Spring AOP - Quick Start

Tommy - May 23 '22 - - Dev Community

Spring AOP allows developers to intercept code that executes before and after methods calls. Aspects enable the modularization of crosscutting concerns such as transaction management, security or logging.

Here are a few key terms that you'll encounter when dealing with AOP.


  • is the action taken by an aspect at a particular joinpoint.


  • is the point at which a method or the handling of an exception occurs.


  • an expression language of spring AOP which is basically used to match the target methods to apply the advice.
  • Pointcut expressions can be combined using operators like ||, && and ! but in our example we won't be using this technique
  • syntax: Advice(" execution(modifiers? return-type declaring-type? method-name(param) throws?) ") @Before("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))")_


0. Structure your packages

1. Add to Maven /pom.xml

<!-- aop dependency -->
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2. Create your AOP class and apply annotations

@Aspect  // import from org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect
public class MyCustomAspect{
   // code goes here..
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3. Add any of these Advice method into your AOP class
Before advice

@Before("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))") 
public void beforeLoggingAdd() { 
   System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs BEFORE the method ###"); 
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After advice

@After("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))") 
public void afterLoggingAdd() { 
   System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs AFTER the method ###"); 
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After Returning advice
an optional returning="return" can be used to access the return value of the matched method

@AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))", returning = "result") 
public void afterReturningLoggingAdd(Object result) { 
   System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs AFTER the methods's successful execution ###"); 
   System.out.println("result: " + result.toString()); 
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After Throwing advice

@AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))", throwing = "throwingException") 
public void afterExceptionLoggingAdd(Throwable throwingException) { 
   System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs after the method (if exception is thrown) ###"); 
   System.out.println("exception: " + throwingException); 
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Around advice
this advice can perform custom behavior both before and after the method invocation

@Around("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))") 
public Integer aroundLoggingAdd(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable { 
   System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs BEFORE and AFTER the method ###"); 
   Integer result = (Integer) jp.proceed(); 
   System.out.println("### LOGGING ADD METHOD : AROUND ###"); 
   return result;
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4. Create a method to execute

public class MyService {
   public Integer addResource(){
      System.out.println("add method executed!");
      return 0;
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5. Test your AOP advice

public class DemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);

   MyService ms;

   public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
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