Angular development best practices: Observable, Promise and Signals

Soumaya Erradi - Sep 3 - - Dev Community

Angular has made significant progress over the years, incorporating new paradigms, tools, and methodologies to improve developer productivity and application performance. The primary tools for dealing with asynchronous operations in Angular development are Observable and Promise.

The debate about using Observable versus Promise in Angular has been ongoing, with each offering its pros and cons depending on the context. Additionally, the introduction of Signals in Angular has provided developers with more options to manage reactivity in their applications.

Asynchronous operations in Angular

Asynchronous operations allow the application to remain responsive while waiting for tasks to complete, without affecting the main application flow. Common examples include HTTP requests, file I/O, and timers.

Building performant and user-friendly applications in Angular requires efficient management of these operations. The choice between Observable and Promise is largely determined by the task's complexity, the nature of the data, and the need for scalability.

Promises: A straightforward approach to asynchronous operations

What is a Promise?

In JavaScript, a Promise is a construct that represents a value that may be available now, in the future, or never. It’s a single-event handler designed to manage asynchronous operations. Promises can be particularly beneficial for handling operations that are supposed to return a single result, like fetching data from an API.

Key characteristics:

  • Single event: A Promise handles a single value or event. The operation is complete once it is resolved or rejected.
  • Immediate execution: A Promise begins executing as soon as it is created. It cannot be paused or deferred.
  • Simplified code: Promises simplify asynchronous code, especially when used with async/await, making the code more readable and easier to manage.

Example of a Promise in Angular:

async fetchData(): Promise<Data> {
  return await this.http.get<Data>('').toPromise();
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Advantages of using Promises

  1. Simplicity: Promises are straightforward and easy to understand, making them ideal for simpler asynchronous tasks that don’t require complex data handling.
  2. Readability: When combined with async/await, Promises allow for more readable and maintainable code, resembling synchronous programming.
  3. Error handling: Promises provide a clear structure for handling errors, using .catch() for errors and .finally() for cleanup.

When to use Promises in Angular

Promises are a good choice for:

  • HTTP requests: When the task involves a single HTTP request that returns a single response, such as fetching data from a REST API.
  • One-time asynchronous operations: Operations that involve a single step, such as reading a file or fetching user data on application startup.
  • Integration with external APIs: Many modern web APIs, like fetch, return Promises by default, making it natural to use Promises in such contexts.

Observables: Advanced handling of asynchronous data streams

What Is an Observable?

An Observable is a more powerful abstraction provided by the RxJS library, representing a sequence of events or data over time. Unlike Promises, Observables can emit multiple values, handle multiple events, and provide advanced data manipulation capabilities through operators.

Key characteristics:

  • Multiple emissions: Observables can emit multiple values over time, making them ideal for tasks like real-time data streams or multiple HTTP requests.
  • Lazy execution: An Observable does not start emitting values until it is explicitly subscribed to, providing more control over execution.
  • Rich ecosystem of operators: RxJS offers a comprehensive set of operators that make it easy for developers to filter, transform, combine, and manage data streams.

Example of an Observable in Angular:

getData(): Observable<Data> {
  return this.http.get<Data>('');
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Advantages of using Observables

  1. Flexibility: Observables offer greater flexibility, especially in scenarios where multiple values or events are expected over time, such as WebSocket connections or real-time data feeds.
  2. Powerful data manipulation: RxJS operators like map, filter, mergeMap, and switchMap provide powerful tools for transforming and combining data streams.
  3. Cancellation and resource management: Unlike Promises, Observables support the cancellation of operations, which is crucial for managing resources during long-running tasks or user interactions.

When to use Observables in Angular

Observables are a good choice for:

  • Real-time data streams: Tasks that require continuous or multiple data updates, such as real-time sports scores, chat apps, or sensor data monitoring.
  • Complex asynchronous workflows: Scenarios that require complex chains of asynchronous operations, such as combining multiple HTTP requests, handling user interactions, or integrating with WebSocket services.
  • Advanced error handling: Situations where there is a need for precise control over error handling, retry mechanisms, or fallback strategies.

