Copy Config Vars from One Heroku App to Another

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 17 - - Dev Community

Copying Config Vars Between Heroku Apps: A Comprehensive Guide


In the dynamic world of web development, managing application configurations is a crucial task. Heroku, a popular Platform as a Service (PaaS), provides a robust environment for deploying and managing applications, with Config Vars acting as a powerful mechanism for storing sensitive data and application settings. This article delves into the process of copying Config Vars from one Heroku app to another, offering a detailed guide for developers who need to streamline their configuration management.

Why is copying Config Vars important?

Copying Config Vars between Heroku apps holds significant value for developers. It allows for efficient duplication of configuration settings, saving time and effort in setting up new applications. This practice is especially beneficial when:

  • Deploying similar apps: If you have multiple applications with nearly identical configuration needs, copying Config Vars simplifies the deployment process by avoiding repetitive configuration.
  • Testing and staging: Copying Config Vars allows you to easily set up testing and staging environments that mirror the production environment, ensuring consistent behavior and functionality.
  • Migrating apps: When migrating an app to a new environment, copying Config Vars ensures continuity of settings and avoids potential errors or misconfigurations.

Key Concepts and Tools

Config Vars:

Config Vars are environment variables used in Heroku apps to store sensitive data like API keys, database credentials, or application settings. They are stored securely within the Heroku platform and can be accessed by the application using the process.env object.

Heroku CLI:

The Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for managing Heroku apps. It provides commands for deploying applications, managing Config Vars, viewing logs, and more.

Heroku API:

The Heroku API provides a programmatic interface for interacting with Heroku. It allows for automation of tasks such as creating applications, managing Config Vars, and deploying code.

Current Trends:

  • Automated Deployment: Copying Config Vars can be integrated into automated deployment workflows using tools like GitHub Actions or CircleCI.
  • Configuration Management Tools: Third-party tools like Hashicorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager can be used to manage and store Config Vars, enhancing security and simplifying access.

Best Practices:

  • Security: Always treat Config Vars as sensitive data and avoid storing credentials or secrets directly in the code.
  • Organization: Group related Config Vars logically to improve readability and manageability.
  • Version Control: Track changes to Config Vars using tools like Git to ensure traceability and prevent unintended modifications.

Practical Use Cases and Benefits

1. Deployment of Similar Applications:

Imagine you need to deploy a new web application that shares similar configuration needs with an existing app. By copying Config Vars from the existing app to the new app, you eliminate the manual process of re-entering sensitive data and configuration settings.


  • Time Saving: Avoids repetitive configuration tasks, saving valuable development time.
  • Consistency: Ensures identical configuration settings across similar applications, promoting consistency in functionality and behavior.
  • Reduced Errors: Minimizes the risk of human errors during manual configuration.

2. Setting Up Testing and Staging Environments:

Creating testing and staging environments that accurately reflect production environments is crucial for development and deployment. Copying Config Vars from the production app simplifies this process, ensuring that test and staging environments utilize the same settings as production.


  • Accurate Testing: Allows for comprehensive testing in an environment that closely resembles the production environment.
  • Early Issue Detection: Identifies potential issues before deploying to production, reducing the risk of unforeseen problems.
  • Reduced Deployment Risks: Minimizes the potential for errors or inconsistencies during the deployment process.

3. Migrating Applications:

When migrating an application to a new environment, copying Config Vars is essential for maintaining the application's functionality. By ensuring that the new environment inherits the existing configuration settings, you can minimize the risk of errors or misconfigurations.


  • Seamless Migration: Ensures a smooth and consistent migration process.
  • Reduced Downtime: Minimizes the time required for the migration, reducing downtime for users.
  • Minimized Errors: Reduces the likelihood of configuration errors during the migration process.

Step-by-Step Guide: Copying Config Vars Using the Heroku CLI

1. Identify the Source and Target Applications:

  • Determine the Heroku app from which you want to copy the Config Vars (source app).
  • Determine the Heroku app to which you want to copy the Config Vars (target app).

2. Obtain the Source Config Vars:

  • Use the heroku config:get command to list all Config Vars of the source app:
heroku config:get --app source-app-name
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3. Create a File to Store Config Vars:

  • Create a text file (e.g., config.txt) and paste the Config Vars from the heroku config:get command output. Each Config Var should be on a separate line in the format KEY=VALUE.

4. Set Config Vars in the Target App:

  • Use the heroku config:set command to set the Config Vars in the target app, using the content of the config.txt file:
heroku config:set --app target-app-name < config.txt
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# Source app: my-source-app
heroku config:get --app my-source-app > config.txt
# Target app: my-target-app
heroku config:set --app my-target-app < config.txt
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Tips and Best Practices:

  • Use the --remote flag with the heroku config:set command to specify a specific Git remote if you are working with multiple Git remotes.
  • Verify the Config Vars in the target app using the heroku config command.
  • Consider using a script or automation tool to streamline the copying process.
  • Store Config Vars securely and avoid sharing them publicly.

Challenges and Limitations

  • Complexity: Copying a large number of Config Vars can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Security: Sharing Config Vars containing sensitive data requires careful consideration of security risks.
  • Environment-Specific Settings: Some Config Vars might be specific to a particular environment (e.g., development, production) and may not be suitable for all environments.

Overcoming Challenges:

  • Automation: Use scripts or automation tools to streamline the copying process and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Secure Sharing: Utilize secure methods for sharing Config Vars, such as encrypted files or password-protected repositories.
  • Environment-Specific Config Vars: Create environment-specific Config Vars and manage them separately to avoid potential conflicts.

Comparison with Alternatives

  • Manual Configuration: Manual configuration of Config Vars is time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Configuration Management Tools: Tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager offer enhanced security and centralized management of secrets, but they may require additional setup and integration.

Choosing the Right Approach:

  • If you have a small number of Config Vars and a simple workflow, using the Heroku CLI might be sufficient.
  • For complex environments with sensitive data or a high volume of Config Vars, consider using a dedicated configuration management tool.


Copying Config Vars between Heroku apps is a valuable technique for streamlining deployment, testing, and migration processes. The Heroku CLI provides a straightforward method for transferring Config Vars, and understanding best practices ensures security and efficiency. By leveraging these tools and techniques, developers can effectively manage application configurations, reducing errors and enhancing development workflows.

Further Learning and Next Steps:

  • Explore the Heroku CLI documentation for advanced commands and options.
  • Investigate configuration management tools like Hashicorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.
  • Learn about environment-specific configurations and best practices for managing sensitive data.

Call to Action

Try out the steps outlined in this guide and explore the available tools and techniques. Experiment with different approaches to find the best fit for your workflow. By mastering Config Var management, you can optimize your development process and build more robust and scalable applications.

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