Parse a csv file having a primary-sub tables structure #eg41

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 13 - - Dev Community

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Parsing CSV Files with Primary-Sub Tables Structure

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Parsing CSV Files with Primary-Sub Tables Structure

CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are a simple and widely used format for storing tabular data. They are often used for data exchange between different applications and systems. In certain scenarios, CSV files might have a more complex structure, where data is organized into primary and sub tables. This article will guide you through the process of parsing such CSV files, exploring common techniques and providing practical examples.

Understanding Primary-Sub Table Structure

In a primary-sub table structure, the CSV file essentially contains two or more related tables. One table serves as the primary table, and the other tables are considered sub tables. The sub tables are linked to the primary table through a common identifier, such as a unique ID. Here's a breakdown:

  • Primary Table
    : Contains the main data set, often with a unique identifier for each record.

  • Sub Tables
    : Contain additional information related to the primary table records, referencing them through the common identifier.

For instance, consider a CSV file representing a database of employees and their projects. The primary table could store employee information (e.g., employee ID, name, department). Each employee might be assigned to multiple projects, which would be stored in a sub table. The sub table would link to the primary table via the employee ID.

Parsing Techniques

To effectively parse CSV files with a primary-sub table structure, several techniques can be employed. These techniques leverage programming languages and libraries specifically designed for data processing and file handling.

  1. Using Libraries

Several libraries exist for working with CSV files in various programming languages. These libraries provide functions for reading, writing, and manipulating CSV data efficiently.

Python (Pandas)

Pandas is a powerful Python library widely used for data analysis and manipulation. It offers excellent capabilities for handling CSV files, including parsing, merging, and reshaping data.

import pandas as pd

Read the primary table

primary_df = pd.read_csv("primary_table.csv")

Read the sub table

sub_df = pd.read_csv("sub_table.csv")

Merge the tables based on the common identifier (e.g., "employee_id")

merged_df = pd.merge(primary_df, sub_df, on="employee_id")

Print the merged DataFrame


JavaScript (Papa Parse)

Papa Parse is a JavaScript library designed for parsing CSV data. It provides a straightforward and efficient way to read and manipulate CSV files within web applications.

  Papa.parse("primary_table.csv", {
    header: true,
    complete: function(results) {
      // Process the primary table data

  Papa.parse("sub_table.csv", {
    header: true,
    complete: function(results) {
      // Process the sub table data

  1. Manual Parsing

While using libraries is recommended for ease and efficiency, you can also manually parse CSV files using core programming language constructs. This approach involves reading the file line by line, splitting the data based on delimiters, and then processing the information.

Python Example

def parse_csv(filename):
primary_table = []
sub_table = []

with open(filename, "r") as file:
for line in file:
# Split the line into fields
fields = line.strip().split(",")

  # Check if it's the primary table header row
  if fields[0] == "employee_id":
    primary_table_header = fields
  # Check if it's a primary table record
  elif fields[0].isdigit():
  # Check if it's a sub table record
  elif fields[1] == "project_id":
    sub_table_header = fields

return primary_table, sub_table

Get the parsed tables

primary_data, sub_data = parse_csv("combined_table.csv")

Process and use the parsed data


Example: Processing Employee Data

Let's illustrate the parsing process with a concrete example. We'll use a CSV file containing employee information and their assigned projects. The primary table (


) stores employee details, while the sub table (


) stores project details linked to employees through the



CSV Data

1,John Doe,Sales
2,Jane Smith,Marketing
3,Peter Jones,Engineering


1,101,New Product Launch
1,102,Marketing Campaign
2,103,Brand Awareness
3,104,Software Development

Python (Pandas) Implementation

import pandas as pd

Read the primary table

employees_df = pd.read_csv("employees.csv")

Read the sub table

projects_df = pd.read_csv("projects.csv")

Merge the tables based on "employee_id"

employee_projects_df = pd.merge(employees_df, projects_df, on="employee_id")

Print the merged DataFrame


   employee_id     name department  project_id       project_name
0            1  John Doe      Sales        101  New Product Launch
1            1  John Doe      Sales        102  Marketing Campaign
2            2  Jane Smith  Marketing        103   Brand Awareness
3            3  Peter Jones  Engineering        104  Software Development

Best Practices

To effectively parse CSV files with primary-sub tables, consider these best practices:

  • Define Clear Data Structure

    : Before parsing, understand the structure of the CSV file, including the primary table, sub tables, and common identifiers. This will guide your parsing approach.

  • Use Libraries

    : Leverage powerful libraries like Pandas (Python) or Papa Parse (JavaScript) to streamline the parsing process, reducing code complexity and improving performance.

  • Handle Delimiters

    : Be mindful of the delimiter used in the CSV file (usually commas but can be other characters). Ensure your parsing code handles the correct delimiter.

  • Validate Data

    : After parsing, validate the extracted data to ensure it's consistent and meets your requirements. This can involve data type checks, range validations, and other quality control measures.

  • Error Handling

    : Implement robust error handling to manage situations where the CSV file might be malformed or contain invalid data.

  • Document Code

    : Clearly document your parsing code, especially for complex logic. This will help you and others understand how the code works and make future modifications easier.


Parsing CSV files with primary-sub tables presents a specific challenge, but it's manageable with the right approach. By understanding the data structure and leveraging suitable libraries and techniques, you can effectively process and extract meaningful insights from such files. Remember to adhere to best practices for robust and reliable data processing, ensuring accuracy and consistency in your results.

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