Vercel Templates. -Update SCAM ON VERCEL? Broken Projects on Vercel? Doomed life for a Vercel Dev?

Jake T. (Vampeyer ) - Apr 27 - - Dev Community

Good morning and good evening to all.

Edit , 06/06/2024 -

Here in this post , it is a long and badly written article that I was editing as I was developing so sorry if its hard to follow along.

  • I was just trying to use the templates on Vercel ?
  • And it failed horribly multiple times where it did not have too, in order to function.
  • Even the sample site was broken...

--- The following is a detailed account and complaint of issues I faced , when using Vercel services. Although my line of story telling and typography was crappy at the time , there is a lot one can take away from this if they are really trying to grow as a developer.

------------- Its all about changing things to make you more dependent-------------- Its all about money , its all about control.
------------------- Never forget those two things when looking at ANY SaaS or software.

---- Always try and locally source or at least know how to if you need too do something.

Edit , 06/06/2024 -

It was a crappy db it was connected to ,
Im not rewriting the whole application.

--- this is just a big review and complaint of vercels services.

We will have technological proficiency sometime when I can make AI replace them,
Becasue I dont have time for this broken Vercel BS anymore.

Welcome to another software breakdown with the Cybaman,
Vampeyer , as we discuss and implement some important features and optimizations
for this basic to do list application , as to be more
Open Sourced friendly , and to achieve the technological proficiency
that we all deserve.

This is a Overview , of a

simple to do list application on vercel , and the broken things about it.

, as I am a somewhat experienced developer, I was browsing along here through React , Next.js , and Vercel I had found this application here.

This application was found on -

--- Entry notes -- My name Is Vampeyer ,and today is 04/27/2024

This seems to be as another to do list as I had previewed one here before that was already rained down with useless third party services , and
it was rendered ultimately difficult to fully build easily as well. That is the supabase / next.js template found here.

But that's not even the one I am doing or talking about , I am talking about this one.

With a Tigris connection to some Db.

That I had a failed build on from not creating a third party service and connecting it fully.

---- Developer Notes - - - -
This is insane. I can confirm that by means of my colleagues who are ready and available for full responsiveness in this matter.

There is absolutely positively no way that a simple to-do-list should
have to rely an yet another third party service crap AKA

There is absolutely positively no need for such bloated tech , such as a database for a simple MVP ( Minimum Viable Product ) , to a proper and purposeful end application. Especially when it doesn't work or someone is slowed down by Yet Another hang up for good documentation.

A to-do-list can be EASILY implemented by using local storage , cookie storage , JSON , or even a simple text file. This can even be seen and demonstrated on my page, I had forked a repo finished it up and deployed it.

My site is here , , you may view MY - react to - do - list there , which operates fully functionally offline ,
with no backgrond internet connection required whatsoever. As well as my to-do-list
operates using local storage instead of relaying and relying on a Database , AND is available on all major devices , Android , Windows, Apple , and Ios Devices , that I created - by hand.

So -

  • Save some silicon already sheesh. Learn better production skills. Understand useful alternatives, Learn to make more resilient and independant code that will function, I dont know what else to say to about that.

And please for the sake of GOD stop making applications that make developers more and more reliant on absolutely uneeded third party services.
. - I dont need you to function ,and certainly I dont need your
unfunctional code base thank you very much.

  • For my project managers, leads, and Dev's that like optimization by the way , I just suggested an optimization option that removes the entire database and its weight and dependency in the application so,

  • Optimize that !

    ( Or just hire me because I'm seeking a job at the moment)

Also , the links are broken , even the example site shows a 404 page.

This is technologically off somewhere , and in my standards , that is NOT acceptable for production as they have it for the community.

Moving forward -

Me and my business ,
practice and advocate for technological proficiency , and there is a reason for that.

There is a broken link on this page , just to view the simple Demo , ( same link as above )

It would seem that not even the maintainers have been able to keep their own preview page up for the site there, just only on that one.


This ends now , and we will have technological proficiency on this simple matter.
I will be creating , deploying , and re-releasing a working preview page,
Along with the source code ,

  • for the React- Vercel Template of the Tigris to do list application.

And then I will completely remove the entire Tigris Database along with it , and make it ten times more optimized , portable , installable , and fully offline functional ,by using some form of local storage. --- Courtesy of me and my business , and you can bet they
will run much more quickly and less bloated , be ten times as fast and ten times as reliable , just by changing some storage options around.

And I am mainly doing it , to help properly inform the community as much as possible ,
as well as.

Just to prove a point.

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Good day, and Thank you for your time.

( Please feel free to give feedback positive or negative and critique anywhere as I am still learning, Thank you. )

------Edit , same day 9:03pm

-------------- The follow up -------------------------------

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\React and Next js\tigristodolist\tigris-vercel-starter> fly storage create
? Select Organization: Jake T. (Vampeyer ) (personal)
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one:
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one:
Error: input:3: createAddOn Your account has been marked as high risk. Please go to to
verify your account.

==== Nope not me , they wont be getting any financial information from me for a lie. =======================

--- This entire fiasco is to tell you now , I have successfully wasted a significant amount of my time , trying to get

  • Supposed freeware To work and it is just crappy software, with paywalls all in all now Ok?

---- It was all just a scam to force you to buy some more stuff just to make something work. It was all just a bunch of crappy code for a sales pitch , run away IMMEDIATELY from this company , or its affiliates , they are practicing misleading business practices !

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------ 04 / 27 / 2024 - 09:19.

Never has one had to type such a large article for so so so many failures and critical concerns and flaws over a basic to do list application........thank you very much.

( Sigh ) Time is money anyhow and if you place a $20 subscription here ,
I will pay you back in good and accurate documentation , Thanks.

Moving forward ,
... I'm going to go get some food , and come back , and finish this application - the right way.
with ,

  • No subscriptions,
  • No _unecessary and difficult_Third party services ,
  • No bloated tech.
  • and No lying about technology. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

. . . .
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