The 5 Steps to Begin Ruby Training

Vivek Garg - Apr 11 '23 - - Dev Community

Building web apps, video games, and other software tools is getting more and more popular thanks to Ruby, a strong and flexible programming language. Ruby may be a great language to learn and master, whether you're a novice or an experienced programmer. We'll outline the first five phases of your Ruby training in this article.

Install Ruby on your computer

Installing Ruby on your PC is the first step in starting your Ruby training. Ruby is free to download from the official Ruby website because it is open-source software. You may get Ruby running on your PC by following the steps outlined on the website for an easy installation process.

After installing Ruby, you can start experimenting with its fundamental features and grammar. For instance, you can enter Ruby commands and view their results using the interactive Ruby shell (IRB). Here is an illustration of how to apply IRB:

$ irb
2.7.3 :001 > puts "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!
=> nil

In this example, we're using the puts command to output the string "Hello, world!" to the console. The => nil at the end of the output means that the command has returned a value of nil.

Learn the basics of Ruby syntax

Learning the fundamentals of Ruby syntax is the next step after installing Ruby. While the grammar of Ruby is comparable to that of other programming languages like Python and Perl, it also has several distinctive features that make it a potent tool for programmers. Learn about data types, variables, operators, and control structures to get started.

The many types of values that you can interact with in Ruby are known as data types. In Ruby, strings, floating-point numbers, arrays, hashes, and integers are the primary data types. Here is an illustration of how to store and manipulate data using variables in Ruby:

age = 30
name = "John"
puts "#{name} is #{age} years old."

In this example, the age and name of a person are stored in variables, and the puts command is used to generate a string that combines these values.

Learn to write Ruby code.

Writing practice programs is the most effective approach to learning Ruby. You can start by completing simple tasks or exercises that evaluate your knowledge of Ruby's features and syntax. Online resources abound that offer beginner-friendly Ruby challenges and activities.

Here is a straightforward Ruby program that adds two numbers together:

puts "Enter a number:"
num1 = gets.chomp.to_i
puts "Enter another number:"
num2 = gets.chomp.to_i
sum = num1 + num2
puts "The sum of #{num1} and #{num2} is #{sum}."

In this program, we're using the gets.chomp.to_i command to read input from the user and convert it to an integer. We're then using the + operator to add the two numbers and outputting the result using the puts command.

Learn Ruby frameworks and libraries

The next step is to learn Ruby frameworks and libraries once you have a firm grasp of Ruby syntax and basic programming ideas. Ruby offers a robust ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that can speed up the development of web applications, video games, and other software tools.

The well-known Ruby frameworks include Sinatra, Hanami, and Ruby on Rails. It is simpler to create complicated applications with Ruby thanks to these frameworks, which offer a framework and a set of principles for developing web applications. Additionally, you can leverage a variety of Ruby libraries to increase the functionality of your applications, such as Mechanise for web scraping and Nokogiri for parsing HTML and XML.

Join the Ruby community

Joining the Ruby community is the last step before starting your Ruby training. Joining this community will help you remain current with the most recent advancements in the language, get assistance with coding issues, and make connections with other developers. There is a thriving and encouraging community of Ruby developers and aficionados online.

The Ruby community can be engaged in a variety of ways, including through participating in online forums and discussion groups, going to Ruby conferences and meetups, and making contributions to open-source Ruby projects. Here are a few well-liked websites for Ruby users:

  • A discussion forum for Ruby programming and related subjects.

  • The weekly email newsletter providing the most recent Ruby news and resources is called Ruby Weekly.

  • A mailing list for discussing Ruby on Rails development is called Ruby on Rails Talk.


Anyone interested in programming can find learning Ruby to be a rewarding and fascinating experience. You may install Ruby on your computer, study the fundamentals of Ruby grammar, practice writing Ruby code, learn about Ruby frameworks and libraries, and join the Ruby community by starting your training with these five steps. You may become a proficient Ruby developer and create incredible software with commitment and effort.

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