Understanding the Different Types of API Calls: A Complete Guide

Emmanuel Mumba - Sep 26 - - Dev Community

Explore the various types of API calls and their functionalities. This comprehensive guide covers GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more.

In the fast-paced digital landscape of today, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as crucial elements that facilitate communication between various software applications. Whether you're creating a mobile application, connecting with third-party services, or developing a sophisticated web platform, grasping the different types of API calls is vital. But what exactly are API calls, and how do they function? Let’s delve into this topic to explore the various types of API calls and their significance in contemporary software development.

If you're looking for a streamlined way to handle your API testing, management, and documentation, Apidog is a great tool. Download it for free to simplify your API development process.

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What is an API Call?

An API call is a request made by one software application to another, asking for data or specific actions to be performed. It's essentially a communication link between different pieces of software, enabling them to share resources and data seamlessly. When an API call is initiated, the requesting application sends a message to a server asking for information or action, and the server responds with the appropriate data. This exchange happens rapidly, often in milliseconds, allowing for smooth interactions across platforms and devices.

APIs are categorized into different types, and knowing the types of API calls is essential for developers to choose the right approach for their projects. So, what types of API calls are there? Let's explore below.

Understanding the Types of API Calls

APIs serve as the bridge between applications, making them highly versatile and applicable in many scenarios. Here’s a closer look at the most common types of API calls:

Understanding the Types of API Calls

1. GET Requests

GET requests are the most widely used type of API call. As the name implies, a GET request is used to retrieve data from a server. For example, when you browse a website and click on a link to view more details about a product, your browser sends a GET request to the server. The server then responds with the requested product details, which are displayed on your screen.

GET requests are straightforward, efficient, and common in many applications. They are idempotent, meaning that repeating the same request multiple times will return the same result. This feature makes GET requests ideal for retrieving static data such as images, product listings, or user profiles.

GET /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com

2. POST Requests

POST requests are used to send data to a server to create or update a resource. Unlike GET requests, which retrieve data, POST requests submit data for processing. For instance, when you fill out a form on a website and hit "Submit," a POST request sends the form data to the server for handling.

POST requests are not idempotent, meaning sending the same request multiple times can lead to multiple records being created. For this reason, POST requests are commonly used for actions such as creating a new user account, submitting a contact form, or processing a payment.


POST /api/products HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "New Product",
  "price": 29.99,
  "description": "A brand new product"

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3. PUT Requests

PUT requests are used to update an existing resource. Unlike POST requests, which can create new resources, PUT requests are meant for replacing or updating the data of an already existing resource. When a PUT request is sent, it instructs the server to overwrite the existing resource with the new data provided.

PUT requests are idempotent, meaning sending the same request multiple times will produce the same result, making them perfect for tasks like updating user profiles, modifying product details, or changing application settings.


PUT /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "Updated Product",
  "price": 24.99,
  "description": "An updated description for the product"
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4. DELETE Requests

DELETE requests are used to remove a resource from the server. For example, if you want to delete a product from your inventory or remove a user from your database, you would use a DELETE request.

Similar to PUT requests, DELETE requests are usually idempotent. If you attempt to delete a resource that no longer exists, there won’t be any negative effect, and the result will be the same as if the resource existed—ensuring a safe and consistent operation.


DELETE /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com

5. PATCH Requests

PATCH requests allow for partial updates to an existing resource. Unlike PUT requests, which completely replace a resource, PATCH requests modify only the fields that you specify. This makes PATCH requests ideal for scenarios where only a small portion of the resource needs updating.

For example, if you need to update just a user's email address or adjust the stock quantity of a product, a PATCH request would be more efficient than sending a full resource update.


PATCH /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Content-Type: application/json

  "price": 19.99
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6. OPTIONS Requests

OPTIONS requests serve a unique purpose compared to other API calls. Instead of retrieving or modifying data, they are used to discover which HTTP methods a server or endpoint supports. This type of request is particularly useful in Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) situations, where clients need to check if a server allows specific HTTP methods from a particular domain.

When a client sends an OPTIONS request, the server responds with a list of permitted methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE. This helps clients understand the available actions they can perform on the server.


OPTIONS /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com

7. HEAD Requests

HEAD requests are similar to GET requests, but they only return headers without the response body. They are useful for checking the status of a resource or inspecting metadata without downloading the entire content.


HEAD /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
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8. TRACE Requests

TRACE requests echo back the received request, showing how a request is altered as it passes through intermediate servers. Although helpful for debugging, they are rarely used due to security risks.


TRACE /api/products/12345 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
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9. CONNECT Requests

CONNECT is used to establish a network connection, commonly seen in proxy servers for HTTPS connections.


CONNECT www.example.com:443 HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
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10. WebSocket Requests

WebSocket requests provide full-duplex communication channels over a single connection, allowing real-time data transfer. They're used in chat apps, live updates, and online games.


const socket = new WebSocket('ws://www.example.com/socket');
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11. GraphQL Queries

GraphQL allows clients to request specific data with a single query, reducing the amount of data transferred. It supports fetching data, modifying it (mutations), and real-time updates (subscriptions).


query {
  product(id: "12345") {
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Testing API Requests with Apidog

Apidog is a versatile API documentation and testing tool, perfect for simplifying API interactions, creating assertions, and managing test scenarios efficiently.

