Rust fullstack web app! WASM + YEW + ROCKET

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 18 - - Dev Community

Rust Fullstack Web App: WASM + Yew + Rocket

1. Introduction

The world of web development is constantly evolving, and with it, the tools and techniques used to build applications. Rust, a language known for its speed, safety, and reliability, is rapidly gaining popularity in this space. This article will delve into the exciting world of building fullstack web apps with Rust using WebAssembly (WASM), the Yew frontend framework, and the Rocket web framework.

Why Rust Fullstack?

Rust's unique combination of performance, memory safety, and expressiveness makes it an ideal choice for building robust and efficient web applications. By leveraging WASM, we can seamlessly integrate Rust code into the browser, unlocking a world of possibilities.

The Need for Fullstack Solutions

Modern web applications often require complex logic and data management that transcend the traditional frontend-backend split. Fullstack development allows us to build applications with a unified codebase, promoting consistency, efficiency, and easier maintenance.

2. Key Concepts, Techniques, and Tools

WebAssembly (WASM)

WASM is a binary instruction format designed for efficient execution in web browsers. It enables the execution of code written in languages like Rust directly within the browser, bringing native-level performance to the web.


Yew is a modern Rust frontend framework inspired by React. It provides a declarative approach to building interactive user interfaces, leveraging the power of WASM for fast rendering and responsiveness.


Rocket is a powerful web framework built for Rust, known for its simplicity, efficiency, and focus on security. It provides a robust foundation for building scalable and reliable backend services.

Other Relevant Tools

  • Cargo: Rust's package manager, essential for managing dependencies and building projects.
  • Serde: A powerful serialization and deserialization library for converting data between Rust structures and JSON, widely used for API communication.
  • Diesel: A safe and efficient ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) for interacting with databases.
  • PostgreSQL: A robust and mature relational database system often used with Rust web applications.

3. Practical Use Cases and Benefits

Real-world Applications

Rust fullstack development is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including:

  • High-performance web applications: Trading platforms, gaming applications, real-time dashboards.
  • Data-intensive applications: Scientific computing, analytics platforms, data visualizations.
  • Secure applications: Financial platforms, healthcare applications, authentication systems.
  • Microservices: Building individual, independent services for a larger application.

Advantages of Rust Fullstack

  • Performance: Rust's compiled nature and lack of garbage collection result in highly efficient code execution, both on the frontend and backend.
  • Memory safety: Rust's ownership system and borrow checker prevent memory leaks and data races, leading to more robust and secure applications.
  • Conciseness and expressiveness: Rust's syntax and features enable developers to write concise and readable code, improving maintainability and reducing bugs.
  • Unified codebase: Fullstack development simplifies development by using a single language across the entire application, reducing complexity and improving consistency.

4. Step-by-Step Guide: Building a Simple Todo App

This section will walk through the process of building a simple Todo app using Rust, Yew, and Rocket.

1. Project Setup

  • Install Rust: Download and install the Rust toolchain from
  • Create a new project:

    cargo new todo-app
    cd todo-app
  • Install Yew:

    cargo add yew
  • Install Rocket:

    cargo add rocket
  • Install Serde:

    cargo add serde serde_json serde_derive

2. Frontend (Yew)

  • Create a src/ file:

    use yew::{html, Component, Context, Html};
    #[derive(Properties, PartialEq)]
    pub struct TodoProps {
        pub todos: Vec
    pub struct TodoApp {
        todos: Vec
    impl Component for TodoApp {
        type Message = String;
        type Properties = TodoProps;
        fn create(ctx: &amp;Context
    ) -&gt; Self {
            Self {
                todos: ctx.props().todos.clone(),
        fn update(&amp;mut self, ctx: &amp;Context
    , msg: Self::Message) -&gt; bool {
        fn view(&amp;self, ctx: &amp;Context
     ) -&gt; Html {
            html! {
       {"Todo App"}
                            for self.todos.iter().enumerate() {
                                let (index, todo) = it;
                                html! {
       <li key="{index}">
      <input placeholder="Add todo..." type="text"/>
    fn main() {

