Short Ruby Newsletter - edition 106

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

Short Ruby Newsletter - Edition 106: Embracing Concurrency and Stepping into the Future of Ruby


Welcome to the 106th edition of the Short Ruby Newsletter! This month, we're diving into the exciting world of concurrency in Ruby, exploring how it empowers us to write more efficient and responsive applications. We'll uncover the intricacies of Ruby's concurrency primitives, examine popular libraries that simplify concurrency management, and discover how these tools can propel your Ruby projects forward.

The Rise of Concurrency:

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, applications need to be performant, responsive, and capable of handling ever-increasing workloads. Traditional single-threaded programming models struggle to keep up with these demands. Concurrency, on the other hand, allows applications to execute multiple tasks concurrently, effectively utilizing available resources and boosting overall performance.

Ruby's Concurrency Toolkit:

Ruby, with its elegant syntax and powerful features, offers a robust set of tools for managing concurrency. Let's delve into some of the key players:

1. Threads:

Ruby threads are lightweight, share the same memory space, and allow for true parallelism when multiple cores are available. They offer a simple way to execute code concurrently, but careful attention must be paid to shared resources and potential race conditions.


# Create and start two threads
thread1 = {
  puts "Thread 1: Running!"
thread2 = {
  puts "Thread 2: Running!"

# Wait for threads to finish

puts "Both threads finished!"
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2. Fibers:

Fibers, while not true concurrency, provide a mechanism for cooperative multitasking. They allow you to switch between different execution contexts within a single thread, enabling you to achieve asynchronous behavior and handle I/O operations without blocking the main thread.


fiber = do
  puts "Fiber: Starting..."
  Fiber.yield "Hello from the fiber!"
  puts "Fiber: Resuming..."
  "Goodbye from the fiber!"

puts fiber.resume # Output: "Fiber: Starting..."
puts fiber.resume # Output: "Hello from the fiber!"
puts fiber.resume # Output: "Fiber: Resuming..."
puts fiber.resume # Output: "Goodbye from the fiber!"
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3. EventMachine:

EventMachine is a popular Ruby library that provides a lightweight, asynchronous event loop, enabling you to build highly scalable and performant network applications. It handles multiple connections and events in a non-blocking manner, maximizing resource utilization.


require 'eventmachine' do
  EM.connect("", 8080) do |c|
    c.on_connect do
      puts "Connection established!"
      c.send_data "Hello from EventMachine!"

    c.on_read do |data|
      puts "Received data: #{data}"
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4. Celluloid:

Celluloid is a powerful concurrency framework that provides actors, a lightweight model for concurrent objects. Actors communicate asynchronously via messages, minimizing the need for shared resources and lock contention, making them ideal for building robust and scalable applications.


require 'celluloid'

class Counter
  include Celluloid

  def initialize
    @count = 0

  def increment
    @count += 1
    puts "Counter: #{@count}"

counter =
10.times do { counter.async.increment }

sleep 1
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5. Concurrent Ruby:

Concurrent Ruby provides a comprehensive set of concurrency primitives, including threads, fibers, promises, futures, and channels. It offers a robust and flexible framework for building concurrent applications, with features like thread pools and work queues for efficient resource management.


require 'concurrent'

# Create a thread pool with 4 threads
executor =
  min_threads: 4,
  max_threads: 4

# Submit tasks to the thread pool
10.times do |i| do
    puts "Task #{i} running!"
    sleep 1

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Beyond the Basics:

While Ruby's built-in concurrency tools provide a solid foundation, several libraries offer advanced features and abstractions to simplify concurrency management and enhance application performance.

1. Sidekiq:

Sidekiq is a robust and efficient background processing library for Ruby. It utilizes threads and a dedicated process to handle background tasks, preventing blocking of your main application thread. This allows you to offload long-running or resource-intensive operations, improving application responsiveness and scalability.

2. Puma:

Puma is a performant and versatile Ruby web server that utilizes multiple threads and processes to efficiently handle concurrent requests. It excels at handling high traffic volumes and provides excellent performance scaling.

3. Faraday:

Faraday is a powerful HTTP client library that supports concurrency for efficient communication with external APIs. It enables you to send multiple requests concurrently, reducing overall request times and improving application performance.

4. Async:

Async is a library that provides a flexible and high-performance asynchronous framework for Ruby. It allows you to write asynchronous code using familiar Ruby syntax, simplifying the development of concurrent applications and improving their responsiveness.


Embracing concurrency in your Ruby projects unlocks a world of possibilities for building faster, more scalable, and responsive applications. Ruby offers a rich toolkit of concurrency primitives and libraries, empowering developers to tackle complex challenges and create truly exceptional software. As you explore the world of Ruby concurrency, remember the importance of careful resource management, error handling, and efficient communication between concurrent tasks. By harnessing these powerful tools, you can unleash the full potential of your Ruby applications and deliver exceptional experiences to your users.

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