List of 100 different Linux commands (Part-2) [Must Read]

Trix Cyrus - Sep 29 - - Dev Community

Author: Trix Cyrus

Here’s a list of 100 different Linux commands that were not included in previous list. This compilation covers various categories, providing a more comprehensive resource for Linux users.

Basic Commands

alias - Create a shortcut for a command.
basename - Strip directory and suffix from filenames.
dirname - Strip the last component from a file name.
env - Display the environment variables.
export - Set environment variables.
seq - Print a sequence of numbers.
wc - Count lines, words, and characters in a file.
xargs - Build and execute command lines from standard input.
shred - Securely delete files.
split - Split a file into pieces.
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Intermediate Commands

watch - Execute a command repeatedly, showing output.
jobs - List active jobs.
bg - Resume a suspended job in the background.
fg - Bring a job to the foreground.
pstree - Display a tree of processes.
nice - Run a command with modified scheduling priority.
renice - Alter the priority of running processes.
uname - Display system information.
history -c - Clear the command history.
type - Display information about a command.
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File System and Disk Management

df -i - Show inode usage.
du -h --max-depth=1 - Show human-readable directory sizes.
fsfreeze - Suspend access to a filesystem.
tune2fs - Adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems.
xfs_info - Display information about an XFS filesystem.
lsattr - List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
chattr - Change file attributes on a Linux file system.
fallocate - Preallocate space to a file.
hdparm - Get/set SATA/IDE device parameters.
partprobe - Inform the OS of partition table changes.
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System Monitoring & Management

sar - Collect, report, or save system activity information.
iotop - Monitor disk I/O usage by processes.
uptime -p - Show how long the system has been running in a human-readable format.
lsof -i - List open internet connections.
dstat - Versatile resource statistics.
nload - Monitor network traffic in real time.
pmap - Report memory map of a process.
pidstat - Report statistics by process ID.
free -m - Show memory usage in megabytes.
vmstat 1 - Report memory, processes, and system information every second.
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Networking Commands

iwconfig - Configure wireless network interfaces.
ethtool - Display or change Ethernet device settings.
mtr - Network diagnostic tool combining traceroute and ping.
route - Show or manipulate the IP routing table.
arp - Manipulate the system ARP cache.
tcpdump -i eth0 - Capture packets on a specific network interface.
curl -s -o - Download a file silently.
httping - Ping a web server using HTTP.
fping - Send ICMP echo requests to multiple hosts.
ping6 - Send ICMP echo requests to IPv6 addresses.
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User and Group Management

groupdel - Remove a group from the system.
gpasswd - Administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow.
usermod -l newname oldname - Rename a user.
newgrp - Log in to a new group.
passwd -l username - Lock a user account.
passwd -u username - Unlock a user account.
finger - Display user information.
chsh - Change the login shell for a user.
groups - Show the groups the user is a member of.
vipw - Safely edit the password file.
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Package Management

apt-get update - Update the list of available packages.
apt-get upgrade - Upgrade all installed packages.
apt-get install package - Install a package.
apt-get remove package - Remove a package.
apt-get autoremove - Remove unneeded packages.
dpkg -i package.deb - Install a .deb package.
dpkg -r package - Remove a .deb package.
yum search package - Search for a package.
yum info package - Display information about a package.
pacman -Syu - Update system packages on Arch Linux.
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System Backup & Restore

rsnapshot - Automated filesystem backup tool.
dump - Backup filesystem.
restore - Restore files from a dump.
bzip2 - Compress files using the bzip2 algorithm.
bunzip2 - Decompress bzip2 files.
zcat - View the contents of a compressed file.
cpio - Copy files to and from archives.
deja-dup - Simple backup tool for Linux.
backup-manager - Backup manager for managing backups.
fsarchiver - Save the contents of a filesystem to a compressed archive.
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Advanced Commands

python3 -m http.server - Start a simple HTTP server.
strace - Trace system calls and signals.
tcpflow - Capture TCP sessions and reconstruct them.
screenfetch - Display system information in a visually appealing way.
bmon - Bandwidth monitor and rate estimator.
iftop - Display bandwidth usage on an interface.
curl -X DELETE - Send an HTTP DELETE request.
awk '{print $1}' file.txt - Print the first column of a file.
sed -i 's/old/new/g' file.txt - In-place text substitution.
jq - Command-line JSON processor.
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Miscellaneous Commands

nano -w - Open a file in nano without wrapping long lines.
less +F file.log - Follow a log file in real-time.
mktemp - Create a temporary file or directory.
xxd - Create a hex dump of a file.
file filename - Determine the file type.
wc -l filename - Count lines in a file.
nl filename - Number lines in a file.
shuf - Randomly permute a file.
pv - Monitor the progress of data through a pipeline.
fallocate -l 1G testfile - Allocate a file of 1 GB.
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