3. Backend (Rocket)

  • Create a src/ file:

    #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
    use rocket::serde::json::Json;
    #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
    struct Todo {
        text: String,
    #[post("/todos", data = "
    fn add_todo(todo: Json
        ) -&gt; Json
    fn get_todos() -&gt; Json
          &gt; {
        let todos = vec![
            Todo { text: "Learn Rust".to_string() },
            Todo { text: "Build a fullstack app".to_string() },
    fn rocket() -&gt; _ {
        rocket::build().mount("/", routes![add_todo, get_todos])

4. Integration

  • Build both frontend and backend:

    cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
    cargo build --release
  • Create an index.html file in the target/release directory:

          <!DOCTYPE html>
             Todo App
            <script src="todo_app.js">
            <div id="root">
  • Start the Rocket server:

    cargo run --release
  • Open http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

5. Running the App

This simple example demonstrates the core integration between the Yew frontend and the Rocket backend. The frontend requests todos from the backend via /todos, and the backend receives new todos through /todos and returns them.

5. Challenges and Limitations

Frontend Development

  • Browser compatibility: While WASM support is increasing, compatibility across different browsers can be challenging.
  • Debugging: Debugging WASM code can be complex and require specialized tools.
  • Performance limitations: Although WASM provides significant performance gains, it still cannot match the performance of native code.

Backend Development

  • Security: Building secure web applications requires careful consideration of security practices, including authentication, authorization, and data protection.
  • Scalability: Designing a backend that can scale to handle large numbers of users and requests can be challenging.

Other Challenges

  • Learning curve: Rust can have a steeper learning curve than other languages.
  • Ecosystem maturity: While the Rust ecosystem is rapidly growing, some tools and libraries may still be under development.

6. Comparison with Alternatives

Frontend Frameworks

  • React: A popular JavaScript framework known for its extensive ecosystem and community support.
  • Vue.js: Another popular JavaScript framework known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  • Angular: A powerful framework designed for building complex enterprise-grade web applications.

Backend Frameworks

  • Node.js: A widely used JavaScript runtime environment known for its asynchronous nature and extensive library support.
  • Django: A Python framework known for its rapid development features and focus on security.
  • Ruby on Rails: A Ruby framework known for its convention-over-configuration approach and active community.

Choosing Rust Fullstack

Rust fullstack development excels in scenarios where performance, security, and memory safety are paramount. Its unified codebase and static typing also contribute to its strengths in building complex and reliable web applications. However, for rapid prototyping or projects with less stringent performance requirements, JavaScript frameworks might be a better fit.

7. Conclusion

Building fullstack web applications with Rust using WASM, Yew, and Rocket offers a powerful combination of performance, safety, and developer experience. Its unique advantages make it a compelling choice for demanding web applications.

Key Takeaways

  • Rust is a well-suited language for building performant and secure web applications.
  • WASM enables the execution of Rust code directly in the browser, unlocking new possibilities for frontend development.
  • Yew provides a React-inspired framework for building modern web interfaces.
  • Rocket offers a robust foundation for building scalable and reliable backend services.

Next Steps

  • Explore more complex Yew and Rocket applications.
  • Learn about other Rust libraries and frameworks for database interaction, authentication, and testing.
  • Contribute to the Rust community by writing documentation, sharing code, or participating in open-source projects.

The Future of Rust Fullstack

Rust fullstack development is a rapidly evolving field with immense potential. As WASM continues to gain adoption and the Rust ecosystem matures, we can expect to see increasingly sophisticated and powerful web applications built with Rust.

8. Call to Action

Embrace the future of web development and explore the exciting world of Rust fullstack. Try building your own applications using WASM, Yew, and Rocket. Share your experiences and contribute to the growing Rust community.

This article only scratched the surface of the vast possibilities offered by Rust fullstack development. As you delve deeper into this world, you'll discover a powerful and rewarding approach to building innovative web applications.

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