Signals: The emerging reactive paradigm in Angular

Introduction to Signals

Signals are a relatively new concept in Angular, designed to simplify reactive data flows by providing a more integrated and less complex alternative to Observables for certain use cases. Signals are particularly useful for managing reactive state in Angular applications without the overhead of RxJS.

Key characteristics:

  • Simplicity: Signals offer a straightforward way to manage reactive state, reducing the need for complex data streams in simpler scenarios.
  • Framework integration: Unlike Observables, which rely on the external RxJS library, Signals are more tightly integrated with the Angular framework, providing a more seamless development experience.
  • Use cases: Signals are ideal for scenarios where you need to react to changes in application state or UI without requiring the full power of RxJS.

When to use Signals

Signals are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • State management: When managing local or global state that requires reactivity but does not involve complex data transformations or multiple emissions.
  • UI updates: For reactive UI components that need to update based on changes in state, Signals provide a simple and efficient way to trigger these updates.
  • Simplifying codebases: In cases where the overhead of RxJS is unnecessary, Signals offer a more streamlined approach to handling reactivity, reducing boilerplate and improving code maintainability.

Comparing Observable, Promise, and Signals

HTTP requests: Observable or Promise?

For HTTP requests, the choice between Observable and Promise often comes down to the complexity of the task at hand:

  • Promise for simplicity: If you expect a single response and no further data emissions, using a Promise may simplify your code, particularly when combined with async/await.
  • Observable for flexibility: Use Observable when you anticipate needing to manipulate the data stream, apply transformations, or handle multiple emissions over time.

Example with Promise:

async fetchData(): Promise<Data> {
  return await this.http.get<Data>('').toPromise();
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Example with Observable:

getData(): Observable<Data> {
  return this.http.get<Data>('').pipe(
    map(response => this.transformData(response)),
    catchError(error => this.handleError(error))
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Real-time data: Observable or Signal?

For real-time data, the choice between Observable and Signal depends on the complexity and requirements of the task:

  • Observable for complex streams: When dealing with real-time data that requires complex transformations, filtering, or combination with other data streams, Observables are the best choice.
  • Signal for simple reactivity: For simpler reactive updates, such as UI changes based on state, Signals offer a more efficient and integrated solution.

State management: Observable or Signal?

When managing application state, the choice between Observable and Signal is influenced by the need for reactivity and complexity:

  • Signal for simplicity: If your state management needs are straightforward, Signals provide an easy-to-use and maintainable approach to reactive state.
  • Observable for complex state: For more complex state management scenarios, where you need to combine or transform state streams, Observables remain a powerful tool.

Managing subscriptions and avoiding memory leaks

One of the key considerations when using Observables in Angular is managing subscriptions to avoid memory leaks. Subscriptions that are not properly managed can lead to resource leaks, causing performance issues over time.

Best practices:

  • Use AsyncPipe: In Angular templates, the AsyncPipe automatically subscribes to and unsubscribes from Observables, reducing the risk of memory leaks. This is particularly useful in components where you are binding data streams directly to the UI.
<div *ngIf="data$ | async as data">
  {{ }}
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  • Manual unsubscription: When using manual subscriptions, always ensure that you unsubscribe when the component is destroyed. This can be managed using Angular’s OnDestroy lifecycle hook in combination with RxJS’s takeUntil operator.
ngOnInit(): void {
  ).subscribe(data => { = data;

ngOnDestroy(): void {
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The evolution of Angular has provided developers with more tools to manage asynchronous operations and reactivity. Observables remain a core component of Angular's reactive programming model, while Promises offer simplicity and ease of use for various common scenarios. The introduction of Signals is transforming how developers approach reactivity, offering a more integrated and streamlined solution for certain use cases.


  • Promises: Ideal for simple, one-time asynchronous operations such as HTTP requests, where the power of RxJS is not required.
  • Observables: Best suited for complex, multi-emission data streams, advanced error handling, and scenarios requiring extensive use of RxJS operators.
  • Signals: Emerging as a simpler, more integrated way to handle reactive state and UI updates, reducing the need for RxJS in many common scenarios.

By understanding and applying these best practices, developers can make informed decisions about when to use Observable, Promise, or Signals in their Angular applications, ensuring that their code is efficient, maintainable, and aligned with the latest trends in Angular development.

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