Questions to ask when choosing your first tech jobs

Ehtisham - Sep 27 - - Dev Community

Starting a career in the tech industry is both exciting and daunting. As newcomers, we often focus on impressing potential employers and landing that first job. However, it's equally crucial to ensure that our first jobs align with our career goals and provide a conducive environment for growth.

Your initial experiences can shape your career trajectory. So, how do you ensure you're stepping into the right environment? By asking the right questions and ensuring the company has a supportive and organized work environment.

Here are some questions for various tech jobs, specifically focusing on which tech jobs are in demand, such as Developers, Designers, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and Project Managers. These questions can help you understand how the company operates and whether it’s a good fit for you.

For Developers:

Question 1: Can you tell me about the work process? What happens from the moment a client hires us to develop the product until we deploy it to production?

Why to ask that? This question checks if the company works in an organized way. A chaotic work environment can lead to burnout and hinder your growth.

Question 2: What version control system do you use, and how do you manage code reviews?

Why to ask that? This shows how the company handles its software work. A robust code review process ensures code quality and fosters a culture of continuous learning.

Question 3: How do you handle technical debt and legacy code?

Why to ask that? This will help you understand the company's commitment to code quality and continuous improvement. Addressing technical debt is crucial for long-term project sustainability.

For Designers:

Question 1: How does the design team collaborate with developers and product managers during the product development cycle?

Why to ask that? This will give you a sense of the company's collaborative spirit. Seamless collaboration between design and development ensures that the end product aligns with the intended design vision.

Question 2: What tools and software does the design team use for prototyping and design handoffs?

Why to ask that? Familiarity with the tools can be a bonus, but more importantly, it indicates the company's investment in the latest design technologies and methodologies.

Question 3: How does the company gather and incorporate user feedback into the design process?

Why to ask that? This will help you understand the company's commitment to user-centered design and continuous improvement based on real user feedback.

For Scrum Masters:

Question 1: How does the company handle sprint interruptions or changes in priorities mid-sprint?

Why to ask that? This will give you an idea of how agile the company truly is and how they manage unforeseen challenges.

Question 2: What metrics do you use to measure the success of a sprint or a project?

Why to ask that? Metrics can provide insights into the company's focus areas, whether it's on delivering features, maintaining code quality, or ensuring customer satisfaction.

Question 3: How does the company support continuous learning and training for its scrum teams?

Why to ask that? Continuous learning is a cornerstone of agile methodologies. This question will help you gauge the company's commitment to professional development and agile best practices.

For Product Owners:

Question 1: How does the company define and prioritize product requirements? Are there specific frameworks or methodologies in place?

Why to ask that? This will give you insights into the company's approach to product development and whether they have a structured method for prioritizing features and requirements.

Question 2: How often does the company engage with real users for feedback, and how is this feedback integrated into the product roadmap?

Why to ask that? Understanding the company's user engagement frequency and methods can provide insights into their commitment to user-centric design and iterative development.

Question 3: What role do stakeholders play in the product development process, and how is their feedback incorporated?

Why to ask that? This will help you gauge the company's approach to stakeholder management and how they balance business needs with product vision.

For Project Managers:

Question 1: How does the company prioritize projects, and who is involved in the decision-making process?

Why to ask that? This will give you insights into the company's strategic direction and how decisions are made.

Question 2: What tools does the company use for project management, and how is project progress tracked and communicated?

Why to ask that? Understanding the tools and communication methods can provide insights into the company's organizational skills and transparency.

Question 3: How does the company handle project setbacks or delays, and how are these communicated to stakeholders?

Why to ask that? This will help you gauge the company's approach to challenges and their commitment to transparency and effective communication.


These questions can help you learn a lot about a company's way of working and what they value. A company that works in clear and organized ways is not just good at what they do but also takes care of its people. Remember, it's not just about them choosing you, but also about you choosing the right place for yourself.

Of course, the tech world is vast, and everyone's journey is unique. So, to all the tech professionals reading this: What questions have you found valuable in your interviews? Based on your role in tech, what would you add to this list and why? Your insights could be the guiding light for someone else stepping into the industry. Let's come together and share our experiences to help each other grow.

Talk soon. Take care!

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