Let's Read - Eloquent Ruby - Ch 12

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Let's Read - Eloquent Ruby - Chapter 12: Metaprogramming


Chapter 12 of Eloquent Ruby delves into the intriguing realm of Metaprogramming, a powerful technique that allows you to manipulate Ruby code at runtime. This chapter equips you with the tools to write code that can introspect, modify, and even generate other code, opening up a world of possibilities for streamlining development, adding dynamism, and enhancing the expressiveness of your Ruby programs.

Why Metaprogramming Matters:

Metaprogramming isn't just a fancy trick; it's a fundamental concept that empowers you to:

  • Reduce Redundancy: Write code once and reuse it in various contexts, avoiding repetitive boilerplate.
  • Extend Functionality: Add new behaviors to existing classes or objects without altering their original source code.
  • Simplify Complex Logic: Hide intricate logic behind elegant and concise syntax, improving readability and maintainability.
  • Implement Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): Design custom languages tailored to specific problem domains, making code more intuitive and expressive. Delving into Metaprogramming Techniques:

This chapter explores three primary metaprogramming techniques:

1. define_method: Dynamically Creating Methods

The define_method method allows you to define methods at runtime, offering remarkable flexibility. You can create methods based on input, adapt behavior according to context, or even build DSLs with dynamic method creation.


class Animal
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  define_method(:speak) { puts "Hello, I am #{@name}!" }

dog = Animal.new("Rover")
dog.speak # Output: "Hello, I am Rover!"
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2. method_missing: Handling Unexpected Calls

The method_missing method provides a powerful mechanism to gracefully handle calls to nonexistent methods. You can define default behaviors, route calls to other methods, or even implement dynamic delegation.


class Calculator
  def method_missing(method_name, *args)
    if method_name.to_s =~ /^(.+)\s*(\+|-|\*|\/)\s*(.+)$/
      operation = $2
      operand1 = $1.to_f
      operand2 = $3.to_f
      case operation
      when "+"
        operand1 + operand2
      when "-"
        operand1 - operand2
      when "*"
        operand1 * operand2
      when "/"
        operand1 / operand2

calc = Calculator.new
puts calc.add(5, 3)  # Output: 8.0
puts calc.multiply(2, 4)  # Output: 8.0
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3. attr_accessor and Other Metaprogramming Tools:

Ruby provides a plethora of methods that streamline common metaprogramming tasks. attr_accessor automatically creates getter and setter methods for instance variables. Similarly, attr_reader and attr_writer allow you to generate specific getter or setter methods.


class Person
  attr_accessor :name, :age

person = Person.new
person.name = "Alice"
person.age = 30
puts person.name  # Output: "Alice"
puts person.age  # Output: 30
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Beyond the Basics:

  • Open Classes: Ruby allows you to modify existing classes, even those defined in standard libraries. This enables you to extend functionality without altering the original class definition.
  • Singleton Methods: Create methods specific to a single object instance, allowing for unique behaviors without affecting other objects of the same class.
  • Object Space: The ObjectSpace module provides tools to introspect and manipulate objects in the runtime environment. You can query object instances, track object creation and destruction, and even modify object behavior at runtime. Step-by-Step Example: Implementing a Simple DSL:

Let's illustrate metaprogramming by building a simple DSL for defining mathematical expressions.

1. Defining a Base Class:

class Expression
  attr_accessor :value

  def initialize(value)
    @value = value

  def +(other)
    Plus.new(self, other)

  def -(other)
    Minus.new(self, other)

  def *(other)
    Multiply.new(self, other)

  def /(other)
    Divide.new(self, other)
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2. Defining Operator Classes:

class Plus < Expression
  def initialize(left, right)
    @left = left
    @right = right

  def evaluate
    @left.value + @right.value

class Minus < Expression
  def initialize(left, right)
    @left = left
    @right = right

  def evaluate
    @left.value - @right.value

# Similar definitions for Multiply and Divide classes...
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3. Evaluating Expressions:

expression = Expression.new(2) + Expression.new(3) * Expression.new(4) - Expression.new(1)
puts expression.evaluate # Output: 11
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In this example, we define basic operators like +, -, *, and / using the define_method approach. When we chain these operators, they create instances of the respective operator classes, storing the operands for later evaluation. The evaluate method in each operator class performs the calculation, ultimately returning the result.


Metaprogramming empowers you to write more expressive, flexible, and dynamic Ruby code. By understanding the techniques covered in this chapter, you can:

  • Simplify Complex Code: Hide intricate logic behind elegant DSLs or methods.
  • Extend Functionality: Modify existing classes or objects without touching their source code.
  • Create Powerful Libraries: Build reusable tools that can be adapted to various contexts.

Metaprogramming is a powerful tool, but it also requires careful consideration. Overusing metaprogramming can make code less readable and harder to debug. Always strive for clarity and maintainability, leveraging metaprogramming judiciously to enhance your Ruby code.

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