How to setup a Next.js and NestJS Monorepo (For Dummies) 🤓

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   How to Setup a Next.js and NestJS Monorepo (For Dummies) 🤓
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   How to Setup a Next.js and NestJS Monorepo (For Dummies) 🤓
   In the dynamic world of web development, building complex applications requires a well-structured and maintainable approach. Enter the monorepo – a software development practice where multiple projects and packages reside in a single repository.  While not a new concept, monorepos have experienced a surge in popularity with the rise of JavaScript frameworks like Next.js and NestJS. This article will guide you through the process of setting up a monorepo for your Next.js frontend and NestJS backend projects.
   Historically, separate repositories for front-end and back-end projects were the norm. However, this led to challenges in managing dependencies, code sharing, and consistent versioning. Monorepos offer a unified solution by centralizing all related code within a single repository. This approach offers numerous benefits, including improved code reusability, easier cross-project collaboration, and streamlined development workflows.
   Key Concepts, Techniques, and Tools
   Monorepo Fundamentals
   At its core, a monorepo is a single repository containing multiple projects or packages. These packages can be completely independent or share code, dependencies, or build configurations. This structure enables you to manage your entire application, from front-end to back-end, within a single repository, simplifying collaboration and code management.
   Tools for Monorepo Management
   Several tools can help manage monorepo projects. Here are a few popular choices:
     Yarn Workspaces:
    A feature of Yarn (JavaScript package manager) that allows you to create workspaces within a monorepo. Workspaces provide a way to manage dependencies and execute commands across multiple packages.
    A fast and efficient package manager that offers excellent monorepo support with features like workspace management, shared dependencies, and version locking.
    A popular tool for managing multi-package repositories. Lerna simplifies dependency management, versioning, and publishing of packages within a monorepo.
    A fast and efficient build system optimized for monorepos. It uses caching, remote execution, and task parallelism to speed up build times and improve developer productivity.
   Other Relevant Tools
    A popular React framework for building user interfaces and server-side rendering applications. It provides built-in features like automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and static site generation.
    A framework for building scalable, efficient, and highly testable Node.js applications. It follows a modular and opinionated approach, providing a robust structure for building REST APIs and microservices.
    A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. TypeScript improves code readability, maintainability, and error detection during development.
   Best Practices
   While monorepos offer several advantages, it's essential to follow best practices to maximize their effectiveness:
     Clear Package Structure:
    Organize your packages logically based on functionality or domain.  This ensures clarity and ease of navigation within the monorepo.
     Centralized Dependency Management:
    Ensure all packages share the same dependencies to maintain consistency and avoid version conflicts.  Use a tool like Yarn Workspaces, pnpm, or Lerna for this.
     Automated Testing and CI/CD:
    Establish robust testing practices and implement continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to ensure seamless integration and delivery of changes across all packages.
     Modular Code:
    Encourage modular code design to promote code reuse and minimize dependencies between packages.  This enhances flexibility and reduces maintenance overhead.
   Practical Use Cases and Benefits
   Real-world Applications
   Monorepos are widely used in various industries, including:
    Managing complex web applications with multiple features, payment integrations, and user accounts.
     Social Media:
    Building interactive platforms with real-time updates, user profiles, and content management.
     Financial Technology (FinTech):
    Developing secure and reliable financial applications with complex backend systems.
   Benefits of Monorepo
   Here's a breakdown of the key advantages of using a monorepo for your Next.js and NestJS project:
     Improved Code Reusability:
    Share components, utilities, and logic across different packages, reducing code duplication and promoting consistency.
     Enhanced Collaboration:
    Enable developers to work on different parts of the application simultaneously without conflicts, facilitating faster development cycles.
     Streamlined Dependency Management:
    Manage dependencies centrally across all packages, preventing version conflicts and ensuring consistent versions for all projects.
     Simplified Development Workflow:
    Consolidate development, testing, and deployment processes, reducing complexity and improving efficiency.
     Improved Code Visibility:
    Provide a central location for all source code, facilitating better understanding of the application's architecture and codebase.
   Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up a Next.js and NestJS Monorepo
   Let's dive into a practical example of setting up a Next.js and NestJS monorepo using Yarn Workspaces. This guide assumes you have Node.js and Yarn installed on your system.
   1. Project Setup
   Create a new directory for your project and initialize a new Yarn workspace:
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mkdir my-monorepo
cd my-monorepo
yarn init -W

   This creates a `package.json` file in the root directory of your monorepo. The `-W` flag initializes the workspace configuration.
   2. Create the Next.js Package
   Add the Next.js package to the workspace:
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yarn workspace next-app add next

   This creates a new folder called `next-app` inside the workspace.  Navigate into this folder and install additional dependencies:
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cd next-app
yarn add react react-dom @types/react @types/react-dom

   3. Create the NestJS Package
   Add the NestJS package to the workspace:
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yarn workspace nest-api add @nestjs/core @nestjs/common

   This creates a new folder called `nest-api` within the workspace.  Navigate into this folder and install additional dependencies:
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cd nest-api
yarn add @nestjs/platform-express @nestjs/swagger

   4. Configure the Root Package.json
   Modify the `package.json` file in the root directory of the monorepo.  This file should define the workspace structure and any shared dependencies:
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"name": "my-monorepo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"private": true,
"workspaces": [
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^1.4.0"

