How ts-pattern can improve your code readability?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 13 - - Dev Community

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How ts-pattern Can Improve Your Code Readability

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How ts-pattern Can Improve Your Code Readability

In the world of software development, code readability is paramount. Clear, concise, and well-organized code is easier to understand, debug, and maintain. TypeScript, with its robust type system, offers powerful tools for enhancing code readability. One such tool is the "ts-pattern" library, a versatile library that simplifies the implementation of pattern matching, significantly improving the clarity and expressiveness of your TypeScript code.

The Power of Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is a powerful programming technique that allows you to structure your code based on the shape and properties of data. It provides a structured and elegant way to handle conditional logic, reducing the need for nested if-else statements and improving code maintainability.

Imagine you have a function that needs to process different types of data. Without pattern matching, you might end up with a long and convoluted if-else chain:

function processData(data: any) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
// Process string data
} else if (typeof data === 'number') {
// Process number data
} else if (data instanceof Array) {
// Process array data
} else {
// Handle unknown data type

This approach can be difficult to read and maintain, especially as the number of data types and processing logic grows. Pattern matching provides a much more concise and readable solution:

import { match } from 'ts-pattern';

function processData(data: any) {
.with(String, (str) => {
// Process string data
.with(Number, (num) => {
// Process number data
.with(Array, (arr) => {
// Process array data
.otherwise(() => {
// Handle unknown data type

The code now reads much more naturally: "Match the data, and if it's a string, do this; if it's a number, do that; and so on."

Introducing ts-pattern

ts-pattern is a TypeScript library that offers a clean and intuitive syntax for implementing pattern matching. It provides a powerful set of features that enhance both code readability and flexibility.

Here's a breakdown of key concepts in ts-pattern:

  1. The Match Function

The core of ts-pattern is the match function. This function takes a value as its input and provides a chainable interface for defining different patterns and their corresponding actions:

import { match } from 'ts-pattern';

const value = 'Hello world!';

.with('Hello world!', () => console.log('It's a greeting!'))
.with(Number, (num) => console.log(The number is ${num}))
.otherwise(() => console.log('Unknown value'));

  1. Pattern Definitions

ts-pattern allows you to define a wide variety of patterns, including:

  • Literal Patterns: Match specific values (e.g., 'Hello world!' )
  • Type Patterns: Match based on data types (e.g., String , Number )
  • Object Patterns: Match objects based on their properties (e.g., { name: 'John', age: 30 } )
  • Array Patterns: Match arrays based on their elements (e.g., [1, 2, 3] )
  • Guard Patterns: Match based on custom predicate functions (e.g., (x) => x > 10 )

  • Action Functions

    Each pattern is associated with an action function, which is executed if the pattern matches the input value. The action function can take extracted values from the pattern as arguments:

    import { match } from 'ts-pattern';
  • const user = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 };

    .with({ name: 'Alice', age: 25 }, (user) => {
    console.log(Hello, ${}!);
    .otherwise(() => console.log('Unknown user'));

    1. The Otherwise Clause

    The otherwise clause handles the case where none of the preceding patterns match the input value. This ensures that your code always has a fallback option, preventing unexpected errors.

    Practical Examples

    Let's illustrate how ts-pattern can be used to improve code readability in different scenarios.

    Example 1: Handling HTTP Status Codes

    Consider a function that handles HTTP responses and needs to take different actions based on the status code:

    import { match } from 'ts-pattern';

    function handleResponse(response: { status: number, data: any }) {
    .with(200, () => {
    .with(400, () => {
    console.error('Bad Request:',;
    .with(404, () => {
    console.warn('Resource not found.');
    .otherwise(() => {
    console.error('Unknown error:', response.status);

    handleResponse({ status: 200, data: 'Hello world!' });
    handleResponse({ status: 404, data: null });

    Example 2: Validating User Input

    Let's say you have a form that collects user data and you need to validate the input before processing it:

    import { match } from 'ts-pattern';

    function validateUser(user: { name: string, age: number }) {
    .with({ name: '', age: 0 }, () => {
    console.error('Invalid user data!');
    .with({ name: expect.string, age: expect.number }, () => {
    console.log('User data is valid!');
    .otherwise(() => {
    console.warn('Invalid user data:', user);

    validateUser({ name: 'John', age: 30 });
    validateUser({ name: '', age: 0 });

    Example 3: Parsing Command Line Arguments

    Pattern matching can be very helpful when parsing command-line arguments to determine which action to execute:

    import { match } from 'ts-pattern';

    function parseCommandLineArgs(args: string[]) {
    .with(['--help'], () => {
    console.log('Display help information.');
    .with(['--version'], () => {
    console.log('Display version information.');
    .with(['--create', expect.string], (name) => {
    console.log(Create a new file named ${name});
    .otherwise(() => {
    console.error('Invalid command-line arguments.');



    parseCommandLineArgs(['--create', 'my-file.txt']);

    Benefits of ts-pattern

    Using ts-pattern offers several advantages:

    • Improved Code Readability:

      Pattern matching makes code more concise and easier to understand, especially when dealing with complex conditional logic.

    • Enhanced Maintainability:

      With a well-structured pattern matching approach, modifications to your code become simpler and less prone to errors.

    • Reduced Code Complexity:

      ts-pattern can help eliminate the need for deeply nested if-else statements, resulting in cleaner and more manageable code.

    • Type Safety:

      ts-pattern leverages TypeScript's type system, providing compile-time checks and ensuring the correct data types are used in your patterns.

    • Expressive and Declarative Code:

      Pattern matching allows you to express your code in a more declarative manner, making it easier to understand the intended behavior.

    Best Practices

    Here are some best practices to follow when using ts-pattern:

    • Keep patterns specific:

      Aim for patterns that are as specific as possible to avoid ambiguous matches.

    • Use the otherwise clause:

      Always include an


      clause to handle cases where none of the defined patterns match the input.

    • Extract reusable patterns:

      If you have common patterns across your codebase, consider extracting them into separate functions or constants to improve code organization.

    • Use descriptive variables and functions:

      Give your patterns and action functions clear names that reflect their purpose.

    • Prioritize readability:

      Strive for clarity and simplicity in your pattern matching code.


    ts-pattern is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the readability and maintainability of your TypeScript code. By embracing pattern matching, you can simplify complex conditional logic, improve code organization, and create more expressive and maintainable applications. While the examples above provide a glimpse into its capabilities, ts-pattern offers a vast array of possibilities for structuring and simplifying your codebase. By integrating ts-pattern into your development workflow, you can elevate your TypeScript code to new levels of clarity and elegance.

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