Author: Trix Cyrus
Why Download YouTube Videos with Python?
There are many reasons why you might want to download YouTube videos programmatically:
-For offline viewing.
-To extract audio for personal use.
-For educational purposes, such as analyzing or editing video content.
~ With Python, downloading videos becomes a simple, automated task.
Lets Get Started
Step 1: Install pytube and moviepy
First, you’ll need to install the pytube and moviepy library, which is a lightweight Python library for downloading YouTube videos in both p3 and mp4.
pip install pytube moviepy
Step 2: Writing the Python Script.
paste the below script in that file.
from pytube import YouTube
import moviepy.editor as mp
import os
def download_youtube_video(url, file_format):
# Fetch the YouTube video
yt = YouTube(url)
stream = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=(file_format == 'mp3')).first() if file_format == 'mp3' else yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()
print(f"Downloading {file_format.upper()}...")
output_path =
if file_format == 'mp3':
output_mp3 = output_path.replace(".mp4", ".mp3")
print("Converting to MP3...")
video_clip = mp.AudioFileClip(output_path)
os.remove(output_path) # Remove the temporary video file
print(f"\nDownload completed in {file_format.upper()} format!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("YouTube to MP3/MP4 Downloader")
url = input("Enter the YouTube video URL: ").strip()
file_format = input("Do you want to download as MP3 or MP4? (Enter 'mp3' or 'mp4'): ").strip().lower()
if file_format not in ['mp3', 'mp4']:
print("Invalid format. Please enter 'mp3' or 'mp4'.")
download_youtube_video(url, file_format)
Save the file and run
Then It will prompt to enter url and output format i.e. mp3 or mp4.
comment if any issue or error occur.
And All Set