Concurrent Mode

Improved User Experience: By interrupting less critical tasks and prioritizing user inputs, apps remain responsive even under heavy loads.

Smarter Rendering: Concurrent Mode introduces features like Suspense which lets components “wait” for something before rendering, allowing you to gracefully handle scenarios like data fetching.

Maximize CPU Efficiency: Rather than being idle while waiting for some tasks (like network requests), React can start working on other tasks, making better use of the CPU.

Smooth Animations and Transitions: No more janky animations! With Concurrent Mode, animations run smoothly as React can interrupt ongoing tasks to ensure that visual updates take precedence.

A Simple Example

Consider a scenario where you're typing into an input field while the app is simultaneously fetching and displaying data from an API.

In Synchronous Mode, if the data fetching and processing take too long, your input might lag, making for a poor user experience.

With Concurrent Mode, React can prioritize your input (as it's a direct user interaction) over the data fetching, ensuring that the typing remains smooth and responsive. Once you're done typing, React can go back and continue with the data-fetching task.

How to Enable Concurrent Mode

As of my last update, you can enable Concurrent Mode by using the createRoot API:

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<App />);
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Concurrent Mode represents a significant step forward for React, ensuring that applications remain smooth and responsive even under complex scenarios. By intelligently prioritizing tasks and allowing for interruption, React can provide a vastly superior user experience. As with all advanced features, there's a learning curve, so it's essential to dive into the React documentation and understand the nuances before integrating it into large applications. Happy coding!

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