Easily Test your Local RTB Scripts on Production Without Deploying

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Easily Test Your Local RTB Scripts on Production Without Deploying

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Easily Test Your Local RTB Scripts on Production Without Deploying

In the dynamic world of Real-Time Bidding (RTB), efficient and reliable script testing is crucial. Traditionally, this process involves deploying your scripts to a live environment, which can be time-consuming, risky, and prone to errors. This article delves into innovative techniques that empower you to test your local RTB scripts on production without the hassle of deployment, ensuring seamless development and faster iterations.

Why Testing on Production is Essential

Testing your RTB scripts on production is paramount for several reasons:

  • Real-time Validation:
    Production environments mirror real-world conditions, including network latency, traffic volume, and complex ad exchange interactions. Testing in these environments ensures that your scripts behave as expected under pressure.

  • Edge Case Identification:
    Production environments throw up edge cases and unforeseen scenarios that might not be captured in local development. Testing directly on production helps you identify and address these issues early on.

  • Performance Optimization:
    Performance is critical in RTB. Testing on production helps you fine-tune your scripts for speed and efficiency, ensuring minimal latency and optimal bidding responses.

  • Integration Verification:
    RTB involves intricate integrations with various ad exchanges, ad servers, and other systems. Testing on production ensures seamless integration and data flow between these components.

Techniques for Local RTB Script Testing on Production

Here's a breakdown of the most effective techniques for testing your RTB scripts on production without deployment:

  1. Mocking and Stubbing

This technique involves creating simulated versions of external dependencies that your RTB script interacts with. You can simulate:

  • Ad Exchange Responses: Create mock responses from ad exchanges to mimic different bidding scenarios and test your script's behavior under various conditions.
  • Ad Server Calls: Mock the responses from your ad server to evaluate how your script handles ad requests and responses.
  • Data Sources: Simulate data sources like user profiles, website content, and other relevant data to test your script's decision-making logic.

Example (using Python and the requests_mock library):

import requests
import requests_mock

def test_bidding_logic():
with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
# Mock Ad Exchange response
m.get("https://api.ad-exchange.com/bid", json={'bid': 10})

    # Send a bid request to the mocked Ad Exchange
    response = requests.get("https://api.ad-exchange.com/bid")

    # Assert that the bid was successfully received
    assert response.json()["bid"] == 10

Mocking and stubbing allow you to control the environment and simulate real-world scenarios without deploying your code to production. It's a powerful tool for isolating specific components and testing their functionality in a controlled manner.

  1. Proxy Servers

Proxy servers act as intermediaries between your local RTB script and the actual production environment. This technique allows you to intercept and manipulate network traffic, enabling you to test your script in production without deploying it.

Example (using Charles Proxy):

Charles Proxy Screenshot

Charles Proxy intercepts network traffic and lets you modify requests and responses. You can:

  • Intercept Bid Requests: Inspect the bid requests sent by your script to the ad exchange.
  • Modify Bid Responses: Adjust the bid responses received from the ad exchange to test different scenarios.
  • Simulate Errors: Introduce simulated errors to assess your script's error handling capabilities.

Proxy servers are valuable for debugging and analyzing real-time network interactions in a production setting. They provide a granular level of control and insights into how your script interacts with external systems.

  • Sandboxes and Test Environments

    Create a dedicated sandbox environment that closely resembles your production environment. This environment should include:

    • Replica of Production Data: Populate the sandbox with a representative dataset similar to your production environment.
    • Mimicked Infrastructure: Use similar infrastructure, such as servers, databases, and networking, as your production environment to ensure consistent behavior.
    • Controlled Traffic: Route a portion of your production traffic to the sandbox to test your scripts under real-world conditions.

    Example (using AWS):

    AWS Sandbox Environment Architecture

    Sandboxes allow you to test your scripts in a controlled and isolated environment that mirrors production closely. This is a robust method for comprehensive testing before deploying your code to the live environment.

  • Feature Flags

    Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, enable you to control the visibility of specific features in your code without deploying new versions. You can use them to:

    • Enable/Disable Features: Toggle features on or off in your RTB scripts without affecting other parts of the code.
    • A/B Testing: Run A/B tests by enabling different versions of your script for various user segments.
    • Incremental Rollout: Gradually release new features to production, enabling you to monitor their performance and identify any potential issues.

    Example (using LaunchDarkly):

    import launchdarkly

    // Set up LaunchDarkly client
    const client = new launchdarkly.LDClient({

    // Check the flag status
    const isFeatureEnabled = client.variation(

    if (isFeatureEnabled) {
    // Execute the new feature logic
    } else {
    // Use the existing logic

    Feature flags provide a flexible and controlled way to test your RTB scripts in production without deploying them fully. They offer granular control and allow you to roll out new features iteratively.

    1. Logging and Monitoring

    Implement comprehensive logging and monitoring in your RTB scripts to capture essential data and insights. This data helps you understand:

    • Script Execution: Track the execution flow of your RTB script, identifying any bottlenecks or performance issues.
    • Bid Requests and Responses: Log the bid requests and responses to analyze your script's bidding behavior.
    • Errors and Exceptions: Monitor any errors or exceptions encountered by your script during execution.
    • Performance Metrics: Track key performance metrics, such as latency, bid frequency, and win rates.

    Example (using CloudWatch Logs):

    CloudWatch Logs Architecture

    CloudWatch Logs provides real-time monitoring of your RTB script's behavior in production. You can set up alerts and dashboards to track critical metrics and identify potential issues.

    Best Practices for Local RTB Script Testing on Production

    Here are some best practices to optimize your local RTB script testing on production:

    • Use a Gradual Rollout Strategy: Introduce new features or changes in a controlled manner, starting with a small percentage of your production traffic.
    • Monitor Performance and Behavior Closely: Carefully track your script's performance metrics and behavior in production using logging and monitoring tools.
    • Automate Your Tests: Create automated test scripts to ensure that your RTB scripts meet your quality standards consistently.
    • Collaborate with Your Team: Share your testing findings and insights with your team to foster a culture of continuous improvement.


    Testing your RTB scripts on production without deploying them is a powerful approach to accelerate development and ensure script quality. The techniques outlined in this article—mocking, proxy servers, sandboxes, feature flags, and logging—empower you to test your scripts in a production-like environment, reducing risks and accelerating your development cycle.

    By incorporating best practices like gradual rollouts, monitoring, automation, and team collaboration, you can confidently test your RTB scripts on production, optimizing your bidding strategies and maximizing your campaign performance.

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