Solving the Puzzle: Troubleshooting Kubernetes Pods and Services

Supratip Banerjee - Sep 12 '23 - - Dev Community


Kubernetes has revolutionized the world of container orchestration, enabling seamless deployment and management of containerized applications. However, like any complex system, Kubernetes deployments can encounter issues and challenges that require troubleshooting. In this article, we will explore common problems that arise with Kubernetes pods and services and provide practical strategies for effective troubleshooting.

Understanding Kubernetes Pods and Services

Before delving into troubleshooting, it’s essential to understand the fundamental components: pods and services. A pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, representing one or more containers sharing the same network namespace and storage volumes. Services, on the other hand, provide a stable endpoint for accessing a set of pods, enabling load balancing and service discovery within the cluster.


Identifying Common Pod Issues

Troubleshooting Kubernetes pods often involves diagnosing issues related to container crashes, resource constraints, networking problems, and image pulling failures. The following are some common pod-related problems that you may encounter during Kubernetes troubleshooting:

  • Container Crashes: Containers within a pod can crash due to application errors, out-of-memory conditions, or other issues. It’s crucial to inspect the container logs to identify the root cause of the crash.

  • Resource Constraints: Pods may experience resource constraints, leading to performance degradation or failures. Monitoring resource utilization and setting appropriate resource limits can help prevent this issue.

  • Networking Problems: Networking issues can prevent pods from communicating with each other or external services. Examining networking configurations and checking network policies can resolve these problems.

  • Image Pulling Failures: If the container image specified in the pod’s configuration is unavailable or misconfigured, the pod may fail to start. Verifying image availability and ensuring correct image specifications can address this problem.

# Get the list of pods in a specific namespace
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

# View the logs of a specific container in a pod
kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name> -n <namespace>

# Describe the details of a pod to check for error events
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n <namespace>
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Troubleshooting Container Crashes

Tackling Service-Related Issues

Services in Kubernetes facilitate communication between pods, and troubleshooting them involves diagnosing issues with DNS resolution, incorrect service configurations, and load balancing problems. Here are some common service-related challenges:

  • DNS Resolution: If services cannot resolve DNS names, pods may fail to communicate with each other. Ensuring that CoreDNS or other DNS services are functioning correctly is vital.

  • Incorrect Service Configuration: Incorrectly configured services, such as specifying incorrect selectors or port numbers, can lead to communication failures between pods.

  • Load Balancing Issues: Load balancing problems can cause uneven distribution of traffic among pods, leading to performance imbalances.

Using Kubernetes Dashboard for Troubleshooting

The Kubernetes Dashboard provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to visualize and manage Kubernetes resources, making it an invaluable tool for troubleshooting. It allows users to inspect pods, services, deployments, and more, providing insights into the current state of the cluster.

# Deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard
kubectl apply -f [](

# Create a service account for the Dashboard
kubectl apply -f [](

# Create a ClusterRoleBinding to grant necessary permissions
kubectl create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin — clusterrole=cluster-admin — serviceaccount=kubernetes-dashboard:dashboard-admin-sa
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Installing Kubernetes Dashboard

After installation, you can access the Dashboard by running the following command:

kubectl proxy
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The Dashboard will be available at:

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Examining Cluster Events

Kubernetes records various cluster events that can provide valuable information during troubleshooting. Events capture actions such as pod scheduling, image pulling, and pod deletions. Examining cluster events can help identify issues and understand the sequence of actions taken by Kubernetes.

# View the list of cluster events
kubectl get events

# View detailed information about a specific event
kubectl describe event <event_name>
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Viewing Cluster Events

Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

Using monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana can significantly aid in troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments. Prometheus collects metrics from various components within the cluster, while Grafana provides powerful visualization and alerting capabilities.


Troubleshooting Kubernetes pods and services is an essential skill for effectively managing containerized applications. Understanding the common issues that arise with pods and services and leveraging tools like Kubernetes Dashboard, examining cluster events, and using monitoring solutions like Prometheus and Grafana can streamline the troubleshooting process. By mastering these troubleshooting techniques, administrators and developers can ensure the smooth operation and optimal performance of their Kubernetes deployments, making Kubernetes an even more powerful platform for container orchestration.

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