Church-Rosser proof for CCL

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 14 - - Dev Community

Church-Rosser Property for Combinatory Logic: A Deep Dive


The Church-Rosser property, also known as the confluence property, is a fundamental concept in the field of term rewriting systems. It states that if a term can be reduced to two different terms through a series of rewriting steps, then there exists a term that can be reached from both of these reduced terms. This property ensures that the order of applying rewrite rules does not affect the final result, guaranteeing the uniqueness of normal forms.

In the context of Combinatory Logic (CL), the Church-Rosser property is particularly important. CL is a formal system for expressing computation using a small set of combinators. These combinators, such as S, K, and I, can be combined to represent any computable function. The Church-Rosser property guarantees that if a CL term can be reduced to two different normal forms, then these normal forms must be equivalent. This is crucial for the consistency and predictability of the system.

The Importance of Church-Rosser Property in CCL

The Church-Rosser property is essential for several reasons:

  • Uniqueness of normal forms: It ensures that every CL term has a unique normal form, regardless of the order in which reduction steps are applied. This is critical for reasoning about and comparing CL terms.
  • Consistency: It guarantees that the reduction process is deterministic and will always lead to the same result. This is crucial for the soundness and correctness of the system.
  • Decidability of equivalence: It allows us to decide whether two CL terms are equivalent by simply checking whether they reduce to the same normal form. This facilitates reasoning about and manipulating CL terms.
  • Foundation for further development: The Church-Rosser property forms the basis for many extensions and applications of CL, such as lambda calculus and functional programming languages.

The Main Concepts and Tools

To understand the Church-Rosser property in CL, we need to delve into the key concepts and tools involved:

1. Combinatory Logic (CL):

  • Combinators: Basic building blocks of CL, representing primitive functions. Examples include S, K, and I.
  • Terms: Combinations of combinators, representing expressions or programs.
  • Reduction Rules: Rules that define how CL terms can be rewritten. These rules are based on the properties of the combinators.

2. Reduction:

  • Redex: A part of a term that can be reduced by applying a reduction rule.
  • Reduction Step: Applying a reduction rule to a redex.
  • Normal Form: A term that cannot be further reduced by applying any reduction rules.

3. Church-Rosser Property:

  • Confluence: A term rewriting system is confluent if any two reduction sequences starting from the same term eventually lead to the same term.
  • Diamond Property: A term rewriting system has the diamond property if for any term, the reduction of its two different redexes leads to a common descendant.

4. Proof Techniques:

  • Diamond Lemma: A powerful technique for proving the Church-Rosser property. It states that if a term rewriting system is terminating (every reduction sequence ends) and has the diamond property, then it is confluent.
  • Newman's Lemma: Another important technique for proving confluence. It states that a terminating term rewriting system is confluent if and only if it satisfies the weak Church-Rosser property (every pair of reductions starting from the same term can be joined by a third reduction).

Step-by-Step Guide: Proving Church-Rosser for CL

Proving the Church-Rosser property for CL is a complex task that requires careful analysis of the reduction rules and their interaction. The following steps provide a general outline:

  1. Define the reduction rules: First, we need to define the reduction rules for CL. These rules are based on the properties of the combinators. For example, the S combinator has the following reduction rule:
   S x y z -> x z (y z)
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  1. Identify the redexes: We need to identify all possible redexes in a CL term. This involves finding all occurrences of combinators that match the left-hand side of the reduction rules.

  2. Check for the diamond property: For every pair of redexes in a term, we need to check if their reduction leads to a common descendant. This may require multiple reduction steps and careful analysis of the reduction rules.

  3. Prove termination: We need to show that every reduction sequence eventually terminates, meaning that no further reduction is possible. This can be done by defining a well-founded ordering on terms and showing that each reduction step decreases the ordering.

  4. Apply the diamond lemma or Newman's lemma: Once we have shown that the reduction system terminates and has the diamond property, we can conclude that it is confluent using the diamond lemma. Alternatively, we can show that the reduction system satisfies the weak Church-Rosser property and use Newman's lemma to prove confluence.


Here are a few examples to illustrate the application of the Church-Rosser property in CL:

Example 1: Consider the term S K I (S K I). This term can be reduced in two different ways:

(S K I (S K I)) --> (K (S K I) (I (S K I)))  // Applying S reduction rule
(S K I (S K I)) --> (S K I (K I)) // Applying S reduction rule
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Both reductions lead to different terms. However, these terms can be further reduced to the same normal form K I:

(K (S K I) (I (S K I))) --> (K I) // Applying K reduction rule
(S K I (K I)) --> (K I) // Applying K reduction rule
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This example demonstrates the Church-Rosser property in action. The two different reduction sequences starting from the same term eventually lead to the same normal form.

Example 2: Consider the term S K K (S K K). This term can be reduced to the same normal form K regardless of the order of applying the reduction rules.

(S K K (S K K)) --> (K (S K K) (K (S K K)))  // Applying S reduction rule
                --> (K (S K K) K) // Applying K reduction rule
                --> (K K) // Applying K reduction rule
                --> K // Applying K reduction rule

(S K K (S K K)) --> (S K K K) // Applying S reduction rule
                --> (K K) // Applying K reduction rule
                --> K // Applying K reduction rule
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The Church-Rosser property is a cornerstone of Combinatory Logic and term rewriting systems in general. It ensures the uniqueness of normal forms, consistency, and decidability of equivalence, making it essential for reasoning about and manipulating CL terms. Proving the Church-Rosser property for CL requires careful analysis of the reduction rules and the use of proof techniques like the diamond lemma or Newman's lemma. This property provides a solid foundation for the development of CL and its applications in fields like lambda calculus, functional programming, and theoretical computer science.

Further Reading

  • "Introduction to Term Rewriting Systems" by Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow
  • "Lambda Calculus and Combinators: An Introduction" by J. Roger Hindley and Jonathan P. Seldin
  • "Combinatory Logic" by Henk Barendregt
  • "The Church-Rosser Theorem" by J.A. Robinson

Note: This article does not include images due to the limitations of the text-based format. However, you can easily find relevant images online using search terms like "Church-Rosser property," "combinatory logic," and "reduction rules."

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