Provide storage for the public website

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 13 - - Dev Community

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Providing Storage for Public Websites

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Providing Storage for Public Websites


A public website, accessible to anyone on the internet, relies on a robust and efficient storage system to hold its content. From images and videos to text and data, all the elements that make up your website need a place to reside and be readily available to users. Understanding the different storage options and choosing the right one for your needs is crucial for website performance, scalability, and security.

This article will delve into the intricacies of website storage, exploring the various types of storage available, factors to consider when choosing a solution, and practical examples to guide you in setting up a reliable storage infrastructure for your public website.

Key Concepts in Website Storage

  1. Website Content

The term "content" encompasses everything that constitutes a website:

  • Static Content: HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript files, images, and videos that remain unchanged unless manually updated.
  • Dynamic Content: Content generated on the fly based on user interactions or database queries. Examples include blog posts, user profiles, and e-commerce product listings.
  • Database Content: Structured data that powers dynamic websites, stored in databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. This data feeds content to the website.

  • Storage Types

    Various storage options cater to different website needs:

    • File System Storage: Traditional storage where files are stored in a hierarchical directory structure on physical servers. This is suitable for small to medium-sized websites with minimal dynamic content.
    • Object Storage: A scalable and cost-effective solution for storing large files, especially multimedia content. Objects (files) are stored in a flat, unstructured manner and accessed using unique identifiers (keys).
    • Database Storage: Specialized for storing structured data, enabling efficient search and retrieval. This is used for managing dynamic website content, user information, and more.
    • Content Delivery Network (CDN): A distributed network of servers that cache website content across different geographical locations. This speeds up content delivery to users worldwide.
    Storage Types Diagram

    Image Source:

  • Storage Architecture

    Website storage can be implemented in different ways:

    • On-Premise Storage: Physical servers and infrastructure owned and managed by the website owner. This offers greater control but involves higher initial investment and maintenance costs.
    • Cloud Storage: Data is stored on servers owned and managed by a third-party cloud provider. This provides scalability, cost-efficiency, and reduced infrastructure management burden.

    Choosing the Right Storage Solution

    Selecting the ideal storage solution depends on various factors:

    • Website Type: Static, dynamic, or both?
    • Content Volume: Size and number of files stored.
    • Traffic Levels: Expected number of visitors and bandwidth requirements.
    • Performance Needs: Speed and reliability of content delivery.
    • Budget: Cost of storage, infrastructure, and maintenance.
    • Security: Data protection and compliance requirements.

    Detailed Examples

  • Static Website on a Shared Hosting Platform

    For a simple website with HTML, CSS, and images, a shared hosting platform like HostGator or Bluehost is a good starting point. These platforms typically provide built-in file storage, making it easy to upload your website content.

    Shared Hosting Control Panel

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  • Dynamic Website with Cloud Database

    For a dynamic website requiring a database, a cloud service like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud is a popular choice. These platforms offer robust databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) along with tools for managing and scaling your database.

    Cloud Database Interface

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  • Large-scale Multimedia Website with Object Storage

    For websites storing large amounts of images, videos, or other multimedia content, object storage services like AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage are highly recommended. These services offer scalability, cost-effectiveness, and high availability for storing massive files.

    Object Storage Interface

    Image Source:

  • Website with CDN for Global Reach

    To enhance website performance for users worldwide, a CDN can be integrated with your storage solution. CDNs like Cloudflare, Fastly, or Akamai cache website content in geographically distributed servers, reducing latency and improving user experience.

    CDN Diagram

    Image Source:

    Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Website Storage on AWS

    This guide demonstrates how to set up a basic website storage solution using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    1. Create an AWS Account: Sign up for a free AWS account.
    2. Launch an EC2 Instance: Create a virtual server (EC2 instance) to host your website files.
    3. Configure Security Groups: Allow incoming traffic to your EC2 instance on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
    4. Install Web Server: Install a web server like Apache or Nginx on your EC2 instance.
    5. Create an S3 Bucket: Create an S3 bucket to store your website files (HTML, CSS, images).
    6. Upload Website Files: Upload your website content to the S3 bucket.
    7. Configure S3 Bucket Policy: Allow access to your S3 bucket from your EC2 instance.
    8. Point Your Domain: Update your domain name's DNS settings to point to the public IP address of your EC2 instance.

    Here's a simplified example of configuring your S3 bucket policy to allow access from your EC2 instance:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowEC2InstanceAccess",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/your_aws_user"
      "Action": "s3:",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your_s3_bucket_name/"

    Remember to replace the placeholder values with your specific AWS account ID, user name, and S3 bucket name.


    Providing reliable storage for your public website is fundamental for its accessibility, performance, and scalability. The right storage solution depends on the unique requirements of your website, including content type, traffic levels, performance goals, and budget constraints. This article has outlined key concepts, storage options, and practical examples to help you navigate the world of website storage and choose the best solution for your needs.

    Remember to consider factors like security, data backups, and scalability when making your decision. With a well-planned and implemented storage solution, you can ensure a robust and efficient foundation for your public website to thrive.

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