   This configuration defines the packages within the workspace (`next-app` and `nest-api`) and specifies a shared dependency (`axios`) that will be available to all packages within the workspace.
   5. Configure the Next.js App
   Navigate into the `next-app` folder and create a new file called `pages/api/hello.js` for your API route:
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// pages/api/hello.js
import axios from 'axios';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:3001/api/users');

   This API route will fetch data from the NestJS API.  Modify your Next.js `pages/index.js` file to display the data from this API route:
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// pages/index.js
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

export default function Home() {
const [users, setUsers] = useState([]);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const response = await fetch('/api/hello');
const data = await response.json();

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}, []);

return (


    { => (
  • {}
  • ))}

   6. Configure the NestJS API
   Navigate into the `nest-api` folder and create a new file called `src/app.module.ts`:
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// src/app.module.ts
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';

imports: [],
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

   Create a new file called `src/app.controller.ts`:
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// src/app.controller.ts
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppService } from './app.service';

export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}

getUsers(): string[] {
return this.appService.getUsers();

   And finally, create a new file called `src/app.service.ts`:
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// src/app.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

export class AppService {
getUsers(): string[] {
return ['User 1', 'User 2', 'User 3'];

   7. Start the Applications
   Run the NestJS API and the Next.js application using these commands:
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yarn workspace nest-api start:dev
yarn workspace next-app dev

   This will start both applications, with the NestJS API running on port 3001 and the Next.js application running on port 3000.  You should be able to access the Next.js application in your browser at `http://localhost:3000` and see the data from the NestJS API displayed.
   8. Build the Applications
   To build your applications, use the following commands:
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yarn workspace nest-api build
yarn workspace next-app build

   This will create build artifacts for both applications in the respective folders.
   Challenges and Limitations
   While monorepos offer numerous advantages, they also come with potential challenges and limitations:
     Increased Complexity:
    Managing a single repository with multiple packages can be more complex compared to individual repositories.
     Build Time:
    Building a monorepo can take longer, especially for large projects, as all packages need to be built together.
     Dependency Management:
    Careful planning and coordination are required to manage shared dependencies effectively and avoid version conflicts.
     Repository Size:
    Monorepos can become very large, potentially impacting performance and hindering development workflows.
    Versioning all packages together requires careful consideration to ensure consistent releases across the monorepo.
   Overcoming Challenges
   You can mitigate these challenges by:
     Using Monorepo Tools:
    Tools like Lerna, Turborepo, or Yarn Workspaces can help manage complexity and optimize build times.
     Modular Code Design:
    Break your application into smaller, well-defined packages with minimal dependencies, reducing build times and simplifying maintenance.
     Centralized Dependency Management:
    Implement consistent dependency management practices to avoid version conflicts and ensure consistent releases.
     Automated Testing and CI/CD:
    Establish robust testing practices and continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines to ensure the monorepo's integrity.
     Code Splitting:
    Optimize build times and deployment efficiency by splitting your code into smaller chunks, reducing the amount of code that needs to be rebuilt or deployed.
   Comparison with Alternatives
   While monorepos offer a unified approach to code management, other alternatives exist. Here's a brief comparison:
   This approach involves using separate repositories for each project or package.  This offers:
    Each repository is independent, simplifying project management and reducing the risk of conflicts.
    Provides flexibility in choosing different tools and configurations for each project.
    Can be more scalable for large projects with multiple teams working on different components.
   This approach centralizes all related code in a single repository.  This offers:
     Code Reusability:
    Enables seamless code sharing and reuse across different packages.
     Improved Collaboration:
    Facilitates faster development cycles by allowing teams to work on different parts of the application simultaneously.
     Streamlined Dependency Management:
    Ensures consistent dependencies and versions across all packages.
   The choice between multi-repo and monorepo depends on the specific needs of your project. For smaller projects, multi-repo might be simpler. However, for large and complex applications with a need for code sharing and streamlined collaboration, monorepo can be a more effective choice.
   Setting up a monorepo for your Next.js and NestJS project can significantly improve your development workflow, code management, and overall efficiency.  While there are challenges to consider, the benefits of enhanced collaboration, code reusability, and streamlined dependency management outweigh the potential drawbacks.
   Further Learning
   Here are some resources to delve deeper into monorepo management and related technologies:
     Yarn Workspaces Documentation:
    <a href="">
     pnpm Documentation:
    <a href="">
     Lerna Documentation:
    <a href="">
     Turborepo Documentation:
    <a href="">
     Next.js Documentation:
    <a href="">
     NestJS Documentation:
    <a href="">
   Call to Action
   Now that you have a basic understanding of monorepos and how to set them up, try implementing the concepts and tools discussed in this article for your own projects.  Experiment with different monorepo management tools and explore advanced features like remote execution, build caching, and task parallelism to optimize your development workflow.
   As the web development landscape continues to evolve, the use of monorepos is likely to become even more widespread.  By embracing this powerful approach, you can build complex applications efficiently, collaboratively, and with greater maintainability.
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This HTML code provides a comprehensive guide on setting up a monorepo with Next.js and NestJS, catering to a "dummies" audience. It includes detailed explanations of key concepts, step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and comparisons with alternatives. The HTML structure ensures a well-organized and visually appealing article.

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