πŸ“š Let's learn the main GIT commands

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

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Let's Learn the Main Git Commands

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Let's Learn the Main Git Commands

Git is a powerful version control system used by developers worldwide. It allows you to track changes to your codebase, collaborate with others, and revert to previous versions effortlessly. Understanding the basic Git commands is essential for any developer, whether you're working on personal projects or contributing to large-scale software development.

Getting Started with Git

Before diving into the commands, let's set up a basic Git repository. We'll use the command line for this demonstration. If you're unfamiliar with the command line, you can use a graphical interface like GitHub Desktop or GitKraken.

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your repository.
    Use the
    command to change directories.

  3. Initialize the repository.
    Use the following command:
  4. git init

    This creates a hidden


    directory in your project folder, which stores all your Git information.

Core Git Commands

Now, let's explore some of the most frequently used Git commands:

  1. git status

This command shows the current status of your repository. It tells you which files have been modified, added, or deleted since the last commit. It's a great way to see what changes you've made before committing them.

git status

git status output

  • git add

    After making changes to your files, you need to "stage" them before committing them. The git add command does this. You can add specific files or entire directories.

    git add filename.txt
    git add .

    The second command adds all changed files in the current directory.

  • git commit

    The git commit command saves your staged changes in the repository. You need to provide a clear and concise commit message describing the changes you've made.

    git commit -m "My first commit message"

    git commit output

  • git log

    This command displays a history of your commits in chronological order. You can use various options with git log to filter the history or see more detailed information.

    git log

    git log output

  • git diff

    The git diff command shows you the differences between your current working directory and the last commit. It's useful for comparing changes before committing.

    git diff

  • git branch

    Git branches allow you to work on different features or bug fixes independently. You can create, list, and switch between branches.

    git branch

    (Lists existing branches)

    git branch new-feature

    (Creates a new branch named "new-feature")

    git checkout new-feature

    (Switches to the "new-feature" branch)

  • git merge

    After finishing work on a branch, you can merge it into another branch, typically the main branch. The git merge command combines the changes from one branch into another.

    git checkout main

    (Switch to the "main" branch)

    git merge new-feature

    (Merges the "new-feature" branch into the "main" branch)

  • git reset

    This command allows you to revert changes in your repository. It can be used to unstage files, uncommit commits, or move the HEAD pointer to a previous commit.

    git reset HEAD filename.txt

    (Unstages a file)

    git reset HEAD^

    (Reverts the last commit)

    git reset --hard HEAD~3

    (Reverts to the 3rd commit from the current HEAD)

  • git revert

    The git revert command is similar to git reset, but it creates a new commit that undoes the changes from the specified commit. It's a safer option because it preserves the history of your repository.

    git revert HEAD

    (Reverts the last commit)

  • git remote

    Git remotes are used to interact with other repositories, typically on platforms like GitHub or GitLab. You can add, remove, and list remotes using the git remote command.

    git remote add origin git@github.com:yourusername/yourrepository.git

    (Adds a remote named "origin")

    git remote -v

    (Lists all remotes)

  • git push

    After making changes to your repository, you can push them to the remote repository using git push. You need to specify the remote and the branch you want to push to.

    git push origin main

    (Pushes the "main" branch to the "origin" remote)

  • git pull

    To get updates from the remote repository, you can use the git pull command. This command fetches changes from the remote and merges them into your local branch.

    git pull origin main

    (Fetches and merges the "main" branch from the "origin" remote)

  • git clone

    The git clone command is used to create a local copy of a remote repository. You need to specify the URL of the repository.

    git clone git@github.com:yourusername/yourrepository.git

    Best Practices for Git

    Following these best practices will make your Git workflow more efficient and maintainable:

    1. Write clear and concise commit messages. Describe the changes you made and why you made them.
    2. Use feature branches. Create new branches for each feature or bug fix you're working on.
    3. Commit frequently. Don't wait to commit your changes until the end of the day. Commit regularly to keep your history clean and easy to track.
    4. Keep your commits small and focused. Don't commit unrelated changes together.
    5. Use a code review process. Have someone else review your code before merging it into the main branch.
    6. Keep your local branch up-to-date with the remote. Regularly pull changes from the remote to avoid merge conflicts.
    7. Use a version control system like Git. It's an essential tool for any developer.


    Git is a powerful tool that empowers developers to manage their codebases effectively. By mastering the core Git commands and following best practices, you can streamline your workflow, collaborate with others efficiently, and ensure the integrity of your projects.

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