How Ably delivers on message durability and QoS across a large-scale distributed system

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

How Ably Delivers on Message Durability and QoS Across a Large-Scale Distributed System


In today's digital world, real-time communication and data synchronization are crucial for a wide range of applications, from live chat and gaming to financial trading and industrial control systems. Building such systems requires reliable infrastructure that guarantees message delivery, even in the face of network failures and high volumes of data. This is where the concept of message durability and Quality of Service (QoS) come into play.

Message durability refers to the ability of a system to ensure that messages are not lost, even if there are network issues or system crashes. This is achieved through techniques like persistence and replication, ensuring that data is stored redundantly across multiple nodes.

QoS, on the other hand, focuses on the quality of the message delivery experience. This includes aspects like message order, latency, and reliability, ensuring that messages are delivered in the right order, with minimal delay, and with a high probability of success.

Ably, a real-time messaging platform, has been designed to deliver on both message durability and QoS across large-scale distributed systems. This article will delve into the core concepts and technologies behind Ably's approach, explaining how it guarantees reliable and high-quality messaging for its users.

Key Concepts and Technologies

1. Pub/Sub Model

At its core, Ably utilizes the publish-subscribe (Pub/Sub) model for real-time messaging. This model allows publishers to send messages to a specific channel, and subscribers to receive messages from that channel. Ably's Pub/Sub model is designed to be scalable and robust, allowing for millions of concurrent connections and message throughput.

Image: A simple diagram illustrating the Pub/Sub model, showcasing publishers and subscribers connected to a channel.

2. Message Persistence

To ensure message durability, Ably employs a sophisticated persistence mechanism. Messages are stored in a distributed, fault-tolerant database. This means that messages are replicated across multiple nodes, ensuring that even if one node fails, the data remains safe and accessible. Ably's persistence layer also offers:

  • Message History: Subscribers can access past messages for a configurable period, enabling replaying events or analyzing historical data.
  • Offline Support: Clients can continue to publish messages while offline, with these messages being delivered once the connection is re-established.

Image: A schematic representation of Ably's distributed database architecture with message replication and fault tolerance.

3. Message Ordering and Sequencing

Maintaining the order of messages is crucial in many applications. Ably ensures message order by utilizing a distributed consensus protocol. This protocol ensures that all nodes in the system agree on the order of messages, guaranteeing that subscribers receive messages in the correct sequence, regardless of their connection or location.

4. QoS Guarantees

Ably offers various QoS guarantees to cater to diverse use cases. These include:

  • Guaranteed Delivery: Messages are guaranteed to be delivered at least once, ensuring that important data is never lost.
  • In-order Delivery: Messages are delivered in the same order they were published, crucial for applications requiring strict order dependencies.
  • Low Latency: Ably strives to minimize message delivery time, critical for real-time applications like chat and gaming.

5. Fault Tolerance and High Availability

Ably's infrastructure is designed with high availability and fault tolerance in mind. Its distributed architecture ensures that message delivery continues even if a single node fails. This is achieved through:

  • Redundancy: Data and services are replicated across multiple geographically distributed nodes, minimizing downtime.
  • Automatic Failover: If one node becomes unavailable, the system automatically routes traffic to other healthy nodes, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Image: A depiction of Ably's global network infrastructure, highlighting redundancy and automatic failover mechanisms.

Understanding Ably's Message Delivery Process

To better understand how Ably delivers on message durability and QoS, let's examine a typical message delivery flow:

  1. Message Publication: A client application publishes a message to a specific channel.
  2. Message Persistence: Ably stores the message in its distributed database, ensuring its persistence even in the face of failures.
  3. Message Routing: The message is routed to all subscribers connected to that channel.
  4. Message Delivery: Subscribers receive the message, ensuring order and guaranteed delivery based on the chosen QoS level.
  5. Acknowledgement: Clients acknowledge receipt of messages, enabling Ably to track delivery status and re-attempt delivery if necessary.

Image: A flowchart illustrating the message delivery process in Ably, highlighting key stages from publication to delivery.

Examples and Use Cases

Ably's message durability and QoS guarantees are essential for various use cases:

  • Live Chat: Ably ensures messages are delivered in order, even if users join or leave the chat room, providing a seamless real-time experience.
  • Online Gaming: Message delivery with low latency and high reliability is critical for online gaming, ensuring smooth gameplay and accurate updates.
  • IoT Applications: Ably enables reliable communication between devices and the cloud, ensuring that data is received even if network connectivity is intermittent.
  • Financial Trading: Ably's guaranteed delivery and low latency are crucial for financial systems, ensuring timely updates and accurate execution of trades.
  • Real-time Collaboration Tools: Ably allows for simultaneous editing and collaboration on documents, ensuring that all users are in sync and updates are delivered promptly.


Ably's robust infrastructure, incorporating message persistence, distributed consensus protocols, and comprehensive QoS guarantees, empowers developers to build high-performance, reliable, and scalable real-time applications. This allows them to focus on delivering exceptional user experiences, without worrying about the complexities of ensuring message delivery and quality in a distributed environment.

By understanding the key concepts and technologies behind Ably, developers can leverage its capabilities to build sophisticated real-time solutions, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in today's interconnected world.

Image: A final image showcasing various real-world applications powered by Ably, emphasizing its impact on different industries.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of how Ably delivers on message durability and QoS across a large-scale distributed system. By understanding these principles and leveraging Ably's capabilities, developers can build robust, reliable, and real-time applications that meet the needs of today's users.

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