Building a RAG app with LlamaIndex.ts and Azure OpenAI: Getting started!

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

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Building a RAG App with LlamaIndex.ts and Azure OpenAI: Getting Started!

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Building a RAG App with LlamaIndex.ts and Azure OpenAI: Getting Started!


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a powerful technique that combines the strengths of information retrieval and language models to create more informative and accurate applications. RAG systems allow users to ask natural language questions and receive answers based on a specific knowledge base.

LlamaIndex.ts is a popular open-source library that simplifies the process of building RAG applications. It provides a streamlined API for creating and querying indices, integrating with various data sources and language models. Azure OpenAI is a powerful cloud-based service offering access to advanced language models like GPT-3 and GPT-4, making it ideal for RAG applications.

This article will guide you through building a simple RAG application using LlamaIndex.ts and Azure OpenAI. We'll explore the key concepts, techniques, and steps involved in building a functional RAG system.

Key Concepts

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG involves the following key steps:

  1. Data Collection and Indexing:
    Gathering and organizing relevant data into an index, which allows for efficient retrieval.

  2. Query Processing:
    Understanding the user's intent and converting their natural language question into a query that can be used to search the index.

  3. Retrieval:
    Using the query to retrieve relevant documents from the index.

  4. Generation:
    Feeding the retrieved documents to a language model to generate a coherent and informative answer.


LlamaIndex.ts provides a user-friendly interface for building RAG applications. Its key features include:

  • Index Creation:
    Easy creation of indices for various data sources, such as text files, PDFs, websites, and databases.

  • Data Source Support:
    Support for a wide range of data sources, ensuring your knowledge base can be easily created.

  • Querying:
    Flexible query methods to retrieve relevant information based on user input.

  • Integration with Language Models:
    Seamless integration with popular language models, like GPT-3 and GPT-4.

Azure OpenAI

Azure OpenAI provides a secure and scalable platform for accessing and using powerful language models. It offers:

  • Access to Advanced Models:
    Access to state-of-the-art language models, such as GPT-3 and GPT-4, enabling advanced text generation and understanding capabilities.

  • Cloud Infrastructure:
    Scalable cloud infrastructure for deploying and running your RAG applications efficiently.

  • Security and Compliance:
    Robust security measures and compliance with industry standards, ensuring data privacy and protection.

Building a RAG App

  1. Set up Your Environment

Start by installing the required packages:

npm install @llamaindex/llamaindex @azure/openai

  • Create a Data Source

    Let's create a simple data source with some sample text:

    import { SimpleDirectoryReader } from "@llamaindex/llamaindex";
    import fs from "fs";
  • const dataDirectory = "./data";
    const reader = new SimpleDirectoryReader(dataDirectory);
    const documents = reader.load();



    with the path to the directory containing your data files.

    1. Create an Index

    Now, create an index from the data source:

    import { GPTListIndex } from "@llamaindex/llamaindex";
    import { AzureOpenAI } from "@azure/openai";

    const openai = new AzureOpenAI({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", // Replace with your Azure OpenAI API key
    endpoint: "YOUR_ENDPOINT", // Replace with your Azure OpenAI endpoint

    const index = new GPTListIndex({
    llm: openai,





    with your Azure OpenAI credentials. This creates a GPT-powered index.

    1. Query the Index

    Let's query the index with a simple question:

    const query = "What is LlamaIndex.ts?";
    const response = await index.query(query);




    method will return an answer based on the retrieved documents.

    1. Run the App

    Save the code in a file named index.ts and run it using Node.js:

    node index.ts

    Example: Building a Question Answering App

    Let's build a basic question answering app using the code we just created.

    import { SimpleDirectoryReader, GPTListIndex } from "@llamaindex/llamaindex";
    import { AzureOpenAI } from "@azure/openai";
    import readline from "readline";

    // ... (rest of the code from previous steps)

    const rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout,

    rl.question("Ask me a question: ", async (question) => {

    try {

    const response = await index.query(question);

    console.log("Answer:", response);


    } catch (error) {

    console.error("Error:", error);



    This code allows you to continuously ask questions and receive answers from the RAG system.


    Building a RAG app with LlamaIndex.ts and Azure OpenAI is a straightforward process that empowers you to create intelligent applications. By leveraging the strengths of both libraries, you can easily build powerful RAG systems that can understand and respond to user queries based on your chosen knowledge base.

    Best Practices

    • Optimize Data Indexing:

      Structure your data to enable efficient retrieval and indexing.

    • Fine-tune Language Models:

      Fine-tune the language model for specific tasks or domains for better accuracy.

    • Monitor and Evaluate Performance:

      Regularly monitor the performance of your RAG system and evaluate its effectiveness.

    • Security and Privacy:

      Implement appropriate security measures to protect your data and user privacy.

    • Scalability and Efficiency:

      Consider scalability and efficiency when designing and deploying your RAG application.

    Further Exploration

    LlamaIndex.ts and Azure OpenAI offer numerous features and possibilities for building advanced RAG applications. Explore the documentation and community resources to learn more about:

    • Advanced Indexing Techniques:

      Explore techniques like vector databases and semantic search for enhanced retrieval.

    • Integration with Other Tools:

      Integrate with other tools like databases, APIs, and visualization libraries to enhance your RAG application.

    • Customizable Language Models:

      Explore options for fine-tuning and customizing language models for specific use cases.

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