Install Docker on Mageia 9

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

Install Docker on Mageia 9: A Comprehensive Guide


Docker is a popular platform for building, running, and sharing applications in a lightweight, portable, and efficient manner. It enables developers to package their applications with all their dependencies into containers, ensuring consistent behavior across different environments. This simplifies development, testing, and deployment, making it a valuable tool for both individuals and organizations.

Mageia is a community-driven Linux distribution known for its stability and comprehensive software repositories. Installing Docker on Mageia 9 provides you with a robust platform for containerized applications, allowing you to leverage the power of Docker within your Mageia environment.

This guide will take you through the step-by-step process of installing Docker on Mageia 9, covering essential concepts and best practices for a smooth experience.

Understanding Docker and its Components

Docker utilizes a client-server architecture, with the following key components:

1. Docker Client: This is the user interface you interact with, allowing you to build, run, and manage Docker containers.

2. Docker Daemon: The server component responsible for building and running containers, managing images, and interacting with the Docker Hub.

3. Docker Images: These are read-only templates containing the application code, libraries, dependencies, and configuration files. They serve as blueprints for creating containers.

4. Docker Containers: These are instances of a Docker image, providing a complete runtime environment for your application. Containers are lightweight, portable, and isolated, ensuring consistent behavior regardless of the underlying host system.

5. Docker Hub: A public registry for sharing Docker images. It allows you to store, retrieve, and manage your images, as well as access a vast library of publicly available images.

Installing Docker on Mageia 9

1. Setting up the Repository

Before installing Docker, we need to add the official Docker repository to our system. This repository contains the latest Docker packages and ensures that we install the most up-to-date components.

Open a terminal window and execute the following commands:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo dnf update
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The first command adds the Docker CE (Community Edition) repository to your system's package manager. The second command updates the package list to include the newly added repository.

2. Installing Docker Engine

Now that the repository is set up, we can proceed with installing Docker Engine. This is the core component responsible for running containers.

Run the following command to install Docker Engine:

sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
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This command will install Docker Engine, the command-line interface (Docker CLI), and, which is a container runtime used by Docker.

3. Starting the Docker Service

After the installation is complete, we need to start the Docker service and enable it to start automatically on system boot. Execute the following commands:

sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
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These commands start the Docker service and ensure it starts automatically when the system boots up.

4. Verifying the Installation

To verify that Docker has been installed successfully, run the following command in your terminal:

docker version
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This command will display information about the Docker client and server versions. If the output shows the version details, your Docker installation is complete.

5. Running a Test Container

To test your Docker installation, you can run a simple test container:

docker run hello-world
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This command will download a minimal Docker image containing a simple message and run it in a container. You should see the output "Hello from Docker!" in your terminal, confirming that Docker is working correctly.

Basic Docker Commands

Here are some essential Docker commands to get you started:

1. docker pull
Downloads an image from a registry.

2. docker images: Lists all available images on your system.

3. docker run
Runs a container based on a specific image.

**4. docker ps: **Lists all running containers.

**5. docker ps -a: **Lists all containers, both running and stopped.

6. docker stop
Stops a running container.

7. docker restart
Restarts a stopped container.

8. docker rm
Removes a container.

9. docker rmi
Removes an image.

Using Docker Compose

For multi-container applications, Docker Compose provides a convenient way to manage your containers. It uses a YAML file to define the services, networks, and volumes for your application, making it easier to manage complex deployments.

1. Install Docker Compose:

sudo dnf install docker-compose
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2. Create a docker-compose.yml file:

This file defines your application's services and their dependencies.

version: "3.9"
    image: nginx:latest
      - "80:80"
    image: mysql:latest
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "your_password"
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3. Run Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d
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This command builds and starts the services defined in your docker-compose.yml file in detached mode (running in the background).

Best Practices for Using Docker

1. Use official images: Whenever possible, utilize images from reputable sources like Docker Hub.

2. Tag your images: Assign meaningful tags to your images for easier identification and management.

3. Use a .dockerignore file: This file excludes unnecessary files from being added to your Docker images, reducing their size.

4. Run containers with minimal privileges: Use --user
or --privileged=false to run containers with restricted permissions.

5. Use Docker Compose for multi-container applications: This simplifies managing complex deployments and ensures consistency.

6. Leverage Docker Hub for sharing and reusing images: Publish your images on Docker Hub to make them accessible to others or to share your work.


Installing and using Docker on Mageia 9 empowers you with a powerful tool for building, running, and deploying applications efficiently. By leveraging the features of Docker, you can streamline your development process, improve application portability, and ensure consistent behavior across different environments.

This guide has provided a comprehensive overview of the installation process, essential commands, best practices, and tools like Docker Compose to help you get started with Docker on Mageia 9. As you explore the capabilities of Docker, you will discover its immense potential for modern application development and deployment.

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