Practical Usage of linux Admin Commands in Devops/Cloud Engineer Role

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

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Practical Usage of Linux Admin Commands in DevOps/Cloud Engineer Role

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Practical Usage of Linux Admin Commands in DevOps/Cloud Engineer Role


DevOps and cloud engineering roles rely heavily on the ability to efficiently manage and automate tasks on Linux systems. This is where powerful Linux administrative commands become essential tools, allowing you to:

  • Provision and configure servers

  • Monitor system performance and resources

  • Troubleshoot issues

  • Automate tasks through scripting

  • Manage user accounts and permissions

This article dives into the practical applications of key Linux commands, providing examples and demonstrating their real-world usage in a DevOps/cloud environment.

Essential Linux Admin Commands for DevOps

Here's a breakdown of some of the most crucial Linux commands, categorized by their function:

  1. System Information and Monitoring

  • uname : Provides information about the operating system, including kernel version, hardware architecture, and system name.
  • uptime : Displays system uptime, load average, and the number of users logged in.
  • whoami : Shows the username of the currently logged-in user.
  • top : Displays real-time system performance metrics, including CPU usage, memory, and processes.
  • htop : An enhanced interactive version of top , offering more detailed process information and navigation.
  • df : Shows the disk usage of mounted filesystems.
  • du : Reports the disk space usage of files and directories.
  • free : Provides information about the available and used memory.
  • netstat : Displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
  • ifconfig : Shows network interface configurations.


# Get system information
uname -a
# Check CPU usage
# See disk space usage
df -h
# Monitor network connections
netstat -anp

Top Command Output

  • File and Directory Management
    • ls : Lists files and directories in a specified directory.
    • cd : Changes the current directory.
    • mkdir : Creates a new directory.
    • rmdir : Removes an empty directory.
    • mv : Moves or renames files or directories.
    • cp : Copies files or directories.
    • rm : Deletes files or directories.
    • find : Searches for files based on specific criteria.
    • grep : Searches for text patterns within files.
    • cat : Displays the contents of a file.
    • head : Displays the first few lines of a file.
    • tail : Displays the last few lines of a file.


    # Create a new directory
    mkdir my_project
    # Move a file
    mv my_file.txt my_project
    # Find all files with .log extension
    find . -name "*.log"
    # Search for specific text in a file
    grep "error" my_file.txt
    Terminal Output

  • User and Group Management
    • useradd : Creates a new user account.
    • userdel : Deletes a user account.
    • passwd : Changes a user's password.
    • id : Displays the user and group IDs of a user.
    • groupadd : Creates a new group.
    • groupdel : Deletes a group.
    • usermod : Modifies user account properties.
    • groups : Lists the groups a user belongs to.


    # Create a new user
    useradd new_user
    # Set password for the user
    passwd new_user
    # Add user to a group
    usermod -G my_group new_user
    # List groups the user belongs to
    groups new_user

  • Process Management
    • ps : Lists currently running processes.
    • kill : Sends a signal to a process.
    • pkill : Kills processes by name or pattern.
    • nohup : Runs a command without hanging up when the terminal session ends.
    • bg : Puts a running process in the background.
    • fg : Brings a background process back to the foreground.


    # List all running processes
    ps aux
    # Kill a process with specific PID
    kill 1234
    # Kill all processes named "firefox"
    pkill firefox

  • Network Configuration and Management
    • ping : Checks network connectivity by sending ICMP echo requests.
    • traceroute : Traces the path of network packets.
    • nslookup : Performs DNS lookups.
    • dig : Performs DNS lookups and displays detailed information.
    • route : Displays and manipulates routing tables.
    • ssh : Connects to remote systems securely using SSH.
    • scp : Securely copies files between systems.


    # Ping a website
    # Trace the route to a server
    # Perform DNS lookup
    # Connect to a remote server via SSH
    ssh user@remote_server

  • Package Management
    • apt (Debian/Ubuntu): Manages software packages on Debian-based systems.
    • yum (Red Hat/CentOS): Manages software packages on Red Hat-based systems.
    • dnf (Fedora/CentOS): A modern package manager for Fedora and CentOS systems.
    • pacman (Arch Linux): Package manager for Arch Linux.


    # Update package lists
    sudo apt update
    # Install a package
    sudo apt install nginx
    # Remove a package
    sudo apt remove nginx

  • Scripting and Automation
    • bash : The default shell on most Linux systems, providing scripting capabilities.
    • zsh : An alternative shell known for its powerful features and customization options.
    • python : A widely used scripting language for automation, system administration, and more.
    • ruby : Another popular scripting language often used in DevOps.
    • perl : A versatile scripting language suitable for system administration tasks.


  • Script to restart a service

    service nginx restart

    Practical Applications in DevOps

    Let's explore some real-world scenarios where these Linux commands are indispensable for DevOps professionals:

    1. Server Provisioning and Configuration

    DevOps engineers use Linux commands for:

    • Initial server setup: useradd , passwd , mkdir , chmod are used to create user accounts, set permissions, and organize directories.
    • Installing and configuring software: apt , yum , pacman are used to install necessary software packages.
    • Configuring network settings: ifconfig , route , iptables (for firewall rules) are used to configure network interfaces, routing tables, and network security.
    • Automated provisioning with Ansible or Puppet: These tools utilize Linux commands to execute tasks across multiple servers, automating server setup and configuration.

    Ansible Architecture

  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    These commands are crucial for monitoring system health and troubleshooting issues:

    • Monitoring resource usage: top , htop , df , free provide real-time insights into CPU, memory, and disk usage.
    • Identifying performance bottlenecks: By analyzing process information and resource usage, you can pinpoint bottlenecks and optimize system performance.
    • Network troubleshooting: ping , traceroute , netstat , and ifconfig help diagnose network connectivity issues.
    • Logging and analysis: tail , grep , and awk can be used to analyze system logs to identify errors and understand system behavior.
    Loggly Monitoring

  • Automation with Scripts

    Automation is a key principle in DevOps, and Linux scripting is essential:

    • Automating repetitive tasks: Scripting simplifies tasks like backing up data, deploying applications, and restarting services.
    • Creating deployment pipelines: Scripts can be used to orchestrate deployment processes, from code compilation to server deployment.
    • Integrating with tools like Jenkins: Jenkins uses scripts to trigger build jobs, run tests, and deploy applications automatically.

    Jenkins Pipeline


    Mastering Linux admin commands is fundamental for DevOps/cloud engineers. These commands empower you to efficiently manage servers, monitor system health, troubleshoot issues, and automate tasks. By utilizing these tools, you can streamline your workflows, enhance productivity, and ensure the smooth operation of your cloud infrastructure.

    Here are some key takeaways:

    • Practice regularly to become familiar with essential commands.
    • Explore scripting languages like bash, Python, or Ruby for advanced automation.
    • Embrace the power of tools like Ansible and Puppet for seamless server provisioning and configuration.
    • Continuously learn new commands and techniques to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of DevOps.
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