I have a huge reason to cheer right now. I made my very first open source contribution 🎉🎉🎉🥳
For a couple of months now I've been using this awesome VS Code theme called Synthwave '84 by Robb Owen.
I liked it that much that I wanted to use it as syntax highlighting theme for my blog.
I use PrismJS as syntax highlighting tool, but the theme could not be found there, so I decided to give it a try and port Robb's theme to Prism.
You can check out the theme here:
In order to use it, you just need a code.language-* within a pre.language-* element and add the prism.js file. (* stands for the language you want to highlight, e.g. javascript, css)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./prism-synthwave84.css">
<pre class="language-javascript">
<code class="language-javascript">
// Some JavaScript code here...
const performances = ['🎺', '🎸', '🎤']
performances.forEach(performance => {
let me = entertain(you, performance)();
<script src="./prism.js"></script>
You can download the prism.js file from their website.
The result will be something like this:
Or if you already use Prism, just replace the CSS file with the Synthwave file.