Building Highly Available and Scalable Web Applications with AWS Elastic Load Balancer

Viraj Lakshitha Bandara - Jun 21 - - Dev Community


Building Highly Available and Scalable Web Applications with AWS Elastic Load Balancer

Modern web applications demand high availability, scalability, and responsiveness to handle fluctuating traffic patterns and ensure a seamless user experience. AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is a fully managed service that plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives. This blog post delves into the intricacies of ELB, explores various use cases, and examines alternative solutions offered by other cloud providers.

Understanding Elastic Load Balancing

Load balancing, in essence, is the art of efficiently distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers. This distribution prevents any single server from becoming a bottleneck and ensures that your application remains responsive even during traffic surges. ELB accomplishes this by acting as a single point of contact for clients, receiving requests, and then routing them to healthy backend instances.

Types of Elastic Load Balancers

AWS provides three primary types of ELBs, each tailored for specific use cases:

  1. Application Load Balancer (ALB): Operates at the application layer (Layer 7) of the OSI model, allowing routing decisions based on content such as HTTP headers, cookies, and path-based routing. This makes ALBs ideal for modern web applications built on microservices architecture or those requiring advanced routing capabilities.

  2. Network Load Balancer (NLB): Operates at the transport layer (Layer 4), handling millions of requests per second with ultra-low latency. NLBs are well-suited for applications demanding extreme performance, such as gaming servers, streaming services, and high-frequency trading platforms.

  3. Classic Load Balancer (CLB): Now considered legacy, CLBs provide basic load balancing across EC2 instances. While still functional, they lack the advanced features and performance optimization offered by ALBs and NLBs.

Use Cases for ELB

Let's explore several compelling use cases that showcase the power and versatility of Elastic Load Balancing:

1. High Availability for Web Servers

Challenge: Ensuring uninterrupted website availability even if a web server experiences downtime.

Solution: Deploy multiple EC2 instances running your web application behind an ELB. The ELB will continuously monitor the health of these instances. If one becomes unhealthy, ELB automatically reroutes traffic to the remaining healthy instances, providing fault tolerance and preventing service disruptions.

2. Scaling to Handle Peak Loads

Challenge: Accommodating unpredictable spikes in traffic, such as during product launches or flash sales, without compromising performance.

Solution: Implement ELB with Auto Scaling. When traffic surges, Auto Scaling automatically launches additional EC2 instances, and ELB seamlessly integrates them into the load-balanced pool. Conversely, during periods of low traffic, Auto Scaling removes instances to optimize costs.

3. Blue/Green Deployments and Canary Releases

Challenge: Seamlessly deploying new application versions with minimal downtime and risk.

Solution: Utilize ELB to facilitate blue/green deployments by routing traffic to a "blue" environment (existing version) while deploying and testing updates on a "green" environment. Once validated, switch all traffic to the "green" environment. This ensures a smooth transition and allows for quick rollback if issues arise. For canary releases, ELB can route a small percentage of traffic to a new version for testing and monitoring before a full rollout.

4. Content-Based Routing for Microservices

Challenge: Routing traffic to specific microservices based on request characteristics like URL paths or headers.

Solution: Leverage ALB's path-based routing feature to direct requests to different target groups representing individual microservices. This allows for efficient decoupling of functionalities and simplifies application architecture. For instance, requests to /api/users can be routed to the user management microservice, while requests to /api/products go to the product catalog microservice.

5. SSL Termination and Security Enhancement

Challenge: Offloading SSL/TLS encryption/decryption to a dedicated service for improved performance and easier certificate management.

Solution: Configure ELB to terminate SSL connections. This means that ELB handles the encryption and decryption of traffic between the client and the load balancer, forwarding decrypted requests to the backend instances. This not only reduces the processing load on your web servers but also centralizes certificate management, enhancing security.

Alternatives to ELB

While ELB excels within the AWS ecosystem, other cloud providers offer comparable load balancing services:

  • Google Cloud Platform Load Balancing: Offers a comprehensive suite of load balancers, including global HTTP(S) load balancers for distributing traffic across regions and internal load balancers for internal microservices communication.
  • Azure Load Balancer: Provides various load balancing solutions, such as Azure Application Gateway for Layer 7 routing and Azure Load Balancer for Layer 4 traffic distribution.

Each platform boasts unique features and integrations within its respective ecosystem, so the optimal choice depends on specific project requirements.


AWS Elastic Load Balancer is an indispensable tool for architecting resilient, scalable, and secure web applications. By distributing incoming traffic, ensuring high availability, and simplifying deployments, ELB empowers developers to focus on building feature-rich applications without compromising on performance or reliability.

Advanced Use Case: Building a Globally Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Application

Scenario: Imagine building a real-time video streaming platform with a global user base. The platform requires low latency, high availability across multiple regions, and the ability to scale dynamically based on user demand.

Solution: We can leverage multiple AWS services, including ELB, to architect this system:

  1. Global Traffic Management with Route 53: Use Route 53, AWS's DNS service, to route traffic to the closest geographic region based on the user's location. This reduces latency and improves the user experience.
  2. Multi-Region Deployment: Deploy identical copies of the application infrastructure (including EC2 instances, databases, and caching layers) in multiple AWS regions to ensure high availability even in the event of a regional outage.
  3. Network Load Balancing: Utilize NLBs in each region to distribute incoming traffic across multiple Availability Zones within that region. This provides an additional layer of redundancy and fault tolerance.
  4. Application Load Balancing: Employ ALBs to route traffic to specific microservices responsible for video encoding, streaming, user management, etc. This enables efficient scaling and management of individual components.
  5. Auto Scaling and Dynamic Scaling: Configure Auto Scaling to dynamically adjust the number of EC2 instances based on real-time traffic patterns. Integrate with CloudWatch metrics to define scaling thresholds and ensure optimal resource utilization.
  6. Content Delivery Network (CloudFront): Utilize CloudFront, AWS's CDN, to cache static content (images, videos, etc.) closer to users, further reducing latency and improving streaming performance.

By combining ELB with these additional AWS services, we can build a robust, scalable, and globally distributed video streaming platform capable of delivering an exceptional user experience even under demanding conditions.

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