Send and Test GET Requests in Apidog

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Using Apidog for GET Requests

Specifically designed for user-friendliness, Apidog offers a quick and visual way to send and test GET requests. Its intuitive interface allows developers to define complex API endpoints easily, set up various test scenarios without hassle, and execute tests in real-time, all within an accessible platform.

Developers can utilize Apidog's visual features to enhance the testing process for GET requests, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize simplicity, efficiency, and a unified approach to API testing.

Understanding API Responses

Having discussed the different types of API calls, it’s equally important to grasp the nature of API responses Specifically tailored for ease of use, Apidog provides a quick and visual means of sending and testing GET requests. Its user-friendly interface empowers developers to define intricate API endpoints with simplicity, set up diverse test scenarios effortlessly, and execute tests in real-time, all within an intuitive platform.

Developers can leverage Apidog's visual capabilities to streamline the process of testing GET requests, making it a recommended choice for those who value simplicity, efficiency, and an integrated approach to API testing.

Understanding API Responses
Now that we've covered the different types of API calls, it's important to also understand the nature of API responses. When an API call is made, the server sends back a response, which includes not only the requested data but also additional information, such as the status of the request.

HTTP Status Codes
HTTP status codes are a crucial part of API responses. They indicate whether the request was successful or if there was an error. Here are some of the most common status codes you might encounter:

200 OK: The request was successful, and the server returned the requested data.
201 Created: The request was successful, and a new resource was created.
400 Bad Request: The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
401 Unauthorized: The client must authenticate itself to get the
requested response.

403 Forbidden: The client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
404 Not Found: The server could not find the requested resource.
500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an error and could not complete the request.). When an API call is made, the server returns a response that includes not only the requested data but also additional information, such as the status of the request.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes are a vital part of API responses. They indicate whether the request was successful or if an error occurred. Here are some of the most common status codes you may encounter:

  • 200 OK: The request was successful, and the server returned the requested data.
  • 201 Created: The request was successful, and a new resource was created.
  • 400 Bad Request: The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The client must authenticate itself to receive the requested response.
  • 403 Forbidden: The client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
  • 404 Not Found: The server could not find the requested resource.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an error and could not complete the request.

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Understanding API Calls and Their Responses

Data Formats

API responses commonly return data in specific formats:

  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight and human-readable format widely used in API responses.
  • XML (eXtensible Markup Language): A more verbose data format still utilized in some older APIs.
  • HTML: Occasionally returned when APIs serve web pages.

Response Headers

API responses also include headers that convey additional details, such as:

  • Content-Type: Specifies the format of the returned data (e.g., application/json).
  • Content-Length: Indicates the size of the response body.
  • Authorization: Contains authentication details when required.

When to Use Different API Calls

Understanding when to use each type of API call is essential:

  • GET Requests: Ideal for retrieving data from a server, such as user details or product lists.

  • POST Requests: Suitable for submitting data, such as creating a new user or processing a form.

  • PUT/PATCH Requests: Use PUT to replace an entire resource, and PATCH for minor updates to specific fields.

  • DELETE Requests: Employed to remove resources, like deleting a user account or product.

  • OPTIONS Requests: Helps identify which HTTP methods a server supports, useful in CORS scenarios.

  • HEAD and TRACE Requests: HEAD requests allow header inspection without downloading the full response, while TRACE can show how requests are processed by servers.

  • CONNECT Requests: Used for establishing secure connections, primarily via proxy servers.

  • WebSocket Requests: Enable real-time interactions, facilitating simultaneous data transfer between client and server.

  • GraphQL Queries: Allow flexible and specific data retrieval, reducing the amount of transferred data.

Optimizing API Performance

To ensure efficient and scalable applications, consider the following optimization strategies:

  1. Minimize API Calls:

    • Batch Requests: Combine multiple calls into one.
    • Caching: Store frequently accessed data locally.
    • Utilize GraphQL: Fetch all needed data in a single request.
  2. Optimize Data Payloads:

    • Pagination: Divide large data sets into smaller parts.
    • Compression: Reduce the size of data sent over the network.
    • Filtering: Request only necessary data rather than complete resources.
  3. Use Asynchronous Requests: Allow other tasks to proceed while waiting for API responses, enhancing user experience.

  4. Monitor API Performance: Regularly track metrics like response times and error rates to identify improvement areas.

  5. Implement Rate Limiting: Protect your API by limiting the number of requests a client can make in a specified timeframe.


APIs are vital for modern software development, enabling communication between applications. Mastering different API calls and their appropriate use is crucial for building efficient and secure applications. Whether you're retrieving data with GET, submitting with POST, or optimizing performance, knowing how to use each API call is key to success.

For those seeking a streamlined API development process, consider downloading Apidog for free. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for testing, managing, and documenting APIs, making your API interactions more straightforward.

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