I noticed a couple interesting trends this week. Of course, JavaScript is still far in the lead but business/entrepreneurship and UX ticked up a bit. Computer Science is still strong, so perhaps last week wasn't a fluke.
As for the project, unfortunately I didn't get any time on the keyboard this week but the holiday season is upon us so I should be able to eek some more time out.
re:Tagging - It seemed silly to manually add "JavaScript" every time I tagged Angular|React|Vue so it's clear that I need some form of hierarchy so that tags can be inherited. For example, Rails implies Ruby and Rails also implies Web Development but Ruby does not necessarily imply Web Development. I'm not sure how best to solve that yet, but I did sign up for free Postgres hosting to hist the QIT back-end database so the first steps have been made!
Dev Podcasts: 2018-11-11 to 2018-11-18
51 episodes (still manually tagging)
Info grabbed from devpodcasts.app, which is open-source and based on the QIT search engine...which is also open-source.