Exciting news (for me anyway), these podcasts were auto-tagged this week. That means less work for me, although the results are far from perfect.
I'm not proud of the code I wrote to get there, very much "protoduction" style.
To get the list of tags, I...
- started with the tags from StackOverflow, 5000+
- joined the synonyms (probably incorrectly) in an attempt to get rid of tags that were too specific, 2700+
- Ran all 2700+ terms through qit and threw away any that had less than 3 results - 800+
- Manually read through the list and removed ambiguous or uninteresting terms (like "product" or "text") and added them to a blacklist file - 259 tags
- Added a few terms that were missing - 262 tags!
It's still more than I want, but there's room for a lot of polish and it's easy to add synonyms once I refactor this into a better spot.
The code is all up on github, though it's poorly factored at the moment. (remember, "protoduction")
Next week I'm hoping to focus on clean-up, iterating on the tags, and finally getting back to qit.
n-e-wayz, here's the list for this week:
Dev Podcasts: 2018-11-25 to 2018-12-02
50 episodes (auto-tagged, yay!)